If Rich Rod loses next week vs Illinois


I think that will be it. I don' think he will get canned mid season, but I think the wheels will be in motion behind the scenes. That will be a home loss, drop them to 1-4 in league play....4-16 in league games in his era. Done

This lack of defense is inexcusable for them. Other than Iowa, I have watched more Michigan games in my life than any other team. It just amazes me that they can be soooo bad on defense.
How do you give up 41 points to Penn St.? That's the most amazing thing to me.

RichRod is already done. The fans hate, hate, hate him. I don't think a win over OSU even saves him at this point.

Here's to hoping they do figure it out for one game against Wisky though. Seems like a 1 in a million thing at this point though.
i have yet to meet a michigan fan who is happy with Rich Rod and his "system". I think he's gone unless something miraculous happens and they win out. then the boosters will pony up and take a shot at harbaugh at stanford.
I think the wheels are in motion behind the scenes already even if they end up 6-6. He has proven he can win the non-conference games, but not winning Big Ten games now 3 years in a row I think is the final straw for him. If they do go 6-6 that would mean they only went 2-6 in the Big Ten and that isn't making people happy.
How do you give up 41 points to Penn St.? That's the most amazing thing to me.

RichRod is already done. The fans hate, hate, hate him. I don't think a win over OSU even saves him at this point.

Here's to hoping they do figure it out for one game against Wisky though. Seems like a 1 in a million thing at this point though.


Then beatdown ISU in the Dallas football classic. with an interim HC.:p
Illinoise (pronounced Ron Zook style) is going to beat them too. Illinoise is way underrated this year - everybody threw them in the garbage can after they dropped their opener to what turned out to be a very good Mizzou team.

It's gonna be funny as hell! :)

All that crap about Michigan struggling because he had to bring in players for his system was bullcrap. If he had taken over Purdue, or Minnesota, or even Iowa for that matter, I would buy into that...but c'mon - this is freakin' Michigan - the level of talent they have in-house is just obscene. Given proper coaching, those guys could run any system you threw their way - triple option, pro style, 49'ers style west coast, and yes even Rich Rod's lame a$$ system.

Yeah, I can understand he needs a Denard Robinson style QB - even some elite programs aren't going to have a guy fitting that bill right off the bat so I understand there might be a 1 or 2 year lag to really get things moving - but for the rest of the positions, just spare me the BS. Michigan's struggles have been 9/10ths coaching.
I think that will be it. I don' think he will get canned mid season, but I think the wheels will be in motion behind the scenes. That will be a home loss, drop them to 1-4 in league play....4-16 in league games in his era. Done

This lack of defense is inexcusable for them. Other than Iowa, I have watched more Michigan games in my life than any other team. It just amazes me that they can be soooo bad on defense.

Jon, you are aware that Greg Robinson is their D-coordinator, right? And you're STILL amazed??? ;)
I can believe people are suprised by the fact the defense is terrible. they start, SR, So, Fr. So in the seocndary and that senior is a former WR and LB. Yeah, that his fault but he has lost 4 guys in the last two years that would greatly help that. Only one could even possibly be put on him, the others I don't think you can. Warren went to the draft, Turner who was highly touted didn't work out apparently because he cam into camp both years way out of shape, Cissoko got in a ton of trouble and was booted and Woolfolk got hurt. If you could add just two of them, that would help them a lot. For the first time I am questioning RR as the coach. I don't think the defensive problems fall on his recruting or his plan. I think they fall on the incompetence of Greg Robinson right now. I think he felt pressure to get rid of Scott Shafer after one year and it turns out that he may have been the right guy. I can't say what Dave Brandon is going to do. My gut feeling is that as long as he makes a bowl game, RR will be here and GR will not be. If they do indeed go a different direction, the offense will be worse and the defense may be average. If they keep this staff, that offense will be quite a bit better and I think if he get's the correct DC, the defense could be somewhere around average. I have to think if he is let go, the order of options goes somewhat like this:

2. Chris Peterson
3. Patterson
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Illinoise (pronounced Ron Zook style) is going to beat them too. Illinoise is way underrated this year - everybody threw them in the garbage can after they dropped their opener to what turned out to be a very good Mizzou team.

It's gonna be funny as hell! :)

All that crap about Michigan struggling because he had to bring in players for his system was bullcrap. If he had taken over Purdue, or Minnesota, or even Iowa for that matter, I would buy into that...but c'mon - this is freakin' Michigan - the level of talent they have in-house is just obscene. Given proper coaching, those guys could run any system you threw their way - triple option, pro style, 49'ers style west coast, and yes even Rich Rod's lame a$$ system.

Yeah, I can understand he needs a Denard Robinson style QB - even some elite programs aren't going to have a guy fitting that bill right off the bat so I understand there might be a 1 or 2 year lag to really get things moving - but for the rest of the positions, just spare me the BS. Michigan's struggles have been 9/10ths coaching.

Please go look at the senior classes from Lloyds last two years and tell me just how frickin good they were. There was Graham, Warren, Martin and then crickets. His last two defensive classes were pathetic and that has not helped RR. For **** sakes, RR had to start a walk on RS Fr last year because there was no one else to go there. He is starting a true Fr this year at free safety. I'm not saying those are excuses for being THIS bad, but I think it is ridiculous to expect a defense that is average or better.
i have yet to meet a michigan fan who is happy with Rich Rod and his "system". I think he's gone unless something miraculous happens and they win out. then the boosters will pony up and take a shot at harbaugh at stanford.

I am certainly happy with the offensive system. They are doing pretty damn good with two sophomores at QB. The defense is ridiculously bad. If you bring in Harbaugh, he still has to find a DC. Maybe he can bring the current one but RR wasn't able to.

If I'm betting on this whole deal I am betting RR is there next year, Greg Robinson is gone and Jeff Casteel may finally come to Michigan. If RR, Michigan has to be within a game of the Big Ten Championship or he's gone.
Please go look at the senior classes from Lloyds last two years and tell me just how frickin good they were. There was Graham, Warren, Martin and then crickets. His last two defensive classes were pathetic and that has not helped RR. For **** sakes, RR had to start a walk on RS Fr last year because there was no one else to go there. He is starting a true Fr this year at free safety. I'm not saying those are excuses for being THIS bad, but I think it is ridiculous to expect a defense that is average or better.

How about this? Take 5 or 10 of your studs from the offensive side of the ball and move them to defense. Michigan should never, ever complain about a lack of talent anywhere on the field.

Ask yourself this question: could any coach have taken over the Michigan program and led them to a worse record over the last three years? This guy's "system" makes Todd Lickliter's look like a work of genius.
The wheels are already in motion...he has to beat Ohio State to salvage his job, and it's Jim Harbaugh's job if he wants it.
The wheels are already in motion...he has to beat Ohio State to salvage his job, and it's Jim Harbaugh's job if he wants it.

...and then we're all in big, big trouble. Michigan's down period will come to a very quick close once Harbaugh hits down.

PS - the explanation of why you are hearing "crickets" out of the last couple of Carr's classes is easy: bad coaching!!! (specifically - no player development!)
You could see it on Rich Rod's face yesterday at the end...he knows he's almost done and looked like he was trying to come to terms with it.
i still dont get why they hired him. they are way too good of a program for that sleazeball.

Gotta remember...the sleeziness wasn't realized until after he said "yes"...then it all came out, starting with trying to get rid of documents at WVU.

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