IA-OkSt Final Thoughts

So I can't say they aren't as aggressive as gables? Seems to me I'm not the only one here saying that. I'm not saying it makes them a bad team, just an observation of their wrestling styles

gable had his fair share of talented unaggressive wresters. Joe Williams and mike mena are two that came to mind immidiately. but also its not a slap in the face to say brands isn't gable either. there will never be another gable.
gable had his fair share of talented unaggressive wresters. Joe Williams and mike mena are two that came to mind immidiately. but also its not a slap in the face to say brands isn't gable either. there will never be another gable.

And for people to say "Brands teams" arent aggressive make it sounds like its a pattern. Could this team be more aggressive on their feet? sure, mostly the young guys. But no one said anything like that two years ago w/ McD, Metcalf, Erickson, MM, Borshell, etc, etc.
Ramos match of the night for my group! Big heart, a fighter who doesn't back down. Loved after he won when he flexed for the Oky State team! Reminded me of the old days when no one could touch us and we were mean on top of it. Montel seems to wrestle up to his competition, or down to it. Very evenly matched teams, how could it get any closer between these two. We gotta recruit stronger in the heavier weights to dominate like in the past. go hawks
we need to find a coach for the upper weights that can mix it up with them during practice.

Or perhaps find another Gable, who could mix it up with ANY class? :D just kidding.

I'll admit I don't know much about wrestling from a technical standpoint. I couldn't tell you what a lace-leg suplay is; I just know takedowns are worth two points, escapes one, etc. I just go to Iowa meets for the atmosphere, especially since it's been much better than basketball since I started going to school. And last night, particularly during the Ramos match, was like nothing I've ever seen/heard in Carver before.
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we need to find a coach for the upper weights that can mix it up with them during practice.

I'm sure Backes does that, we just don't have the horses. That appears to be changing with Burak, Meyer, and Brooks coming in next year.
1. Moore did not wrestle the #2 guy. He wrestled #15 journeyman Al White. He should have won but won't do that without finishing shots.

2. Parks is good - didn't say he wasn't. I said he was OVERRATED and he is. Being a B12 champ means little - their wrestling is OkSt, Mizzou and (usually ISU) with some decent NEB guys sprinkled in. I've watched Parks his whole career and saw him flame out in Omaha. Tons of potential - no grit, no motor outside the first period. Watch him come March, he'll now out early again.

3. Brands does fine at heavier weights and his teams aren't less aggressive than Gables. You guys who say that are either nuts or too far removed and your memories are clouded. I've been going to meets for 25 years at Carver.

4. People who say Kelly and Moore are ok are flat wrong. Kelly took maybe 2 shots in his match and both were with 20 sec left when he was 5 point down. What good does that do? Take some shots the rest of the match. And Moore will never be anything if he can't finish a shot. That guy wasn't near what he'll face in the BT. Brands said the same things in his presser. He was not happy.

5. Telford quit and that really sucks. He's got so much promise. Based on yesterday, Rasing would have been a much better option. I've never seen him give up on a match.
anyone saying that this "Team" is not aggresive is not watching very closely. I agree with CR that its young guys that seem to be a little timid, but not all the young guys, (see Ramos for example) As a team, i feel this team is aggresive and has gotten better as the year has gone on. Yes the finals at the midlands was a disappointment and we had a couple of lapses last night, but i think our coaches will have i's dotted and the tee's crossed when needed. I have but these two concerns, MM has to pull his head out and wrestle 7 min and GG needs to go back to 84.
Ive actually watch a lot of wrestling. Even wrestled a little too. I still stand by what I said. Us every guy not aggressive? No, but as a whole they could stand to be a little more aggressive. I'm not saying they are timid. Just like to see a little more aggressiveness is all.
I'm sure Backes does that, we just don't have the horses. That appears to be changing with Burak, Meyer, and Brooks coming in next year.

I think your both right another coach with Backes there with Burak and Brooks would be great any word on our recruiting Black or is he considered? Thats a lot of B's
Go Hawks!
I like our future at the heavier weights. I think we have some solid guys and more coming. Brands definitely gets some lower weight studs but he does fine up top too.
You're right. It appears I did say that and I admit my mistake. I stand by my second statement - good but overrated. I'm not here to argue with you - I enjoy your posting and find you knowledgeable.

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