I'm concerned about Oglesby

Probably a bit of a stretch to call him the smartest player we have. Not unlike a closer in baseball, a "shooter" needs to have a unique mental make-up. Not so sure JO has such.

tx bb boy for your ability to read minds, evaluate and diagnosis someone who is not even half way into his sophomore season.
This....Gatens' release got much quicker as a senior and he looked much more comfortable working without the ball as a senior. JO will be fine; the nice thing is Iowa is more balanced right now than they were with about any team Gatens ever played for.

Gatens release did not get that much quicker his final year. However, Gatens desire, intensity and lust to go out a winner kicked in.

Along with that Matt's craftiness, relentless and smarts got him every made shot.

Matt Gatens should go down as one of the greatest Hawks ever.

Why any one wants to compare JO at this point with Gatens at this point is beyond me.

Not really the same type of player even though primarily shooting guards. Along with that completely different circumstances, team mates and coaching over the four years.
tx bb boy for your ability to read minds, evaluate and diagnosis someone who is not even half way into his sophomore season.

You are quite welcome my friend. By the way, it's "man" not "boy". Let's have this chat again in a couple of years and see who was closer to being correct.
This post seems a bit late, he's well improved from his opening slump. As a sophomore he is probably a better passer and defender than gatens was at this stage. While he may never surpass Gaten's total 3 point baskets his other skills may prove to make him a better overall player.
You are quite welcome my friend. By the way, it's "man" not "boy". Let's have this chat again in a couple of years and see who was closer to being correct.

It will be a pleasure to re visit this subject in a couple of years after some NCAA appearances and a deep run with "contributions?" from JO.

My bad "MY MAN" about the snide "referrals" to your moniker... it began with a pompous response you made with no real facts to back it up.

I would prefer that we all be men and women... REAL adults on this board but so often posters act nothing like adults... can't take it like an adult and have no sense of humor let alone an understanding of sarcasm or cynicism.
Someone mentioned earlier about him not looking ready to shoot, which I agree, it also looks like he is fading away just a tad bit as he shoots.
Gatens release did not get that much quicker his final year. However, Gatens desire, intensity and lust to go out a winner kicked in.

Along with that Matt's craftiness, relentless and smarts got him every made shot.

Matt Gatens should go down as one of the greatest Hawks ever.

Why any one wants to compare JO at this point with Gatens at this point is beyond me.

Not really the same type of player even though primarily shooting guards. Along with that completely different circumstances, team mates and coaching over the four years.

Matt Gatens was a fierce competitor his senior year, always provided consistent leadership, set a fine example, and sacrificed perhaps as much as anyone for the Iowa basketball program.

But he's not one of the greatest Hawks ever. He doesn't crack the top 15. This is not a slight to Matt. It's a compliment to the Sam Williams, John Johnson, BJ Armstrong, Roy Marble, Ronnie Lester, Andre Woolridge, Kevin Kunnert, Don Nelson Adam Haluska, Freddy Brown, Herb Wilkinson and Greg Stokes of the world.
I'm going to use a little of my own playing experience: as a player I was always considered a shooter. In my own mind, I was not: I never just felt this never endin confidence in my shot; if it wasn't falling, I couldn't/wouldn't " just keep shooting 'em."
Fran has said that Josh does not have a gunner's mentality; Fran describes him as more than a shooter: "Josh, he's a player."
Our coach has once again shown the benefit of not reacting with knee jerks; many wanted JO out of the rotation early in the year. He now doing A LOT of good things out there.
It will be a pleasure to re visit this subject in a couple of years after some NCAA appearances and a deep run with "contributions?" from JO.

My bad "MY MAN" about the snide "referrals" to your moniker... it began with a pompous response you made with no real facts to back it up.

I would prefer that we all be men and women... REAL adults on this board but so often posters act nothing like adults... can't take it like an adult and have no sense of humor let alone an understanding of sarcasm or cynicism.

I certainly hope you are right about the "contributions", but I don't see it happening. Time will tell. Simply a difference of opinions.
oglesby is going to be fine

he's not going to create his own space, so he's only going to look as good as the inside play or dribble penetration that gives him looks

as woody and clemmons/gesell improve, so will oglesby's effectiveness

give it another year
Gatens release did not get that much quicker his final year. However, Gatens desire, intensity and lust to go out a winner kicked in.

Along with that Matt's craftiness, relentless and smarts got him every made shot.

Matt Gatens should go down as one of the greatest Hawks ever.

Why any one wants to compare JO at this point with Gatens at this point is beyond me.

Not really the same type of player even though primarily shooting guards. Along with that completely different circumstances, team mates and coaching over the four years.

Decisive is what I would say about Gatens his Sr year and only his Sr year. Oglesby is more decisive this season than last, but he is a better player at this stage than Matt, mainly because he has a coach teaching him and not making him a PF.
Gatens did the same thing his junior year. He would receive the ball wide open and hesitate to shoot, passing up many shots he was very capable of making. He certainly made up for it his senior year......

Josh will be alright. It is just a matter of time.....

There are many shots I wish he would take but he is too cautious right now. His ball handling and passing, as Wunder said are very good......

When he overcomes his reluctance, we will be hard to stop......
tx bb boy for your ability to read minds, evaluate and diagnosis someone who is not even half way into his sophomore season.

So, to be clear, you see something wrong with BasketballMan's statement, aaronzuriel? Because it seems like a fairly routine and honest evaluation for someone like me that is fairly knowledgeable about basketball and has pretty much seen every Iowa basketball game since they started televising them since the 1979-1980.

You don't have to be able to read minds to have an opinion of what it "LOOKS" like. Just because it looks like something doesn't make it true, but it is an assessment that is as good as any other as long as it seems legitimate.

Is there a reason it doesn't seem legitimate to you, or are you just a homer? It seems like a legitimate statement to me.

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