In Defense of Rob

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Jesus, your coach is absolutely retarded. He's lucky Bo got held back. I'm laughing my ass off picturing this scene.

You have literally the second most popular athlete of the era walking past, the guy gets inundated for autographs and shit all the time and has to blow off thousands of fans everyday. Then some fat, balding middle age schlub from bumbleshit Iowa decides to drop the N bomb. I don't know your coach, but I can see the look in his eyes when Bo heard it and turned around.
It was the same look the Lincoln High kids had in their eyes when Spicoli and Jefferson's brother framed them for wrecking Jefferson's prized ride.
Not that this is a game changer, but I was friends with a few players back when DJK was playing. Ferentz as always ran a tight ship, but DJK got special treatment throughout his career. Showed up when he wanted and did what he wanted. To now come back and say he was treated unfairly is laughable.
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