IF Kirk isnt the best coach, who is for Iowa?


Well-Known Member
I think Kirk is the best we can do..... and Mr. Davis was great for us in Bball but the fans got to big of heads and wanted him gone and we were GREAT without him:rolleyes:........

Seriously all of you complaining about a 3-2 record with a team that has 12 returning starters name a coach that would leave where they are to come to Iowa..... and a coach that would stay as long and have as much success as Kirk has had.

Dont say Bob Stoops or Beilema.... not happening. Why would they leave where they are at right now with the success they have?
I think you're right. I don't think there is anyone we could realistically get right now that could do better. That being said, I'm not real happy with what happened last year and where it looks like we are headed this year.
It's interesting you mention Stoops and Bielema cuz you know they both would do a hell of a lot better job than KF.
It's interesting you mention Stoops and Bielema cuz you know they both would do a hell of a lot better job than KF.

Based on what?
What Oklahoma had going for Stoops, little thing called tradtion and a lot of talent that was underutilized...it wasn't like they were completely terrible. When you bring in a coach like Stoops that has all the enthusiasm that he does, it is amazing what it can do for a program...just look at Michigan so far.

Bielema has built absolutely nothing, he has picked up where Alvarez put the program, he just got a gift in the QB of Wilson to make them a serious contender. He has one signature win in his tenure when they beat OSU last season, but then lost to TCU in the Rose Bowl where he was outcoached.

You need to find someone
It's interesting you mention Stoops and Bielema cuz you know they both would do a hell of a lot better job than KF.

You can have stoops, major dick and who couldn't win at Oklahoma. And Bielema....someone give us his record against us? I dont think it is as good as you think it is. I'll take Kirk over these two any day.
I think Kirk is the best we can do..... and Mr. Davis was great for us in Bball but the fans got to big of heads and wanted him gone and we were GREAT without him:rolleyes:........

Seriously all of you complaining about a 3-2 record with a team that has 12 returning starters name a coach that would leave where they are to come to Iowa..... and a coach that would stay as long and have as much success as Kirk has had.

Dont say Bob Stoops or Beilema.... not happening. Why would they leave where they are at right now with the success they have?

Good post, you beat me to it. Watch what happens when he leaves. We'll go through about 5 coaches in 15 years. You want more than 4 top 10 finishes in 8 years, we'll be lucky to see one in 10 years....
I don't think Kirk is the best we can do. Hate when people say that. I like Kirk a lot and don't want him to leave because one thing that is rare at this level is the coach caring about the kids education first and from interview I've seen I get this from him. I think Iowa can do better though from a football stand-point. I don't think Kirk could ever win a Nat championship and I think Iowa is a program that has a fan base that has enough support to help move this school to that peak.
Have to check with AARP first to see if he's available. NO

Methinks you missed the sarcasm.

I don't want KF canned. I just want him to be a little more flexible when it's clear that our bread and butter isn't working, and won't this year. The defense is not strong enough to lean on. The offense isn't right now, either. But it's stronger than the defense if allowed to be.

My top choice to replace KF when he retires: Mark Stoops. Youngest of the Stoops bunch, high-energy (without going screamo like Mike), defensive whiz.
Good post, you beat me to it. Watch what happens when he leaves. We'll go through about 5 coaches in 15 years. You want more than 4 top 10 finishes in 8 years, we'll be lucky to see one in 10 years....

I hate this line of thinking. Sure, that's one way that things can go down. It would be a risk. But the thing about risk is: you stand to gain something if you back the right horse. There actually is a possible POSITIVE outcome. The refusal of some here to see that reminds me of the way Ferentz has coached. He only seems to see what can go wrong, and not what can go right.

I don't want him fired. I just hate seeing this argument used to defend him.
sorry dude I didnt want to sift through all the b1tching and moaning from all the unrealistic hawkeye fans.... really you think we are going to beat PSU all the time everytime? lol That team has talent but needs to gel, they found their qb finally and were the better team. I just dont want us to turn into husker fans.
I hate this line of thinking. Sure, that's one way that things can go down. It would be a risk. But the thing about risk is: you stand to gain something if you back the right horse. There actually is a possible POSITIVE outcome. The refusal of some here to see that reminds me of the way Ferentz has coached. He only seems to see what can go wrong, and not what can go right.

I don't want him fired. I just hate seeing this argument used to defend him.

The argument is going to be used as long as the possible replacements are guys with less experience and less proven than KF. The fact is we could never fire KF and get someone with a better resume. I understand your point of view but as long as that is the case the argument will be used given Iowa fans experience with the Mr. Davis/Alford debacle

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