Indiana vs iowa

Asshole calls a timeout

At any rate, we kept their defense on the field for a long long time

SCORE: 31-7

It's All Good
Enjoy it, man. Life is short especially as you get older.
Funny you mention that.

We went to Mexico for a wedding in July with a group of 32. I was looking around our group as we imbibed in Sprite and Kool-Aid in the pool, and at other group's, and I noticed all the twenty somethings down there.

It made me think about how that was me about three weeks ago, and where did that time go, and mostly that I'm not a young man anymore.

I can be a private, introverted, even socially awkward person. I made my mind up on the plane ride home that I was rectifying that. I even revived my Facebook, completely from scratch, after over ten years of ignoring it.

Ive gotten turned down for friend more requests that I thought there were people.

PSHCHE! Just kidding. But I know what the numbers say. Statistically I have 20 years left.

I'm not wasting it in a parking place.

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