Iowa 16th in BCS

I look at the BCS and just laugh when I see Boise State, TCU and Utah ranked 3, 4 and 5.. Now that's funny right there...
I point your attention to the Loss column. They have one loss....we have two. How, pray tell, do you justify a two loss team moving up to number seven?

Not saying Iowa should be ahead of Nebraska. Not saying we should be top 10. We shouldn't at this point. (We are the highest ranked 2 loss team, and I think that's spot on.)

But, to move a team up 7 spots vs. 2 spots for virtually the same outcome against a top 10 team seems out of whack.
Iowa may have 2 losses, but I would argue that who those two losses two are worth more than that of Nebraska losing to a TERRIBLE Texas team in Lincoln. Not saying Iowa should be ahead of the Huskers, but I must concur that the discrepancy between the two in the rankings is a bit much.
All I can say is I hope ISU beats the Cornholers.
now that would be funny, could you just see the husker melt down. Somehow they would find a way to put them in the top ten again before seasons end. They'ed just blame it on the refs.
Edsel....New Coke....Beta Max....the Egg Cuber....Crystal Pepsi....BCS....all doomed to failure (I give the BCS 4 more years....tops).

This recently released book tells all. Excellent read. $15 @ Yahoo...get one and be enlightened!

The BCS is not going anywhere. What would you replace it with? I think its a joke but lets face it there isn't any other way that I can think of that would be any better.
The BCS is not going anywhere. What would you replace it with? I think its a joke but lets face it there isn't any other way that I can think of that would be any better.

A playoff would be much better. Probably not happening, but it would be way better. Sure, the same basic problem occurs, where the #9 team is complaining (in an 8-team playoff). But, that's no different than saying that you can have one of two viruses: the common cold or MRSA.
The BCS is not going anywhere. What would you replace it with? I think its a joke but lets face it there isn't any other way that I can think of that would be any better.
I'm seriously not trying to be antagonistic, but please, read the book, then see what you think.

It's that revealing. Truly.
I'm seriously not trying to be antagonistic, but please, read the book, then see what you think.

It's that revealing. Truly.

I didn't read the book but I heard Matt Perault gush about it. He also mentioned how BS it is that the programmers that created some of the computer polls will not release the mathematical formulas used to determine their polls.
Nebraska moves up 7 spots in BCS to #7 after beating #6 Missouri by 14. Iowa moves up 2 spots to #16 after beating #5 MSU by 31. I realize Iowa has 2 losses and Nebraska has 1 loss but I look at it like this: Nebraska's 1 loss was to 4-4 team (by 7 @ home against unranked team), Iowa's 2 losses to 14-2 teams (by TOTAL of 7 points, 1 @ home/road, both ranked teams).

I'm fine with Iowa at #16 - highest 2 loss team in BCS standings. Just not OK with Nebraska's position or MSU's
Nebraska at #7?

So, when you beat the #5 team in the BCS by 31 points, you move up 2 spots.

But, if you beat the #6 team in the BCS by 14 points, you move up 7 spots.

That makes sense. :confused:
Nebraska has won back to back games against unbeaten teams and has only 1 loss, they sure as hell deserve to be in the Top 10. #7 is just about right.

Iowa is the highest ranked 2 loss team and is even ranked higher than Nevada and Okla State who have only 1 loss.

It'd be tough to put Iowa any higher, it wouldn't make any sense.
Hypothetical question here but this could end up working out this way:

Is a 10-2 Syracuse team (2 wins vs FCS, 2 losses to Pittsburgh and Washington) better than a 9-3 Iowa team (2 wins vs MSU and OSU and 3 losses vs Arizona, Wisconsin, NW)?
Nebraska has won back to back games against unbeaten teams and has only 1 loss, they sure as hell deserve to be in the Top 10. #7 is just about right.

Iowa is the highest ranked 2 loss team and is even ranked higher than Nevada and Okla State who have only 1 loss.

It'd be tough to put Iowa any higher, it wouldn't make any sense.

Then by your logic being undefeated means everything. So if Northern Illinois, and let’s just throw a name out there any name doesn’t matter I’ll say Keokuk college of the performing arts is unbeaten and ISU beats them and they only have one loss then they should be in the top ten right because they beat two undefeated teams so that has to make them the best team out there. As a matter of fact AZ should be furious right now because again according to your logic they only have one loss and they aren’t ranked that high now tell me why? The more people try to say Nebraska is a top ten team the more they make the whole BCS look dumb. In fact I would say Nebraska at #7 exposes the BCS for the true joke it is. I’ve said all I’m going to about this because I’m sick and tired of seeing the name Nebraska on my screen if it wasn’t for the fact that Nebraska could wind up screwing the Hawkeyes out of a BCS because of their over hyped A$$ I could care less if they even exist or whether they are ranked #5,000 or #10 as long as it doesn’t hurt the Hawks then they will be exposed soon enough. On the topic of a playoff as was mentioned before the same BS system that created the BCS will still be in place so all you will get instead of an over hyped game you’ll get an over hyped series of games. It will still be the same teams year in and year out. The only difference is they will just try to say it’s more legit because it’s a “play off†system when in fact it’s no different then what they had before. Unless you can come up with a way to have at least half of the teams in college football play each other than a playoff is not anymore legit then the BCS and I’ll use the current polls to make the case. Right now Iowa would not make the playoffs but BSU, TCU, Nebraska, all would. No team from the Big Ten would make it this year. Now does that sound like a system that works?
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Then by your logic being undefeated means everything. So if Northern Illinois, and let’s just throw a name out there any name doesn’t matter I’ll say Keokuk college of the performing arts is unbeaten and ISU beats them and they only have one loss then they should be in the top ten right because they beat two undefeated teams so that has to make them the best team out there. As a matter of fact AZ should be furious right now because again according to your logic they only have one loss and they aren’t ranked that high now tell me why? The more people try to say Nebraska is a top ten team the more they make the whole BCS look dumb. In fact I would say Nebraska at #7 exposes the BCS for the true joke it is. I’ve said all I’m going to about this because I’m sick and tired of seeing the name Nebraska on my screen if it wasn’t for the fact that Nebraska could wind up screwing the Hawkeyes out of a BCS because of their over hyped A$$ I could care less if they even exist or whether they are ranked #5,000 or #10 as long as it doesn’t hurt the Hawks then they will be exposed soon enough. On the topic of a playoff as was mentioned before the same BS system that created the BCS will still be in place so all you will get instead of an over hyped game you’ll get an over hyped series of games. It will still be the same teams year in and year out. The only difference is they will just try to say it’s more legit because it’s a “play off†system when in fact it’s no different then what they had before. Unless you can come up with a way to have at least half of the teams in college football play each other than a playoff is not anymore legit then the BCS and I’ll use the current polls to make the case. Right now Iowa would not make the playoffs but BSU, TCU, Nebraska, all would. No team from the Big Ten would make it this year. Now does that sound like a system that works?
Some of y'alls obsession with Nebraska (a team that you haven't played for about 10 years) is really frightening. I'll break it down for you: NU had 1 horrble loss to a bad team, but beat 2 undefeated top 15 teams in back to back games, the last being the team that beat the previous #1 the week before. NU's SOS is 28th.

I don't care if Iowa's 2 losses are to top 15 teams, they still have 2 losses, NU has 1. If NU didn't lay an egg against texa$$, we probably would be #2 right now. Get used to it, the Big 12 (even with texa$$ sucking) is a better league (at the top) than the Big 10.
Some of y'alls obsession with Nebraska (a team that you haven't played for about 10 years) is really frightening. I'll break it down for you: NU had 1 horrble loss to a bad team, but beat 2 undefeated top 15 teams in back to back games, the last being the team that beat the previous #1 the week before. NU's SOS is 28th.

I don't care if Iowa's 2 losses are to top 15 teams, they still have 2 losses, NU has 1. If NU didn't lay an egg against texa$$, we probably would be #2 right now. Get used to it, the Big 12 (even with texa$$ sucking) is a better league (at the top) than the Big 10.

I agree with everything you said except the bolded, which completely kills your credibility.
I agree with everything you said except the bolded, which completely kills your credibility.
Next year will be different, as one of the top Big 12 teams comes over to the Big 10. It will shift the power quite a bit.

But with the exception of last year, the Big 12 has been a much better conference by and large. Especially at the top. Now, the bottom of the Big 10 may be a little better than Colorado, ISU, Baylor, and Kansas, but the Big 12 has normally had a team playing in the MNC game, and another that is a half of a step behind them.