If ND demands more money to joing B10 do we do it?


Well-Known Member
What if.....

ND says I will join the B10 but I want a bigger chunk than other schools get. "I'm Notre Dame, I bring a national following, I bring more viewers and more TV screens. I bring more $$$ to this conference than any other school and I want more $$$ to join."

What does the B10 say to that? The reality is they are probably correct. Would the B10 entertain paying ND a premium to join the B10? If they say I'll join the B10 for 10% of the TV revenue (8.3% would be thier equal split based on 12 teams) does the B10 play ball?
I wouldn't. I really don't care in ND joins the B10 or not. Either they play just like everybody else, or stay out.

Does NW for example get less because they have a smaller fan base? I didn't think so.
Sorry, this is blue-state conference,hence,totally invested in socialism...share the wealth,ND,or take a hike.
They need us more than we need them. They just haven't figured that out yet.

This. The big incentive for ND was that even the worst Big Ten team made more money than ND thanks to the BTN. If that's not enough for them, they can p*ss off. Yes, they bring a lot to the table. But the equal-sharing is what is going to make the Big Ten so stable in the long run (big shock that Texas hogs the money in the Big 12 and that conference is on the verge of collapse). And Notre Dame needs to realize they are no longer THAT relevant (I can't say irrelevant, or Ghost will come along and mock me). They no longer have the cache to back up their arrogance, and the sooner they realize that, the sooner they'll save themselves.
I think the only financial exceptions made for them will be that they will get to keep a portion of their merchandise and other sales to themselves. Maybe a 50/50 split - keep half and the other half split up between the conference. I think that's reasonable but no they shouldn't get a bigger chunk of the splits than any other school.
Perhaps we could give them their own Saturday prime time slot. Anything for Notre Dame!

When traveling the home team would be responsible to make sure the red carpet is rolled out when the team landed at the airport.
They need us more than we need them. They just haven't figured that out yet.

I think they know this they just haven't said it in public yet.

If the Big Ten starts the ball rolling the SEC and Pac 10 will be next to move which will then force the hand of the Big East, Big 12 and ACC to also add teams or replace the ones that just left. They know they very well could be left out in the cold.

No offense to the Big East which is the #1 logical choice for ND to join if and when things happen, it doesn't hold a candle to what the Big Ten can offer money wise.

It will also be interesting to see what happens when the Big Ten and ESPN negotiate a new TV deal once the current one runs out, now that they have a huge deal with the SEC. I think NBC would be licking their chops if they had a chance to get the big ten and hell wouldn't be nice if ND was part of that deal.
Why do people keep saying this?

Perhaps because the idea of making the same amount of money as the worst team is a MUCH better deal for ND than making less? ND would find either pretty insulting, but how is it so outlandish to think that making the same amount is an improvement?
Perhaps because the idea of making the same amount of money as the worst team is a MUCH better deal for ND than making less? ND would find either pretty insulting, but how is it so outlandish to think that making the same amount is an improvement?
No, I meant why do people keep saying the the worst Big Ten team made more than ND/Texas/<insert other institution here>? It's simply not true.
No, I meant why do people keep saying the the worst Big Ten team made more than ND/Texas/<insert other institution here>? It's simply not true.

In their television revenue that's true, is it not? Notre Dame stands to make more money by joining the Big Ten. It's as simple as that.
I say pay them. If ND joins the conference, all the teams get more money because of that. Why not pay them for the fans they will bring in? Everyone will get richer.
In their television revenue that's true, is it not? Notre Dame stands to make more money by joining the Big Ten. It's as simple as that.
I'm not sure how their NBC deal breaks down, but it's possible they would lose money. The BTN created roughly 22M for each school last year, and ND still brought in more revenue than several Big Ten schools.
I'm not sure how their NBC deal breaks down, but it's possible they would lose money. The BTN created roughly 22M for each school last year, and ND still brought in more revenue than several Big Ten schools.

Their deal I thought was right around $10-$15 million. Do they bring in more money from ticket sales, merchandise, etc. than a Northwestern? Absolutely. But JUST from the television standpoint, the Big Ten teams get more.