I'm hoping fans don't boo this team on Saturday

Booing is going to happen. You can't control the actions of 70k people. Have been to several other stadiums, pro and college ... and for the most part our fan base is pretty tame when it comes to the booing, etc. We have our share of aholes ... every stadium does ...
If you believe the bell curve applies to intelligence ( I don't), then your statement must be true: the crowd in kinniick is some how skewed above the average to begin with?

We're a fine group of people for the most part.

People who study this sort of thing for a living do not agree with your assessment of the distribution. It is possible that the intelligence of the crowd trends higher than the norm, but the evidence I have gathered does not support that hypothesis. I have sat (well actually stood of course) surrounded by some in the lower quartile more than once. I guess the high earners in the club seats my bring up the average. I can't tell from my prole seats.
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I can only share a few disparate data points, but anecdotally, I sit near many who reside in the lower quartile.
I don't think people were booing the team. The coaches were getting booed imo.
I think you might be right. I havn't heard a lot of booing of players since Lew Montgomery's playing days. I never figured out why everybody hated that dude. When he did something good, the boos only got louder.
Our two small data sets would tend to indicate that the number would be at least close to 50% wouldn't you say?
Our two small data sets would tend to indicate that the number would be at least close to 50% wouldn't you say?

Yes. The small sample size(n=25), on the 35 yard line, 10th row would indicate that number is likely higher than 50%.
you said it, they know when they mess up, so why put them down by booing?

Might be better than the stadium being dead silent and fans not reacting at all. Maybe...


NEVER. I was at the WMU game a few years ago and that was disgraceful. There's never an appropriate time for that. Booing a call by a referee or cheap shot by an opposing player is one thing, but never boo your own team or the coaches. You don't think the players might take it personally that you are booing them or their coach?

So you are supposed to say great job guys! Even though that team gave up back in 2007? We live in a society where we can't hurt anyone's feelings. People need to learn how to take a little criticism. The only reason these players can play college football is because us as fans flip the bill. An occasional booing isn't going to hurt anyone.
You're a *****. These guys need to know they suck, the coaches especially. I hate this crap about grown men making sure we don't hurt their poor little feelings. Yes, let us all weep for Jake Christensen and the untold harm we did him with the booing. POOR ADAM SHADA.!

I'm an a-hole because I don't think it's appropriate to boo your own coaches and players? Since you seem to have such a fascination with them, maybe you should take your head out of yours. What you're saying is that players all over this country are too dumb to know when they screwed up and it takes a bunch of wound up jackwads in the stands to point that out. Maybe like the poster after you said, we could invent some type of a scoreboard thingy to show who is winning and losing, wait a minute.......
You're a *****. These guys need to know they suck, the coaches especially. I hate this crap about grown men making sure we don't hurt their poor little feelings. Yes, let us all weep for Jake Christensen and the untold harm we did him with the booing. POOR ADAM SHADA.!

This is where you cross the line. Booing poor EFFORT is acceptable in my opinion but if a player is playing to the best of his abilities I can't fault him. The fans who booed Adam Shada on senior day, while he used crutches to get on to the field, are terrible. You have no right to be a fan if you are going to do that crap.
This ranks as one of my all-time favorites! Well played, SeventhSon!

I think you might be right. I havn't heard a lot of booing of players since Lew Montgomery's playing days. I never figured out why everybody hated that dude. When he did something good, the boos only got louder.
This is where you cross the line. Booing poor EFFORT is acceptable in my opinion but if a player is playing to the best of his abilities I can't fault him. The fans who booed Adam Shada on senior day, while he used crutches to get on to the field, are terrible. You have no right to be a fan if you are going to do that crap.

Shada's treatment on senior day was disgusting, I will give you that.
So you are supposed to say great job guys! Even though that team gave up back in 2007? We live in a society where we can't hurt anyone's feelings. People need to learn how to take a little criticism. The only reason these players can play college football is because us as fans flip the bill. An occasional booing isn't going to hurt anyone.

I don't have a problem with it because it might hurt feelings. I have a problem with it because it serves no purpose. Like I said, the players already know they screwed up. You don't like footing the bill, then don't go to the games. Enough people doing that would send a stronger message than booing ever would.
when you lose to CMU, you deserve to be boo'd.
Never cease to be amazed by some hawk fans. I know some of you alums want to tell the bandwagoners to go root for the Clones or jump In a lake, but we don't want them. They are the worst kind of fans.

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