I Wish God Pulled for the Hawks


Well-Known Member
Does it annoy anybody else when athletes, actors, musicians pull the God card out in interviews?

I am a Christian man and I dont think He cares who wins a national title, an oscar or a grammy. The postgame last night just reminded me how much it irritates me.
I think it's okay if they're thanking God for the abilities He gave them (I do believe that he gives us our certain talents for a reason). But other than that, I don't think He has anything to do with something as trivial as a football game.
I don't really think given the grand scheme of life that God gives a hoot about sports. I agree that sports help kids develop work ethic and responsibilty and even save some kids from a life of hell, but our God given talents only matter if they are used to touch someone's life in a way that God intended. Like using all the cash you make as an athlete to do something good instead of storing it all up and spending it on stuff.
I think it's okay if they're thanking God for the abilities He gave them (I do believe that he gives us our certain talents for a reason). But other than that, I don't think He has anything to do with something as trivial as a football game.

Thanking God is fine and all, but when teams/players make it seem like God chose them to win is what annoys me.

Similar to when Stevie Johnson dropped the game winning TD catch for the Bills against the Steelers and he said something like "I praise you 24/7, how can you do me like this." Dude, you dropped the ball, not God.
I have to admit it did irritate me last night because I was thinking of the tragedy that just happened down there over the weekend.
I think you all have the right sentiment here, but your theology/philosophy could use some refining.

Philosophically and linguistically, God would not be God if He wasn't in control (through primary and secondary causation) of EVERY little thing in the universe. If He wasn't in control of that ball game and every thing that happened in it, then he would no longer be God.

That said, you guys are right in that God isn't "pulling" for one team or another as we "pull" for our favorite team. God has purposes in doing (or allowing) everything that happened in that bowl game last night, just like he had purposes in doing (or allowing) everything that happened in your home last night.

I can say for certain that everything happens so God will gain more glory in the end of all things. Beyond that, it is hard to declare, from our perspective, what God's purposes are.

And notice that it isn't always good people that have good fortune. Quite often it is the other way around.

So, did Auburn win because God is a big Cam Newton fan or because God wanted to vindicate him and his dad? No way. It is just as likely, from our purview, that God is building Auburn and its coaches/players before a might fall (pride comes before a fall).

Who knows the reason but God? But God was in control, no doubt about it.
I've never met God, so I can't really speak about his rooting interests in various sports.

Most athletes seem to believe that he is rooting for them when they win. Normally the losing team doesn't thank him quite so much.

Maybe God is a front-runner. My brother is like that.

If I had to make a guess, I would say that God doesn't care or have a plan for sporting events. Much bigger things to worry about.
What really got me is when Newton said something to the effect of how God was using him as his tool on the football field. I don't remember the exact quote, but you get the point.

Yeah, I guess you're God's gift to college football and God is manifesting himself through your abilities.. Full of yourself much?
What really got me is when Newton said something to the effect of how God was using him as his tool on the football field. I don't remember the exact quote, but you get the point.

Yeah, I guess you're God's gift to college football and God is manifesting himself through your abilities.. Full of yourself much?

I believe God was using him as an "insturment". Scam Newton actually makes Tebow tolerable.
If one believes in a Creator then one is not out of line for mentioning the said creator had something to do with their success. This is simply because our success is secondary to existing. If one believes they are created by a God perhaps giving the said God some props for ones existence and everything thereafter might be a reasonable thing to do.

One would think a "Christian" as the OP calls himself would understand this. However perhaps the OP has never really investigated what he means by declaring himself a "Christian". If the OP adheres to the general understanding of what a "christian" is then perhaps he needs to do some homework. If the OP has his own idea of what a Christian is then he might as well call himself a umpah loompa because it doesn't matter to even mention..." I am a Christian Man" then.

The assumption OP indicates that God doesn't care about sports might not be a correct understanding of those he is critical of.\
I would be willing to bet that God does care about people acknowledging him for their existance and everything that comes after
I would be willing to bet that anyone who thanks God for their success realizes the fact that they don't have one up. Perhaps...just perhaps they are giving some acknowledgment to their creator for making the whole thing possible through being allowed to exist/created.
What really got me is when Newton said something to the effect of how God was using him as his tool on the football field. I don't remember the exact quote, but you get the point.

Yeah, I guess you're God's gift to college football and God is manifesting himself through your abilities.. Full of yourself much?

He is a tool. No doubt.

Football is a competition. There is nothing Christian about "beating" someone in a contest, period.
I would be willing to bet that God does care about people acknowledging him for their existance and everything that comes after

Everything in the christian mythology portrays their god as an egotistical lout who demands acknowledgment of his greatness, so I agree with you.
Pride is crediting yourself for the things you do in your life.
Humility is admitting that without everyone else in your life you would not be who/where you are.

Thanking/praising God in a moment of celebration is simply giving thanks to the one that allowed them to be in that position.
God has nothing to do with one's individual talents. To say IT does, then you also have to blame your God for those who have physical disabilities and cannot walk or who have extreme physical disabilities and cannot do anything. Why would a got favor one individual over another...that makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever and is a complete phantasy when it comes to religion. One's traits comes strictly from genetics and developing those genetics, not having the genetics to begin with, or simply being born with the disability. It is simply the luck of the draw.

Put two very very tall and talented individuals who are athletes together and they have a child, chances are their children will be tall and talented athletes if they choose that route. In comparision, take two individuals who have no athletic skills whatsoever and come from a line of very short people and guess what...their progeny will probably be short and unathletic.

Please don't attribute an athlete's skills to God...that is quite foolish thinking and ********.

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