Interesting insight about Street from clone fans

wah wah "other stories about dead clowns are being passed up by the media in favor of Chris Street because he was a Hokk!!" wah wah wah

my gawd, reading clown poasts will rot a brother's skull
what a collection of gomers
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wah wah "other stories about dead clowns are being passed up by the media in favor of Chris Street because he was a Hokk!!" wah wah wah

my gawd, reading clown poasts will rot a brother's skull
what a collection of ratarded gomers

Any post about Iowa over there turns into a circlejerk of groupthink and stupidity.
I wonder how long I can last. I've had an account on CF for a very long time and never posted anything.
My favorite part of that was the over-zealous ambulance chasing UI grad and former QB Randy Duncan suing on behalf of the streets. Priceless!

If you're going to post something so irresponsibly libelous, at least pay attention to the details: LIKE CHOOSING THE CORRECT HUMAN.

Randy Larson defended the Streets, and he didn't play quarterback at Iowa or anywhere else, as far as I know.
And that doesn't happen here occasionally in regards to Iowa State?

Got it.

Thank god you came along and graced us all with your presence. I can't imagine life without you around or what it would be like if you went back to CF and never came back.
I don't disagree that ISU should not wear #40. I would rather they didn't. To me that would be more respectful than wearing his jersey. he wasn't a cyclone so why should the two be associated. I doubt anyone was ever forced to wear #40 though.

Just idiocy that people think it isn't important though, that's just pure ignorance.
Thank god you came along and graced us all with your presence. I can't imagine life without you around or what it would be like if you went back to CF and never came back.

I think most of here are willing to give it a shot though.
15 pages in that thread, a good 1/3 to 1/2 of them ******** about the "excessive" media coverage it got.
Yet, in all of that nobody compared the coverage the 20th anniversary of his death to the coverage Jake Knott got towards the end of the season.

You'd have thought Jake Knott died given all the coverage...but he didn't - he separated his shoulder.
This is one where I draw the line between sports and life. Personally I have never hated Iowa State, they are a rival and I enjoy beating them but I could never hate someone for simply rooting or playing for a rival school. When it comes to life and death to me it does not matter where they come from, I hate to see it happen and I feel for the people/family it involves especially in a situation where it involves someone this young. Had something like this happened to Loren Meyer or Hoiberg instead of Street I would hope that the Hawks would have honored that player in some way.

I thought it was a nice gesture of them to keep wearing #40 when they had an Iowan on the roster, but after 20 years I would not hold it against them if they keep the tradition up or not.