If Iowa loses what level of meltdown are we looking at on this board?


Well-Known Member
It seems to me that the confidence for this game is at an all time high right now. Most predictions I have seen have Iowa winning easily in a rout. Every "expert" that picks against the Hawks is berated and called an idiot, hater, etc

Hypothetical here but what if Iowa loses (for whatever reason) on Saturday? What will this board look like?

I think it will be somewhere between the 2008 Pitt loss and NW last year (that meltdown will never be topped)

For the record I have Iowa winning 24-17 but I think this game will be in doubt late into the game
I will NOT melt down. But if we lose I won't come here to find out who does. After the NW game last year I boycotted HN for a week. I just did not want to read what some people wrote on here.

The reason I will not melt down is because all of our realistic goals of a Big Ten Title and another BCS Bowl game will still be in front of us. The National title talk won't get me going until after the Michigan game IF we are 6-0 at that point.
I'll be disappointed if Iowa loses ... but I'll also recognize that its a long season. As with most games that Iowa will play this year ... losses are possible. It's just part of the game. As Ferentz says ... the most important thing is how you finish. My biggest hope is that the team will continue to focus on improving each week. If they do that and continue to have the great attitude that they seeming have ... I'm pretty confident that even if a few losses crop up ... the team will still be pretty darn impressive by the end of the season.
I actually think it's more likely that we lose this game than win it. I have been a fan since I was a student in 1975. The only year that I thought we had a chance at it all was Long and Harmons senior year. That was the most anticipated team that I remember. This team: we will have to see. A win Saturday will be a pleasant surprise.
Depends on how we lose... total destruction = epic.

That is true. Typically I do not get on here until Sundays anyhow cuz I am not home from the games until then. But this weekend I will have immediate access. Like I said though, if we lose I am staying away until after Ball State. People are suicidal and retarded after losses.
It seems to me that the confidence for this game is at an all time high right now. Most predictions I have seen have Iowa winning easily in a rout. Every "expert" that picks against the Hawks is berated and called an idiot, hater, etc

Hypothetical here but what if Iowa loses (for whatever reason) on Saturday? What will this board look like?

I think it will be somewhere between the 2008 Pitt loss and NW last year (that meltdown will never be topped)

For the record I have Iowa winning 24-17 but I think this game will be in doubt late into the game

Honest question here: what were the boards like after the ISU loss in 2002? And was there nearly as much activity on the boards back then as there is now? I ask that because I wonder if it's kind of like inflation. I'd think that a loss like that would have created an epic meltdown, particularly if there was as much traffic as there is nowadays.
Somewhere between Three-Mile Island and Chernobyl.

Seriously. I will wake up Sunday morning (albeit later than usual) pour a cup of coffee, go sit on my deck, clear my head with the crisp autumn air, open the paper thankful that it is not the Des Moines Register Big Peach circa 1973 and read how Iowa lost 23-20 (our fourth straight loss), wondering if we would win a game this year. (We didn't). Yeah, for those who don't remember those days, trust me this is a good time to be a Hawkeye fan win or lose Sunday morning.
Meltdown? Naw... (unless it's due to a Ken O'Keefe brainfart) Disappointment will be heavy though.

It always hurts to lose, especially a game you expect to win. Meltdown comes when we beat ourselves.
If we lose I'm betting the meltdown has something to do with Coach Wilson and he not being a good substitute for Norm and failing his audition to succeed him.
It seems to me that the confidence for this game is at an all time high right now. Most predictions I have seen have Iowa winning easily in a rout. Every "expert" that picks against the Hawks is berated and called an idiot, hater, etc

Hypothetical here but what if Iowa loses (for whatever reason) on Saturday? What will this board look like?

I think it will be somewhere between the 2008 Pitt loss and NW last year (that meltdown will never be topped)

For the record I have Iowa winning 24-17 but I think this game will be in doubt late into the game

That hypothetical is like saying, "Hypothetically, what if 4 equals 7?"

It's just not something I can believe is real.
I think the meltdown level will be tempered by the fact that the game ends so late. A lot of people won't come online that late and will have cooled down and sobered up by Sunday.
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These posts are so lame. Are we going to ask this question before every game?

You gotta enjoy the meltdown. My favorite meltdown was the 2008 pitt game. I remember that one because it was a meltdown I participated in when I started questioning if Kirk had threw that game due to the fact that Stanzi never saw the 2nd half.
You gotta enjoy the meltdown. My favorite meltdown was the 2008 pitt game. I remember that one because it was a meltdown I participated in when I started questioning if Kirk had threw that game due to the fact that Stanzi never saw the 2nd half.

I'm gonna say he did throw it. That gave him the reason to sit Jake permanently, and let the Manzi take over. Best decision he ever made, IMO ;)
Honest question here: what were the boards like after the ISU loss in 2002? And was there nearly as much activity on the boards back then as there is now? I ask that because I wonder if it's kind of like inflation. I'd think that a loss like that would have created an epic meltdown, particularly if there was as much traffic as there is nowadays.

I don't remember much melt down at all. Most Iowa fans expected iowa to be pretty good but no one expected Iowa to have the season they had. ISU was supposed to be good that year (may have even been favored). They were just coming off a last second very close loss to Florida State.

As I remember the boards back then they were just beginning to get busy.
I don't remember much melt down at all. Most Iowa fans expected iowa to be pretty good but no one expected Iowa to have the season they had. ISU was supposed to be good that year (may have even been favored). They were just coming off a last second very close loss to Florida State.

As I remember the boards back then they were just beginning to get busy.

I was just wondering, given how well the Hawks had played the first two weeks of that season, and how we absolutely beat ourselves in that one.

I figured the boards were just starting to take off at the time. But there wasn't enough of a meltdown that you saw in-person to suggest that it would be pretty epic if the board traffic were as heavy as it is now?
I'm not sure it really has as much to do with the traffic now vs then as it does with expectations now vs then. If Iowa loses this weekend, there will be a melt down and as always the minority (with unrealistic expectations) will be the loudest. At least until they have a chance to blow off their steam and come back to reality.

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