I'm a 9er fan so I stumbled upon this

Early 2000's. My uncle had a buddy with brain cancer. No hair, scar on head, whole enchilada. He got hooked up with some adult make a wish foundation type thing and went to Big Ten media days with the goal of getting every Big Ten coach to sign a football for him. Said a few of the coaches were really nice and supportive (in particular, Ferentz, Carr and Walker), DiNardo was shocked someone wanted his autograph and was effusive in offering support, some were a bit indifferent, but he said JoePa told him point blank to "F off." So the guy came back with a ball signed by 10 of the 11 coaches and a great story about a "legend." What a total prick.

No shit. I guess Karma caught up with him in the end. Somehow that happens

The fall of Joe Pa is unprecedented, with how fast it happen.