I'm hoping fans don't boo this team on Saturday

Be curious to know how many people on this site who like to boo these young men actually played at a D1 level in anything. Sounds bad on TV I know that.

Couldn't agree more, but the fact of life is that regardless of what happens people will approve/disapprove of what players or coaches are doing and voice that opinion, because as fans, that's all they can do. The main thing is that the butts are in the seats to do it and although they're booing one minute their right back on their feet the next. The fact is if half of us are as good at playing or coaching as they are we wouldn't be fans. I honestly don't think they take offense when we voice our displeasure.
Couldn't agree more, but the fact of life is that regardless of what happens people will approve/disapprove of what players or coaches are doing and voice that opinion, because as fans, that's all they can do. The main thing is that the butts are in the seats to do it and although they're booing one minute their right back on their feet the next. The fact is if half of us are as good at playing or coaching as they are we wouldn't be fans. I honestly don't think they take offense when we voice our displeasure.

I don't either. They know when they messed up and it's a competition. If they were in the stands they would boo too.
I don't support booing players, i never do. I only boo refs and opposing players on occasion. My issue was more with people calling them "kids". They're grown men.

What about the annoying guys with the red hats that can't seem to find their way off the field. They're definitely fair game. And that applies to Bo Pelini and Brett Bielema as well as the TV time out guy.
when you lose to CMU, you deserve to be boo'd.

NEVER. I was at the WMU game a few years ago and that was disgraceful. There's never an appropriate time for that. Booing a call by a referee or cheap shot by an opposing player is one thing, but never boo your own team or the coaches. You don't think the players might take it personally that you are booing them or their coach?
What about the annoying guys with the red hats that can't seem to find their way off the field. They're definitely fair game. And that applies to Bo Pelini and Brett Bielema as well as the TV time out guy.

Ha, yeah, those guys you can boo. TV timeouts suck.
I have to think back when I was 18-22, not sure you could call me a kid but treating me like a full grown man wouldn't be appropriate either as I made dumb decisions that a full grown man wouldn't. The only grown men on the team are the coaches. What is lame is when I see 60 year old men around me booing a 20 year old with the most disgruntled face I've ever seen... get a life man, if you are investing so much of your life into what a 20 year old does on a football field it makes you that angry then find a more relaxing and fun way to spend your money.
I do know they (players) want to have a good experience so then when they graduate they go and tell the next guy that Iowa is a great place to play and the fans support them through thick and thin. To me, the booing just does absolutely nothing to move the program forward in any way. Someone please name 1 good thing it does? It is hard to separate on the field if you are booing coaches or players at times also. The only time it is obvious is when they send the punt team out and some fans want to go for it etc. But booing as they run off the field you can't separate who you're booing at.
Would still like to get the opinion of all the D1 players on this site who have experienced playing at the highest level in front of 70k people to tell us what they feel.
With 70k in the stands, at least 20k are below average intelligence, so its bound to happen.

Speaking of below average intelligence? Wouldn't the number need to be closer to 35K being below the average? Or are you saying the crowd in kinniick is some how skewed above the average to begin with?
Don't want to hear BOO's raining down? Then don't play like a bunch of DOPES! Personally I say if our guys SCREW UP like they did against CM again I am all for the fans throwing a TON of rotting tomato's onto the field!!! Honestly I do NOT see us playing THAT bad again... But I say the fans should keep the tomato's handy just in case...
BOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Now I'm hungry for pasta...)
People I was booing on Saturday, the coaches and the officials. People I was not booing, the players. Un fortunately there is no way for the crowd to make it known as to who they are booing.
I don't boo college players for playing poorly, but they're adult enough to hear it if it comes their way from a crowd. Remember, these "kids" know exactly what they are a part of. A multi-billiion dollar business, and a huge part of our culture. Most of them are getting thousands of $$ to pay for their college education, so its not like they're taking the field out of the goodness of their heart to represent the university. They've got a job to do, and its frustrating that they aren't being prepared well enough to do better.

In the many years that I've attended games at Kinnick, I'll admit that Saturday was the first time I have ever booed my team. Probably like most people who found themselves getting away from being "Iowa nice," we vocally vented our frustration not because we lost 1 game against CMU, but rather from pent up frustration with all the disappointing "that's football" moments we have experienced over the past few years.
It would be a ton worse for the program if there were a bunch of empty seats. Recruits don't want to play in front of half full boring stadium. I say the recruits would rather have a full stadium and would understand if they were playing uninspired bad football that they might here some boos.

I don't know if I have ever booed but I might on Saturday if this team and coaching staff continues to make boneheaded plays or calls.
NEVER. I was at the WMU game a few years ago and that was disgraceful. There's never an appropriate time for that. Booing a call by a referee or cheap shot by an opposing player is one thing, but never boo your own team or the coaches. You don't think the players might take it personally that you are booing them or their coach?

You're a *****. These guys need to know they suck, the coaches especially. I hate this crap about grown men making sure we don't hurt their poor little feelings. Yes, let us all weep for Jake Christensen and the untold harm we did him with the booing. POOR ADAM SHADA.!
Speaking of below average intelligence? Wouldn't the number need to be closer to 35K being below the average? Or are you saying the crowd in kinniick is some how skewed above the average to begin with?

Speaking of low intelligence?

Average - The result obtained by adding several quantities together and then dividing this total by the number of quantities; the mean.

Median - The median value of a range of values; the middle.

You don't have to be in the bottom half to be below average.
That would be true if intelligence was not a normal distribution. Since it is generally thought to be a normal distribution, you do need to be in the lower half to be below average.
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That would be true if intelligence was not a normal distribution. Since it is generally thought to be a normal distribution, you do need to be in the lower half to be below average.

If you believe the bell curve applies to intelligence ( I don't), then your statement must be true: the crowd in kinniick is some how skewed above the average to begin with?

We're a fine group of people for the most part.
You're a *****. These guys need to know they suck, the coaches especially. I hate this crap about grown men making sure we don't hurt their poor little feelings. Yes, let us all weep for Jake Christensen and the untold harm we did him with the booing. POOR ADAM SHADA.!

They need to know they suck? If only there weren't a scoreboard of some kind to indicate this. It takes the genius of drunk, hawkeye fan to help these men come to the realization that they suck. It's a good thing we're there to do this for them.

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