I'm hoping fans don't boo this team on Saturday


Well-Known Member
Chances are, some bad things could happen in the game. Maybe we'll punt on a 4th and 1. Maybe James won't see a wide open receiver. Regardless, I hope people realize that booing your own team (especially one made up of 20-year-olds) is more embarrassing than anything Kirk or his team will do.

That is all.
when you lose to CMU, you deserve to be boo'd.

I don't think people were booing the team. The coaches were getting booed imo.

I agree. And for those who think you can't boo at all during a college game, 20-22 year olds are not babies, they are grown men and they know when they've ****ed up.
20 years old is not a kid. However, rarely do people boo the athletes. It's directed at the coaches and their idiotic play calling/decisions.

The money fans pay for these games isn't cheap. The only way to voice your displeasure is to boo. It's not like we can walk up to ferentz and tell him what we think.
With 70k in the stands, at least 20k are below average intelligence, so its bound to happen.
With 70k in the stands, at least 20k are below average intelligence, so its bound to happen.

My thoughts exactly. IQ level determines whether a fan boos or not. IQ is greatly effected by the amount of alcohol one consumes so expect some boos from some with average IQ's also.
My thoughts exactly. IQ level determines whether a fan boos or not. IQ is greatly effected by the amount of alcohol one consumes so expect some boos from some with average IQ's also.

I have boo'd before and I boo'd at the end of that debacle last Saturday. Any of you want to challenge me to an IQ test, or perhaps a spelling bee? Do you have a link to backup your claim that IQ level decides how you act at a football game? If these poor little athletes on scholarship can't handle the pressure of fan dissent maybe they should go join a bowling or chess league instead.
I wonder if we can get that guy/girl/? from Youtube that was crying and telling everyone to "Leave Britney alone!" to do it for Capt Kirk and the football players.

It's football man UP!!
--Approved by Ditka
I'll be there, and I won't boo. What good does it do? Does it make the fan feel better? Will the players play better because we booed? Fans would do more harm by not showing up, or leaving early, making strange noises does very little.
I agree. And for those who think you can't boo at all during a college game, 20-22 year olds are not babies, they are grown men and they know when they've ****ed up.

Exactly, they know when they've messed up. They don't need us to boo them to reinforce it, they already feel bad enough and booing is just dumb and excessive and helps nothing. NOTHING.
I think all of us care about the Hawks here, and we want to get talent in here and turn this around fast. Booing the team in front of the recruits that visit every weekend isn't exactly a good way to convince them to come to Iowa and help turn it around. "Hey, come to Iowa so we can boo you and tell you how bad you suck!!!" What a selling point eh?
The best way to voice displeasure if you so need to is not to buy a ticket, once the $ stops flowing is when people take note.
I think one major aspect of it is that as a player, I really don't think they care what we think and tune it out. I know when I played sports if I did something boo worthy I was ****** at myself and didn't really care what the fans thought because I knew what I did. I currently coach varsity soccer and IMO most coaches are so locked in to what is going on that if we were to pay attention to the booing it distracts us from what is going on the field and we simply tune it out. That said I'm not sure its possible to tune out 70000 fans, but I honestly think they've got more to worry about and simply don't care what fans think.
I think one major aspect of it is that as a player, I really don't think they care what we think and tune it out. I know when I played sports if I did something boo worthy I was ****** at myself and didn't really care what the fans thought because I knew what I did. I currently coach varsity soccer and IMO most coaches are so locked in to what is going on that if we were to pay attention to the booing it distracts us from what is going on the field and we simply tune it out. That said I'm not sure its possible to tune out 70000 fans, but I honestly think they've got more to worry about and simply don't care what fans think.

Be curious to know how many people on this site who like to boo these young men actually played at a D1 level in anything. Sounds bad on TV I know that.
I don't support booing players, i never do. I only boo refs and opposing players on occasion. My issue was more with people calling them "kids". They're grown men.

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