I'm Boycotting the Championship Game

If Alabama beat LSU, they'd be in the championship game.
Oh wait...

So Alabama had to beat #1 LSU and #6 Arkansas to get a shot at the championship but Oklahoma State should get a shot for beating 0 top 10 teams and losing to a 6-6 team?

I'm not happy Alabama is in the championship but I still think it's the right choice. Oklahoma State shouldn't get a pass for not playing in the same division as the only undefeated team in the country. That's essentially what the argument is...

Why should Alabama have to beat two top 5 teams for a title shot while Oklahoma State gets a pass for playing none?
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I have to agree with the OP. I have no interest in watching this game. I will certainly place money on this game, just like every other bowl game, but will not watch the game.

You're going to bet but not watch to see if you've won any money? Weird.
Look at it this way, sports fans: at least notre dame didn't get vaulted up to an undeserved spot.
I mean, we all hate the SEC, but at least the cheatin' (and killin', and rapin') irish didn't somehow get rewarded for mediocrity.
And none of you--not one single person--should be surprised that a team coached by Nick Saban is enjoying seemingly undeserved opportunity. If it wasn't Saban, and if it wasn't for unemployment and probation, we'd be b!tching about a Lane Kiffin and/or Urban Meyer team gaining an unfair placement.
Deal with it - college football is all money and politics, and the ultimate popularity contest.
Expressing surprise at these facts reveals naivete and nothing else.

Sounds like somebody wishes they were a ND fan but can't get in the club.
Do people really believe Oklahoma State, a team that lost to freaking Iowa State deserves to go to the Championship over a team whose only loss was to the number 1 team in the country by 3 points?

Then why did #2 Michigan get hosed in 06 when their only loss was to #1 OSU at OSU, by three points also? They beat a 12-1 Wisky team, 10-3 MSU team and 9-4 PSU team that year. Florida got the #2 spot when they won their champ game.

I'll tell you why. The BCS is a contribed facade, full of sham voters, homerism, ignorance and politics. And, since we didn't have a champ game then, Michigan fell off the radar. It was easy pickns for the BCS that year to continue to perpetuate it's SEC love.

If this year doesn't convince you anti-playoff guys one is needed, nothing will.
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Then why did Michigan get hosed in 06 when their only loss was to #1 OSU at OSU, by three points also? They beat a 12-1 Wisky team, 10-3 MSU team and 9-4 PSU team.

I'll tell you why. The BCS is a facade, full of sham voters, homerism, ignorance and politics. And, since we didn't have a champ game then, Michigan fell off the radar.

I was pssed about michigan in 06.
What a joke. You don't win your DIVISION. You don't win your CONFERENCE. You aren't good enough to play in the SEC championship game, but you're Alabama, so you DO play in the blatantly misnamed "NATIONAL Championship Game." Wow. They haven't yet invented the words to explain this idiotic result.

You already lost, AT HOME, 9-6 in OT, to the same team you'll be playing.
You have fewer wins over quality opponents than Oklahoma State.
But YOU are Alabama.

What's the "formula" that says Alabama gets to play and Oklahoma State doesn't? We don't know. The information that is fed into the computers that determined Alabama is .009 better than Okie State has never been divulged. How can ESPN and the NCAA and the BS, er BCS, get away with it?

T. Boone Pickens said he'd launch an investigation if this happened. Go get 'em, I say. And here's an idea for ya, T. Boone. Beat Stanford in the Fiesta Bowl -- give em a good whuppin -- then lay out the money to finance a challenge game in mid-January: Okie State vs. the LSU-Alabama winner.
Sue the NCAA and the BCS and ESPN for collusion and everything else your best legal team can come up with. And maybe you can get some of those Occupy Wall Street types to occupy the Superdome and disrupt this SEC incest.

This stupidity has to end, and who better to end it than T. Boone?

Well played, Mauer...
Then why did Michigan get hosed in 06 when their only loss was to #1 OSU at OSU, by three points also? They beat a 12-1 Wisky team, 10-3 MSU team and 9-4 PSU team.

I'll tell you why. The BCS is a facade, full of sham voters, homerism, ignorance and politics. And, since we didn't have a champ game then, Michigan fell off the radar.

Florida's only loss was on the road at 11-2 Auburn though. That wasn't the case this year with Oklahoma State losing to a 6-6 team. Also, Florida lost their 7th game of the season and won six more games prior to the championship. Michigan lost their final game of the season. Same thing with Oklahoma State, they lost their second to last game of the season.

I'm not saying it's right but he who lost last, gets the shaft.
Hopefully LSU rips them this time and everyone will realize that a team that finishes second in their division, let alone didn't win their conference or even play in the conference title game, shouldn't be allowed to play in the BCS title game...
Florida's only loss was on the road at 11-2 Auburn though. That wasn't the case this year with Oklahoma State losing to a 6-6 team. Also, Florida lost their 7th game of the season and won six more games prior to the championship. Michigan lost their final game of the season. Same thing with Oklahoma State, they lost their second to last game of the season.

I'm not saying it's right but he who lost last, gets the shaft.

Definitely true. The Michigan and Muskogee State scenarios aren't equivalent.
Hopefully LSU rips them this time and everyone will realize that a team that finishes second in their division, let alone didn't win their conference or even play in the conference title game, shouldn't be allowed to play in the BCS title game...

That sums it up for me too.
Hopefully LSU rips them this time and everyone will realize that a team that finishes second in their division, let alone didn't win their conference or even play in the conference title game, shouldn't be allowed to play in the BCS title game...

Or Alabama wins and puts an end to the BCS altogether.
Hopefully LSU rips them this time and everyone will realize that a team that finishes second in their division, let alone didn't win their conference or even play in the conference title game, shouldn't be allowed to play in the BCS title game...

I hope Alabama wins.
Then why did #2 Michigan get hosed in 06 when their only loss was to #1 OSU at OSU, by three points also? They beat a 12-1 Wisky team, 10-3 MSU team and 9-4 PSU team that year. Florida got the #2 spot when they won their champ game.

I'll tell you why. The BCS is a contribed facade, full of sham voters, homerism, ignorance and politics. And, since we didn't have a champ game then, Michigan fell off the radar. It was easy pickns for the BCS that year to continue to perpetuate it's SEC love.

If this year doesn't convince you anti-playoff guys one is needed, nothing will.

Why is a playoff needed this year? Pretty sure LSU has proven it is far and away the best team in the country. We could just crown them champs now as far as I'm concerned.
I want Alabama to win and there be an investigation into the BCS to see if they do not break any anti-trust laws.
Or Alabama wins and puts an end to the BCS altogether.

That won't put an end to it...it'll just give all of the BCS honks a reason to say "See, we got it right again" and ESPN will be able to drop to their knees and perform some oral magic on the SEC for their own gain.

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