Iowa 1 Month to Prepare for GTech Offense


Well-Known Member
If, as everybody wants to say, Iowa's success is due largely to a long lay off during which time they had time to fully prepare, should we assume that GTech's offense hasn't gotten a yard on their first team defense in practice since their spring ball?
You might be right BQU! Maybe that's why they looked defeated from the start! Nothing they tried in practice worked, so why would they expect it to work during the game!?!?

Their offense had a month to prepare for our 4-3 defense as well. It's just spin. They knew/know Iowa only plays base defense and adjusted accordingly. The spin is getting tiresome. GT's OK to give credit.
Lets just assume that if GT's offense wouldve have enough time to prepare for Iowa they wouldve doubled their passing yards in the OB. 24 yards through the air in one game would be pretty respectable.No?
I think no matter how much time Iowa had to prepare, they match up well against GT. They play base defense all game, and they play great assignment, disciplined defense.
The thing about teams that run unusual offenses, is that they often seem to have no plan B. Not that they don't / can't make adjustments but it seems too often when someone matches up well or just flat out stops them so many times they have no answer. I think thats what I saw in GT's offense. When they moved the ball those couple of drives it seemed it was just better execution and I think the Iowa defense quickly knocked that execution right back out of them. If not for the pick 6 the game wouldn't have been all that competative.
I think no matter how much time Iowa had to prepare, they match up well against GT. They play base defense all game, and they play great assignment, disciplined defense.

Ultimately I feel this is the case. However, Clayborn did say at the end of the game that that time was valuable, so I think there is some element of truth to having a month to prepare. Flip side is...GT had a month as well to find as many chinks in the Iowa armor as possible.
Vs. an offense like Iowa's, which is very vanilla, having a week or a month doesn't make much difference.

Vs. an offense like GT's, which almost nobody runs in FBS, having a month was very important in our success in shutting down their scheme.
Vs. an offense like GT's, which almost nobody runs in FBS, having a month was very important in our success in shutting down their scheme.

The actual advantage is largely overstated, in my opinion. Like I said, Clayborn said it helped, so clearly it did. I still think the bottom line is that our defense matches up well to begin with. Another thing people are forgetting is that we could basically dare them to pass. This is a huge advantage in our favor because we can largely pin our ears back against the run. And a fair amount Spread Option discipline plays into gearing up for GT's style of offense.
The thing about teams that run unusual offenses, is that they often seem to have no plan B. Not that they don't / can't make adjustments but it seems too often when someone matches up well or just flat out stops them so many times they have no answer. I think thats what I saw in GT's offense. When they moved the ball those couple of drives it seemed it was just better execution and I think the Iowa defense quickly knocked that execution right back out of them. If not for the pick 6 the game wouldn't have been all that competative.

Nebraska used to have that problem with their option attack until the mid-90s when they became so dominant that it didn't matter that opponents knew what was coming...they couldn't stop it anyway, regardless of how much time they had to prepare for it. Tommy Frazier and his boys just lined up and ran over you. They could have told the defense the play in advance and it wouldn't have mattered.

That kind of dominant talent is extremely rare.
Here's a newsflash GT will never win a national championship if this is the case.Every team will have over a month to prepare for them.They have the option to change or lose every bowl game they play.If the other team has a decent defense GT has little chance of winning bowl games.