Interesting take from a Bison Fan

No crap. I didn't get this. Iowa knew this going in and had a couple successful plays but never really stayed with it. They should have unleashed Beathard and let him fling it. Doesn't make sense. You know the game was scheduled, it's a lower division team that Iowa should have taken care of. I put this on the coaches and the crappy game plan, or moreso, the inability to make adjustments during the game.

ISU 2014. Inexplicable Our game day coaching continues to be pathetic.
Great post. Gopher fan here living in Iowa. Gotta agree.

NDSU played Stanford ball. No, I'm not suggesting they are Stanford, but they played similarly - punched the Hawkyes in the mouth, tough line play, some misdirection in the backfield (not overtly creative), a QB that made a few smart, tough runs, running backs that ran hard and a defense that showed a few different looks, coverages and blitzes. Were the Bison fresher and better conditioned? We don't know, but they were excited to have the opportunity to play in front of 70k and defeat a top 20 D1 FBS team.

Conversely, the Hawks were an uninspired team hoping not to lose. The bend-don't-break defense that rarely shows different looks is tiresome. The offensive play calling (LeShun up the middle again and again) was ridiculously stupid. Horrible. 2012 all over again. The thing is that this conservative formula works when you play a weak schedule (I know, so is Minnesota's), but wins against M-Ohio, ISU, Rutgers, Purdue, Illinois, NW (this year) and the Hawks will have their 6 wins. However, well coached teams Minny, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nebraska will be ready for the same old conservative, predictable approach. Iowa is finally better than all but Michigan on paper, but you can't do exactly what the other team expects and win.

Greg Davis tried to establish the run to the bitter end. Interestingly he gave the Stanley kid the play action fake pass plays that he had been setting up all day and they worked. Gotta figure the NDSU was thinking run with a new freshman QB. Why not open it up for Beathard, move the pocket, mix in a jet sweep with Smith or Scheel. Maybe some read option. I know, Beathard is made of clay, but you gotta go for it to win. I'm sure Easton Stick isn't thrilled about running the ball, but he did what was necessary to win.
Am I crazy that I thought we went back to CJ too soon? I realize he's our leader, but Stanley's inexperience may have been what we needed. They had no idea what to expect when he was in the game and weren't sure how to defend it. We could have benefitted from his youth and the fact there's not really any scouting reports available as to what he can/can't do or doesn't do well.
Hard to argue with this post. And like Deace says, NDSU came into Kinnick and took their manhood. The game was lost on the LOS. It should have never come down to a field goal.
I miss Norm's extremely physical defenses..seems each year we are slowly getting softer..I can't forget the Minny game where they emasculated us..just pounded us into dust..

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