I'm concerned about the tone and tenor of our crowd.


Well-Known Member
I've been attending Iowa games since the mid-1980's and I'm really starting to notice a difference in the tone in our crowd. I sit in section 130 and there are several guys that sit right around me that embarass me as a Hawk fan. Most of these guys are in their 30's - guys that should be old enough to know better.

When I was at the Michigan game this guy who sits behind us was yelling at the team constantly using f-bombs and every other four letter word imaginable. I was there with a friend of mine and our two teen-age sons and I finally turned around and asked him to tone it down a bit and at least he cleaned up his language but he still didn't stop b*******. He didn't once cheer for the team. When we were sitting down during a time-out a woman behind me thanked me and told me that it was about time someone had the stones to say something to the idiot.

A guy a couple of rows behind him kept screaming "WTF" at the top of his lungs. I'm a pretty young guy still, but I'm not sure when it became acceptable to drop F-bombs in public like that. I can talk like a construction worker with the best of them, but I generally watch what I say around people I don't know.

A couple of Michigan fans sitting in front of me told me that you never hear "that stuff" at Michigan stadium and two weeks ago at the Wisconsin game I took note of what I heard around me and I didn't hear any swearing even though I sat in the middle of Wisconsin fans on the 50 yard line (at least not out loud).

OK - thanks for letting me get this off my chest - I'm sure I'll be called a wimp, etc. and if I don't like it I should go to church and that I'm not a true "passionate" fan and whatever, but honestly, Iowa fans used to be a lot cooler to be around. I love Iowa City, tailgating and the atmosphere before and after the game, but once these fans get in the stadium it's as if anything goes.
Class. People either have it or they don't.

I told a drunk f-bomb hurling tool to shut up once when I had my young nephews at a game with me. He didn't pursue the matter further with me.
No, you're right on. It's one thing to behave that way in the privacy of one's living room, but in public it's not cool. Maybe in the middle of the Student Section, but not out amongst the "regular" people.
And I say this as someone who has quite the pottymouth.
Thank God the team doesn't act like these fools, they move on from mistakes and keep playing with a positive attitude.

Some people take an NFL stadium view, which is not good for children to be around. That is to bad.
There is a Kinnick telephone # that you can call or text ?? that will remove
jerks like that. I don't have it but i assume others here might.

I bet you they'll think twice before they do it again if they're tossed.
If more people used this service I think peoples behavior would improve dramatically.
I also agree. Do what you want when you are around the TV with the guys, or even at a bar where you are with people you know, but when out amongst the general public you need to watch yourself and act in a respectful manner, because you don't know who is listening.

The only way to stop this is to do what you did. You have to have the guts to challenge them on it. Peer pressure is the only solution. The guy obviously thought he was in a place where that behavior was acceptable. If no one has the courage to stand up and tell him otherwise, then he will be right. Silence = acceptance.
Pottymouth.....I'm shocked!:D

No, you're right on. It's one thing to behave that way in the privacy of one's living room, but in public it's not cool. Maybe in the middle of the Student Section, but not out amongst the "regular" people.
And I say this as someone who has quite the pottymouth.
For some reason that link didnt seem to work.
The concept is that either the site of Security or an actual toss out should
do the job..

Four spectators use Kinnick’s new text-for-help system


Spectators at Hawkeye football games look forward to the physical action at Kinnick Stadium, just as long as it is on the field and not in the stands.

With the introduction of FanAssist, a new text-for-help program, fans at Kinnick will have only have to send a text message to report problems with fellow fans or any other issues that may arise.

During the first Hawkeye football game of the season, against Northern Iowa on Sept. 5, FanAssist was used on four different occasions. The reported incidents involved unruly fans and the UI police were dispatched for two of the texts.

Typically, UI police officers arrive at the scene, listen to the parties involved, and address any problems, said Dave Visin, an associate director of the force.

No action was taken against any rowdy fans, because an officer’s presence is usually enough to settle the problem, he said.

FanAssist was advertised during the game, but some students said they were still unaware of the program’s existence.

As more people become aware of FanAssist, the program may be put to use more often said Rick Klatt, an assistant athletics director.

“It is a great service for fans that want to communicate,” he said.

Fans seemed to have mixed feelings about the texting application.

“I think it is good to ensure fans’ safety,” said UI junior Hadley Rapp.

Others were a little more skeptical.

“I haven’t had too many problems with fans,” said UI sophomore John Shepard. “I don’t think I’d need to use it.”

Neither Rapp nor Shepard had heard of the new program.

One concern for users of the text program is the often limited cell-phone service at Kinnick on game days.

“We currently have boosters for cell phones,” said Paula Jantz, an associate athletics director. “We also still encourage fans to utilize security or the hotline if service is poor.”

Hawkeye Sports purchased the required software systems for the package from FanDriveMedia with a one time payment of $4,000 prior to this year’s football season, Jantz said.

This is the first year FanDriveMedia is available to colleges. Many universities nationwide have begun using the program, including Iowa State University.

Jonathan Vick, a spokesman for FanDriveMedia, which provides the service, gave a breakdown of how the alert system works.

If a concern arises, fans can send the text “ALERT” with the issue and location to 97178.

Once sent, the text is received at a security control center monitored by an individual dedicated to receiving the messages. Once received, a confirmation text is automatically returned to the fan. The control center then determines who should respond to the issue.

Another service provided with the package is txt2screen, which offers fans the option to send a text message that will be shown in-venue on the video scoreboard, or displayed on the TV or radio broadcast.
I agree with your thoughts on the few people that make Iowa fans look ignorant. I think the majority of the fans still use good judgement when at the game. I usually get seats for games in different spots with different people. Most the time I've been around great Iowa fans where everyone can cheer together.

However, I've also almost been in two fights while at Iowa games with Iowa fans. One was with an old man that grabbed me from behind and pulled me down while I was standing two rows in front of him. I was cheering on a 3rd down for the defense on a critical drive. People in front of me were also standing. The old man's cronie started swearing at me while kids were around. I usually respect my elders, but I've never been so mad in my life. I said a few words that probably weren't appropriate and it was over. Except that I was furious the rest of the game. If you can't stand up while at an Iowa Hawkeye game then you should be watching from your home or in a pressbox.

I felt embarrassed for saying some bad choice of words myself, but I felt like I had some grounds to respond.
Agreed. It has definitely gotten worse - to the point that I had a guy try to push me out of my seat back and give me a hard time because I told him I paid for my seat and didn't want to move (he wasn't ticketed for our Section - 126 - called me a few unprintable names in front of my kids, gave me a hard shove and walked away, drunk). Security removed some drunks last year who showed up in our section and stood on top of some empty seats, dropping F Bombs, flipping off the opposing team and falling on people. Someone told the security guys and as they were escorted out they made sure to call us all **holes. Nice.

I quit taking my daugher because of the F-Bombs. I haven't given up on my Hawks or Kinnick - I love it - but I don't see it as much of a family atmosphere. I love to have a few cold ones before the game but I think the drunks have pretty much taken over the place. It comes and goes I guess. In the 80's we brought in botas, etc. so drinking at the stadium is nothing new. My theory is that since they don't let you bring booze in anymore, people load up more before the game and show up sloppy drunk. Just my humble opinion. YMMV.
Agreed. It has definitely gotten worse - to the point that I had a guy try to push me out of my seat back and give me a hard time because I told him I paid for my seat and didn't want to move (he wasn't ticketed for our Section - 126 - called me a few unprintable names in front of my kids, gave me a hard shove and walked away, drunk). Security removed some drunks last year who showed up in our section and stood on top of some empty seats, dropping F Bombs, flipping off the opposing team and falling on people. Someone told the security guys and as they were escorted out they made sure to call us all **holes. Nice.

I quit taking my daugher because of the F-Bombs. I haven't given up on my Hawks or Kinnick - I love it - but I don't see it as much of a family atmosphere. I love to have a few cold ones before the game but I think the drunks have pretty much taken over the place. It comes and goes I guess. In the 80's we brought in botas, etc. so drinking at the stadium is nothing new. My theory is that since they don't let you bring booze in anymore, people load up more before the game and show up sloppy drunk. Just my humble opinion. YMMV.
Really??? :)

I'm struggling with the theory that if everyone is allowed to drink at the game no one will drink before the game??????
There is always going to be someone who is drunk and obnoxious. I am sure in the 80's there were drunk idiots and I think calling security or asking/telling them to tone it down is the best way to go about it. Most of these stories involve 1-2 guys a few rows ahead or behind in the section, not entire sections or groups of people. As they get weeded out and kicked out, hopefully their behavior changes for the next game they attend (that's the most you can ask really). Hawkeye fans are great and for the most part (99.7%) are lovely people, lets not let a few drunk fans ruin the perception of the tune/tenor of 70,000.
Agreed. It has definitely gotten worse - to the point that I had a guy try to push me out of my seat back and give me a hard time because I told him I paid for my seat and didn't want to move (he wasn't ticketed for our Section - 126 - called me a few unprintable names in front of my kids, gave me a hard shove and walked away, drunk). Security removed some drunks last year who showed up in our section and stood on top of some empty seats, dropping F Bombs, flipping off the opposing team and falling on people. Someone told the security guys and as they were escorted out they made sure to call us all **holes. Nice.

I quit taking my daugher because of the F-Bombs. I haven't given up on my Hawks or Kinnick - I love it - but I don't see it as much of a family atmosphere. I love to have a few cold ones before the game but I think the drunks have pretty much taken over the place. It comes and goes I guess. In the 80's we brought in botas, etc. so drinking at the stadium is nothing new. My theory is that since they don't let you bring booze in anymore, people load up more before the game and show up sloppy drunk. Just my humble opinion. YMMV.

You would be correct on all fronts and it is disgusting.....hence why they wanna clean up the joint with that text alert!!!
I was wondering if anyone had used this # and sent a text to Kinnick Security. Just wondering if it works or not as we have a complete drunk idiot behind us for each and every game.
It is simply unacceptable to be dropping f-bombs like that....sorry,being overserved is no excuse. As a fan base we need to civily confront the jerks, ask them politely to please clean up the language, and if they persist, call security. Why should all of us who paid good money for our ticket have our experience marred by someone who is out of control?

As for the drinking...not sure if it was different, but clearly tailgating has become bigger every year...and for some folks it is the best part of the day. I have always had a few beers before the game, but never to the point where I could not enjoy the action. And during the game I like a little pull off a flask to keep a little buzz going, but never to the point where I start cursing or being an arsehole.
I like to yell, but I never curse. Yelling is fine, but cursing is not.
Agree with original poster 100%. Posted in another thread earlier today that I noticed a big change after the seating reassignment after the renovations. We had sat by the same people for 8 years before the renovations. Most of those people had sat in the same spot for 20+ years. Nearly everyone in our area knew each other and respected each other. After the renovation, nearly everyone had different seats and more Hawk fans started to treat other Hawk fans like jerks.