Interesting take from a Bison Fan


Well-Known Member
"Home now, and wanted to post some of my thoughts up about the trip and the game itself. None of this is meant as gloating, I'll try to be objective with this. This is going to be long, so if you don't want to read it all skip to the summary.

Hospitality: For the most part, you guys were absolutely awesome. There were a few near-fights that I saw with some of your younger fans, but they were broken up before anything began by other Iowa fans, so we will call that a wash.

Conditioning: I was not confident going into this game that we could win, and your strength and conditioning coach was a big part of that. NDSU wins games in the fourth quarter, we always have. Our strength and conditioning coach is someone I consider nearly peerless, and often we wear teams down and run all over them late in the game.

This seemed to happen to Iowa as well, and it caught me by surprise. Iowa is supposed to have one of the best (And most expensive) strength and conditioning coaches in college football, but NDSU was clearly the better conditioned team out there.Part of that has to do with the fact that we rotate backs, but even our linemen on both sides of the ball seemed to be in better shape by the end of the game than yours.

Talent: There was a clear difference in talent on the field between the two teams. Your defensive linemen were bigger and faster, putting consistent pressure on Stick, forcing him to scramble and roll-out often, to mixed results. VandeBerg was CLEARLY a cut above our DB's in terms of physical talent and route-running. I could go on and on, but at nearly every position you had more talented players.

Your offensive line was a surprise. I know we stacked the box and blitzed often, but your O-Line didn't hold up as well as I had thought they would. Your linebackers also did a poor job of covering our tight ends and half-backs on passing downs. They didn't do a great job of containing a mobile quarterback either. I'm not sure how much of that is on the coaching, and how much is on the players.

Coaching: Onto the most important part of the game.

Your coaching was awful. You found something that worked throughout the course of the game, and for some reason chose not to exploit it. Poor and uninspired play-calling throughout the entire game (Who run's the ball up the gut on 2nd and 12 when it hasn't worked all day and you need 2 first downs to put the game away?), no adjustments on protections, ect.

This uninspired playcalling continued right up to the end. It was ultra-conservative when it didn't need to be. It made me think your coach was scared to lose the game, rather than playing with a desire to win. It's the wrong mentality for a coach to have.

Motivation was another problem. I watched your sideline closely, and it seemed...kind of dead. When we sprung out to our only lead of the game, there wasn't any anger or fire, just a bit of dejection. When we got the ball back and were driving for the game-winning field goal, nobody was yelling, nobody was upset.There was no fire in your players or coaches.

To summarize: I think Iowa is clearly the more talented team.Your O-Line definitely needs work, but you were solid just about everywhere else. I thought the game was very winnable for you guys, but we had better coaching and conditioning, and in the end that's what won the game for us. I hope you guys find some fire and your team adjusts better to adversity in the future, as you clearly have the talent to be a special team."
Thanks for your impressive wisdom and judgment. Since you said it wasn't gloating, I won't call it that either.
There have been a number of news stories from varied sources chastizing D1 teams for scheduling games against NDSU. Essentially, nothing to gain and all to lose. Each of those games sets up for the D1 team facing the challenge of playing inspired football to play their A game against a lower level team. They rarely meet that challenge well because it is difficult, especially with the distraction of conference play starting next week. So, that's where Iowa truly failed. They brought their C game against the Bison A game. And that will always play out as a step slow, a breath short, an audible miss-called, a block missed, a tackle slipped.
So, your well written commentary on Iowa football addressed the Hawkeye C game. We hope to never see C again this year. (Not intending to offend, but I believe NDSU sees only C games from D1 opponents because it is so hard to bring the best against a second tier team, even one as sound and talented as yours.). Congrats on your W.
The things about this Bison fan's post really hit on themes we have seen out of Iowa over the years. The poor game day coaching for sure. Playing not to lose, running when we should be passing, passing when we should be running, etc. But, I can't help but think of the "fat cats" of the past. What he says about the lack of fire and urgency. We are a reflection of our coaching staff in many ways. I wonder how pissed the players were back in their norms away from the coaching staff? Must be tough at times wanting to do things and the coaches won't let you.

I wonder what DJK had to say about the game?
Thanks for your impressive wisdom and judgment. Since you said it wasn't gloating, I won't call it that either.
There have been a number of news stories from varied sources chastizing D1 teams for scheduling games against NDSU. Essentially, nothing to gain and all to lose. Each of those games sets up for the D1 team facing the challenge of playing inspired football to play their A game against a lower level team. They rarely meet that challenge well because it is difficult, especially with the distraction of conference play starting next week. So, that's where Iowa truly failed. They brought their C game against the Bison A game. And that will always play out as a step slow, a breath short, an audible miss-called, a block missed, a tackle slipped.
So, your well written commentary on Iowa football addressed the Hawkeye C game. We hope to never see C again this year. (Not intending to offend, but I believe NDSU sees only C games from D1 opponents because it is so hard to bring the best against a second tier team, even one as sound and talented as yours.). Congrats on your W.

I talked in another post about human nature. You're exactly right we gave them our C game and every other FBS school gave their C game. The energy before a game like that just can't compare to the energy FBS players feel every other week.
Pretty well written by that Bison fan.

We just do what we do, no changes for what the opponent is doing. it's maddening.
Probably the most accurate take I've seen. I really do think the bison would probably win the big ten west. Hell, they probably could win the SEC east too.
Because next time they'll know even more about KF that's why. Also, the post is fake.

The post itself is spot on. I am with you it feels like it was written by an Iowa fan. There is some intricate knowledge that you can only get by watching several Iowa games not just one. If he is truly a bison fan he knows his sh!t.....what do I know I initially fell for the Icke nonsense.
What? It took a last second field goal for them to beat us after getting a pick 6. Why would we only win twice?

PC read the whole thing again. Our play calling, our coaching.....conditioning....I understand the last 2nd FG, but we should've run the clock out.... period. ..I hear what your saying but I'm still thinking once they got the ball, we were done, however you wanna spin it
The post itself is spot on. I am with you it feels like it was written by an Iowa fan. There is some intricate knowledge that you can only get by watching several Iowa games not just one. If he is truly a bison fan he knows his sh!t.....what do I know I initially fell for the Icke nonsense.

Hey don't be so hard on yourself. One other guy out of the thousands on here did too.:)

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