I'm concerned about the tone and tenor of our crowd.

I was wondering if anyone had used this # and sent a text to Kinnick Security. Just wondering if it works or not as we have a complete drunk idiot behind us for each and every game.

If you're concerned about the text working just stop by a Security Guard
and or the office and give them the approx location. Ask them to check in
I think this is a social issue as well. Some one talked about the 80's and drinking back then. Back in the day (I'm only 40 but man I sound old) we didn't have the PC police every were and if you got stupid there was a person more then willing to confront you about your behavior or a elder willing to slap you up side your head. Now a days most folks don't want to go out of their way to confront people due to many issues caused by this PC environment we live in. "Don't want to hurt any one's feeling" "not my place lets text some one so I don't have to deal with it"? I think this is something that we as fans have to address and police our own.

My other concern is how our fans cheer on the Hawks. After a big win at Penn ST our Hawks get greeted by a HO HUM crowd and a half full student section. I'm hoping that after giving all they had at MSU, we as a fanbase can pick the team up and support them with an excited crowd and and a full student section!!!!!!!!!!
I myself slipped up and used some profanity during the UNI game (no f bombs, but it was not appropriate with a 6 or 7 year old kid in front of me). A lady down in front and to the side of me turned around and yelled at me, I honestly didn't even realize how loud I had been talking until she said something. I was glad she did because it was embarrassing and made me feel like an *** and I stopped and apoligized, I would think most people except for the totally drunk aholes would probably respond the same way I did if you say something to them.
I am sorry and will try not to drink so much Old Grand Dad before the Indiana game and will try to keep the F' bombs to a minimum.
I have not seen anything remotely like that where I sit. I sit in section 124 right where the tunnel comes out, and maybe it is because we don't sit near the field, but I have not heard anything like this that I can remember. Of course I believe it happens, I guess I am just lucky to be sitting in a mild area. I yell loud, and I love people to yell loud, but I hate it when you hear the non-stop f-bombs, or whatever. If somebody slips up once and says they are sorry, that's fine, mistakes happen, but I wish everybody would try to show a little more class.
Agree that some fans have a tendency to get carried away with the language at games. Hey, I can swear with the best of them, but I know enough to not bring my bad habit with me to the game.

I think it can be a combination of the ones who just don't care, and then you do have some who just get so into the game they may not even realize how "intense" they are being. I know for a fact while watching the MSU game at home I was cussing up a storm that would have even made Chris Rock uncomfortable! :)

But seriously, fans should know better than to drop the f-bomb at an Iowa game ... Kids or no kids, it is not something in general that people do not want to hear ...
I confronted the guy behind us and he screamed at me and told me I wasn't much of a fan because I didn't scream and holler the entire game. Just too drunk or too ignorant to realize what an arse he was being. Even his buddy was on my side and did get him to calm down a bit. So we'll see how it goes this weekend.
"A couple of Michigan fans sitting in front of me told me that you never hear "that stuff" at Michigan stadium and two weeks ago at the Wisconsin game I took note of what I heard around me and I didn't hear any swearing even though I sat in the middle of Wisconsin fans on the 50 yard line (at least not out loud)."

I've been to Michigan stadium, when that team is playing bad they are acting the same as the people sitting behind you.
I've been going to games since I was a kid. I kept my dad's seats after he passed away, and I agree that some things have changed, while others haven't. I think that most people are fairly rational, and that most hawk fans are great. There have always been stupid drunks that ruin the experience, but I honestly think that they've always been around. I also think that people have always sworn, but agree that there are more F bombs these days.

I agree with the previous poster that said that we need to be willing to stand up to people individually. I understand the need to call security at times, but behavior is acceptable when no one does anything.

Honestly, the thing that gets me is the negativity. I cheer really loudly the whole game, and (gasp) I tend to stand a lot. That might irritate some, and I'll sit more if I have an elderly person behind me. What gets me is the people who constantly ***** about coaching decisions, and even boo the team. I really hate that stuff.

During the Michigan game, some guy said "stupid KOK throwing on first down." He said that many times. Of course, I had to pat him on the back and say "nice first down throw " when Moeaki caught one of his TD passes. I just hate the NFL-style criticism and demanding nature of some fans these days. We're all hawkeyes, and we should be positive. Let's support the hawks and make some noise on Saturday!
I've been to Michigan stadium, when that team is playing bad they are acting the same as the people sitting behind you.

They also have fans that go to the game and read a book sitting in the stands. Saw that with my own eyes when I was up there a couple of years ago.
Unfortunatley, there is a guy that sits next to our seats who is the same way. Berates coaches, and players constantly. Whines about every play call. And when Iowa does something good? Just sits there. We are actually thinking about relocating. Problem is if we do there is probably some dufus sitting there too.
Racerhawk you hit the nail on the head. Everyone is so critical. This same DB I was talking about in the OP that is constantly complaining actually said during the fourth quarter (I can't remember which game it was - it doesn't relly matter), "it's about time the F'ing defense makes a play, they haven't made one all F'ing day". At that point in the game, I think our defense had given up something like three points!

My son's friend just looked at me and said, "if I was a little older that dude would be taken out of here on a stretcher."

He's constantly complaining about every play and screaming "unacceptable" at the top of his lungs everytime the defense gives up any positive yards. He calls out defensive schemes and offensive plays like he's some kind-of expert. One of his buddies that was at one game told him he really should be coaching and everyone within earshot started laughing - it was a priceless moment.
The absolute worst part of going to any game is being berated by the empty criticism from a handful of morons sitting around me. From reading the posts in this thread, it sounds like many of you know who I'm talking about... the ones who endlessly bash scapegoat XYZ (usually KOK or Stanzi) without a second thought. Basically, the team winning flawlessly is the default and anything less is deserving of pointed harassment. The degree of negativity is sickening.
We had some idiot like that sitting behind us in the south end zone for the UNI game.

Someone around me must have texted security about hm, because they came up and talked to him in the third quarter and I didn't hear another peep from him.
I can't remember which game it was but it was pretty early on in the season and our defense put on a wicked hit on an opposing player. The player was down and being attended to and the jerk behind us - who was drunk and a football idiot - was yelling get up you pu***y. It made me so mad. I turned around and asked him if he could take that hit and if not shut up. I couldn't believe an Iowa fan could be so rude. . . hard lesson to learn but every fan base has them.
Racerhawk you hit the nail on the head. Everyone is so critical. This same DB I was talking about in the OP that is constantly complaining actually said during the fourth quarter (I can't remember which game it was - it doesn't relly matter), "it's about time the F'ing defense makes a play, they haven't made one all F'ing day". At that point in the game, I think our defense had given up something like three points!

My son's friend just looked at me and said, "if I was a little older that dude would be taken out of here on a stretcher."

He's constantly complaining about every play and screaming "unacceptable" at the top of his lungs everytime the defense gives up any positive yards. He calls out defensive schemes and offensive plays like he's some kind-of expert. One of his buddies that was at one game told him he really should be coaching and everyone within earshot started laughing - it was a priceless moment.

Kudos to your son's friend! At any rate, I guarantee you that IU and NW will be able to move the ball at times (which is not the same thing as scoring touchdowns). People will b#### about the "bend but don't break" defense. I'm starting to get better at just laughing about those guys. My response to that kind of thing...cheering even more loudly. Go Hawks!
I've been attending Iowa games since the mid-1980's and I'm really starting to notice a difference in the tone in our crowd. I sit in section 130 and there are several guys that sit right around me that embarass me as a Hawk fan. Most of these guys are in their 30's - guys that should be old enough to know better.

When I was at the Michigan game this guy who sits behind us was yelling at the team constantly using f-bombs and every other four letter word imaginable. I was there with a friend of mine and our two teen-age sons and I finally turned around and asked him to tone it down a bit and at least he cleaned up his language but he still didn't stop b*******. He didn't once cheer for the team. When we were sitting down during a time-out a woman behind me thanked me and told me that it was about time someone had the stones to say something to the idiot.

A guy a couple of rows behind him kept screaming "WTF" at the top of his lungs. I'm a pretty young guy still, but I'm not sure when it became acceptable to drop F-bombs in public like that. I can talk like a construction worker with the best of them, but I generally watch what I say around people I don't know.

A couple of Michigan fans sitting in front of me told me that you never hear "that stuff" at Michigan stadium and two weeks ago at the Wisconsin game I took note of what I heard around me and I didn't hear any swearing even though I sat in the middle of Wisconsin fans on the 50 yard line (at least not out loud).

OK - thanks for letting me get this off my chest - I'm sure I'll be called a wimp, etc. and if I don't like it I should go to church and that I'm not a true "passionate" fan and whatever, but honestly, Iowa fans used to be a lot cooler to be around. I love Iowa City, tailgating and the atmosphere before and after the game, but once these fans get in the stadium it's as if anything goes.

Where in Sec.130? I'm in row 58, seats 23-24.
I'm in 68, 21 through 24. I can't be there this weekend though and I have a couple extra tics if anyone is interested! It includes a parking pass. Let me know at tjb116@aol.com. I'm selling them for face! Thanks and GO HAWKS!
Not trying to act like a bada$$ and I am a horrible fan b/c I haven't been to game since 2004. Honestly can't remember what game it was but we had d bags like this in my section and I was 17 at the time and it was the first time I ever cussed in front of my parents(who took me to the game). Both of my parents and everyone was about to yell at this dude and finally I said a few words that weren't appropriate and told him to STFU. However, it shut him up and our section enjoyed the game afterwords. I am now a parent and no way I would take my kid to Kinnick. Fans like this love the Hawks but they need to keep that crap in front of their TV. Trust me I cuss at the TV and say stuff like this the entire game. However, I am the only one that is there and it doesn't matter. RESPECT PEOPLE
They also have fans that go to the game and read a book sitting in the stands. Saw that with my own eyes when I was up there a couple of years ago.

Since I was with Hoffahawk at that game, I can vouch for this being 100% true.

Dude was reading a poetry book during the game, and stood up/clapped/cheered when the UM marching band performed at halftime.

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