If Fran wasn't our coach...

I can't say I like watching Fran when he gets his panties in a bunch. But I can say that he gets ****** off when fouls are called against his team even when it's clear that Iowa fouled someone. Just an observation from the Drake/Iowa St. game.
I can't say I like watching Fran when he gets his panties in a bunch. But I can say that he gets ****** off when fouls are called against his team even when it's clear that Iowa fouled someone. Just an observation from the Drake/Iowa St. game.

Geez, Fran was getting his knickers in a knot at the Drake-Iowa State game? I would have a problem with that. What the heck was he even doing there? Who was he cheering for?
Geez, Fran was getting his knickers in a knot at the Drake-Iowa State game? I would have a problem with that. What the heck was he even doing there? Who was he cheering for?

You are laying it on pretty thick (the sarcasm that is).

But anyways, just my opinions.
This program was so bereft of emotion during the past two regimes it is refreshing to see. And you are correct, what Fran does is just a fraction of what The Vulture and The Izzo get away with. If nothing else, the bench antics should be fun to witness when those two come to town.

Maybe Margaret will even get into it a little bit. Let's hope.

Margaret is not shy about expressing her displeasure. Bad calls will often have her up out of her seat. One game (I think it was UNI) she was jawing and gesturing at the refs.

Can't wait to see her once the Big 10 season starts and Ed Hightower or Ted Valentine start screwing with the Hawks.
Everyone here would be calling him out for his emotional rants

Emotional rants? Many of you pups are probably too young to remember Bob Knight in his days at Indiana. Those were emotional rants. This is just blowing off a little steam, and personally, I'm all for it. It's a helluva lot better than Lickliter with his head buried in his hands.
Everyone here would be calling him out for his emotional rants

Nope, I love Frank Martin, Bob Huggins, Bob Knight and how they are on the sidelines. Passion is not a bad thing, when it goes too far with players is where potential problems exist (Knight/Martin).
Huh? WTF? I love Coach Fran's passion. If you don't have it and you can't work the refs, then please don't coach at this level.

The OP is probably too young to remember John Wooden. He was an absolute maniac on the sidelines and worked the refs constantly.

He only won 10 national championships.

If your coach isn't working the refs, then he shouldn't be your coach.
I'm not saying its a bad thing. I love coaches that show emotion. I am talking to the posters who like to bash opposing coaches who show emotion like stoops, Bielema, lynch, etc. I'm just saying if he was not our coach then a lot of posters would be calling him out on his emotions.
I love Fran's intensity and I think the difference with Fran and some other coaches is that Fran is pretty spot on when he gets worked up. I would much rather have his intensity than the intensity of the previous regime.
Fran McCaffrey is the best Iowa coach since Tom Davis. Hands down.

I hope he gets more technicals.

To your first point, that's not saying much. Picking the best Iowa coach since Davis is like the best Ben Stiller movie since "There's Something About Mary"

To the second, I'm getting sick of his technicals already. You can't fire up the players if you do the same thing every game. Being loud and demonstrative only works for so long, and then the players will tune you out.
To your first point, that's not saying much. Picking the best Iowa coach since Davis is like the best Ben Stiller movie since "There's Something About Mary"

To the second, I'm getting sick of his technicals already. You can't fire up the players if you do the same thing every game. Being loud and demonstrative only works for so long, and then the players will tune you out.

And to your first point. There has never been a good Ben Stiller movie.

To your second point. And you would know this how?? Were you a division 1 basketball player? Maybe you missed the earlier post about Wooden and his 10 titles. Do you remember a guy named Dean Smith? Bobby Knight do anything for ya? How about Tom Izzo.....You realize I could add to this list of demanding, demonstrative, loud coaches, who have had more than a fair share of success, until the sun goes down, right?
A truly great vocal leader, in any sport, is almost always being led by a truly great, vocal coach. Every team needs at a minimum 1 guy who is firery and capable of getting under the guy across from him's skin. If your coach is passive, your players are passive.

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