Insight Bowl - Iowa vs Missouri

I believe it is that same bowl game where Iowa State beat Minnesota in last year. Crazy as that sounds. This bowl game actually has one of the higher payouts outside of the BCS bowl games. I think it pays out something like 3.25 million.

Actually, the Insight bowl will be paying out even more than the Outback Bowl this year - next only to the Capital One Bowl:

College Football Bowl Schedule

So a bigger payout, better opponent than either the Outback or Gator - the more I learn about the new Insight Bowl the more I like it. In fact I think Iowa got the better bowl over both PSU and Michigan.

Bowl Payouts:

Rose: $17,000,000
Capital One: $4,250,000
Insigt: $3,325,000
Outback: $3,100,000
Gator: $2,750,000
TicketCity: $1,200,000
Texas: $612,500
Actually, the Insight bowl will be paying out even more than the Outback Bowl this year - next only to the Capital One Bowl:

College Football Bowl Schedule

So a bigger payout, better opponent than either the Outback or Gator - the more I learn about the new Insight Bowl the more I like it. In fact I think Iowa got the better bowl over both PSU and Michigan.

Bowl Payouts:

Rose: $17,000,000
Capital One: $4,250,000
Insigt: $3,325,000
Outback: $3,100,000
Gator: $2,750,000
TicketCity: $1,200,000
Texas: $612,500
+1 yeah what he said.
Actually, the Insight bowl will be paying out even more than the Outback Bowl this year - next only to the Capital One Bowl:

College Football Bowl Schedule

So a bigger payout, better opponent than either the Outback or Gator - the more I learn about the new Insight Bowl the more I like it. In fact I think Iowa got the better bowl over both PSU and Michigan.

Bowl Payouts:

Rose: $17,000,000
Capital One: $4,250,000
Insigt: $3,325,000
Outback: $3,100,000
Gator: $2,750,000
TicketCity: $1,200,000
Texas: $612,500

Whatever justifies its irrelevance for you.
Whatever justifies its irrelevance for you.
The negativity is old as crap.

In all honesty, if you take away the name, what looks better?

playing a top 12 team with 2 losses and getting 3.2 million

playing an unranked team with five losses and getting 3.1 million

playing a four loss team rated 21 and getting 2.7 million?

I am not saying I would choose the insight over the outback or gator, but it is not as big of drop off as people are trying to make it out to be.
Here's my thoughts. I live in Columbia and all my family are Tigers fans and have been telling me about that team all year. I've also seen them play 5 times this year.

Gabbert is usually sharp, but there has been three games this season where he was not, especially at Texas Tech, where he was completely atrocious. Tiger fans wanted their backup, Franklin, to play, which happened at Nebraska when Gabbert was off. If our D line shows up to play, we can stop their running game, however, unlike in years past it is a pretty good one with three guys that can show you different looks. If Gabbert is sharp, our D line will get no help from the linebackers stopping the run and further there is no way our linebackers can cover Mizzou's wide outs if they end up in that coverage on the pass. It all comes down to Gabbert, because if he is sharp, they will both run and pass on us. Our only hope if that happens is some great stops in the red zone (rare this year) and at least three Mizzou turnovers (also rare).

Offensively, to have a chance to win, we must pound the ball on the ground old fashioned Big Ten style, with Coker and Robinson both contributing to mitigate fatigue, and without a single turnover. Stanzi to Reisner is our best bet to offset the run.

We will have a very, very good idea after Mizzou's first possession of our chances to win. If Mizzou takes the ball and marches down and scores on the first possession, forget it. If we stop them in either the first or second 4-down series, watch out, that's would be a HUGE sign.

That was long, sorry.

Hey, I too live in Columbia and I just wanted to add that during the Texas Tech game Tommy Tubberville blitzed exclusively from the right and forced Gabbert to scramble to his left, which he had a horrible time passing rolling to that direction....I really hope this is incorporated into the defensive philosphy. Granted I know blitzing is rarely part of our plan but we need this I can't take all the teasing I'm going to get if we play without the will to win.
Latest update i heard was Mizzou and Iowa have only sold about 5,000 tickets each out of their 11,000 alotment.
Gary Pinkel and co. aren't all that as coaching goes. Nebraska, Colorado and K State all wEnt through horrendous coaching changes and Missouri won the B12 north, what once? Nebraska gets a new coaching staff, and bam!, Missouri gets beat two years in a row.
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Missouri fans simply can't afford it. They are under the gun to show that they support their team, but still can't sell their allotment. Somebody has organized a bus trip with no stay over to the game to save money. Can you imagine what people would smell like after four days on a bus! Wow, talk about hillbillys. Pathetic if you ask me.
I was a little tired of everything DJK so I thought I would ask a few questions to get another topic going....

What will our health look like by the time the bowl game gets here?

Should we beat Missouri if we are healthy? Who do we need back healthy to win this game?

I have a lot of MU fans beating down my door to place a bet with them on this game. I am reluctant as of right now because of all the stuff going on and our injuries. Should I feel comfortable to place a decent bet for Iowa?

Mizzou will win by 14 pts or more. Gabbert will throw for 500 yds against our patented worst in the country 3rd down and long D.
Hey, I too live in Columbia and I just wanted to add that during the Texas Tech game Tommy Tubberville blitzed exclusively from the right and forced Gabbert to scramble to his left, which he had a horrible time passing rolling to that direction....I really hope this is incorporated into the defensive philosphy. Granted I know blitzing is rarely part of our plan but we need this I can't take all the teasing I'm going to get if we play without the will to win.

You are correct JH we will know early in the 1st Q which Hawkeye team is in AZ.
Have to agree that DJK won't be a distraction.
Have to disagree that not having DJK won't hurt our offense. It will.

Davis isn't even in the same universe as DJK, and with DJK gone, the Mizzo defense can pretty much concentrate on McNutt.

We might be seeing 12-15 passes to the TE's this game.
We might see no scoring from the Hawkeye offense for 3/4 of this game is what we might see. We suck bad enough on offense without losing our best threat.

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