I Wish God Pulled for the Hawks

"If one believes in a Creator then one is not out of line for mentioning the said creator had something to do with their success. This is simply because our success is secondary to existing. If one believes they are created by a God perhaps giving the said God some props for ones existence and everything thereafter might be a reasonable thing to do."

Using this line of reasoning, if a believer has a very serious physical disability and has been in a wheelchair their entire life and cannot walk, talk, or do anything...that believer can BLAME the creator for doing what IT has done to that individual and the individual has EVERY Right to blame the creator as being evil for doing what IT has done to that individual compared to a talented athlete. Is that the gist of your conversation?

In fact the individual should blame and perhaps hate the creator for doing what IT did to the individual shouldn't the individual for being so unfair!
Using this line of reasoning, if a believer has a very serious physical disability and has been in a wheelchair their entire life and cannot walk, talk, or do anything...that believer can BLAME the creator for doing what IT has done to that individual and the individual has EVERY Right to blame the creator as being evil for doing what IT has done to that individual compared to a talented athlete. Is that the gist of your conversation?

In fact the individual should blame and perhaps hate the creator for doing what IT did to the individual shouldn't the individual for being so unfair!
Hmm anyone can be angry with God. Why do you single out the physically disabled. Why do you appear to place more value on the talented athlete than a disabled person? I have a sister in a nursing home. She has one eye and is deaf. She seems to be pretty happy she exists. She places great value in herself as a person. She believes that all humans have value and dignity. I am pretty sure based on that alone her line of thinking is diametrically opposed to the emptyness of your example.
I tell you what though. I will be visiting her on Thursday I run your comments by her. I am sure she will express some pity.
I believe God was using him as an "insturment". Scam Newton actually makes Tebow tolerable.

I agree, and I never thought that would be possible. Tebow might be over the top with his faith, but at least he's sincere about it.
I think it's okay if they're thanking God for the abilities He gave them (I do believe that he gives us our certain talents for a reason). But other than that, I don't think He has anything to do with something as trivial as a football game.

You take that back TM! Hawkeye football trivial??:eek:

Are you saying that when I pray on my black and gold football beads that no one is listening?? (lips quivering) it's all for nothing???!!

What about imported ankles avatar??? Are you saying Jesus, Gods son, who is the same as God, is not really a Hawk fan?? :(
I'm convinced that God is not a sports fan. Or at the very least, not a Hawkeye fan. I've been praying for years that Iowa win a huge game. Examples include: Last season's football game at tOSU, last time Iowa made it deep into the NCAA tournament under Davis, Iowa lost to the eventual winner of the tournament...Kentucky, and I think they only lost by eight. They were on a great run then and could have made it to the final four. Those are two that really stick out in my head. I think the Cap. One bowl vs. LSU might be an exception. On paper, there's no way Iowa wins that game.

IMHO God is only responsible for ones spiritual guidance and belief in themselves. A lot can be said of those factors when added to a gifted athlete. Having a spiritual center is a great aid in humbling a human being and filtering out all the other clutter that might make those high pressure situations unbearable to some others that aren't as well grounded.
You know what annoys me ... God Bless America ... you think God pulls for America any more than he pulls for Auburn?

Not only that, but it is a terrible song, and I am getting tired of hearing it at what seems like every mother****ing sporting event. Next some a-hole is going to suggest it be made the national anthem.
IMHO God is only responsible for ones spiritual guidance and belief in themselves. A lot can be said of those factors when added to a gifted athlete. .
A lot can be said of those who are disabled. What speaks with greater volume and is more inspirational. A wheelchair bound person who says they get their optimism and courage from the God who they love. or the Athlete who scores the touchdown? I say both.
I did not say that a person with a disability could not be happy. I just said they had every right be very angry at your god for making them as IT did in comparison to the god and how it made the perfect athlete on the field and how the athlete thanks IT when the athlete is successful. Has nothing to do with being inspirational...this question had to do with someone thanking god when he was successful in sports and he thanked IT for making him able to do so. I just compared him to the the person with a disability who was created by IT. Why would IT create a person like that and then create another person like the athlete? Seems to me that IT has a very cruel sense of humor....very cruel! Of that there is no doubt... Why would anyone want to pray to something like that or think that IT was a gentle loving god when just the opposite is obviously apparent?

And my point was that a person with a disability would be allowed to hate a god and people would see how that person would be justified to hate your god right using YOUR critieria. And you would support this person as hating IT or loving IT, would be their choice, but if they chose to hate IT...the chrisitian religion would gladly support support that decision. Yeah right. That is where the hyprocrisy comes in...
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I always think of Abraham Lincoln's response to somebody who hoped God was on the North's side in the Civil War.
“Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right”
Why would IT create a person like that and then create another person like the athlete? Seems to me that IT has a very cruel sense of humor....very cruel!
LIke what? a human being with dignity who happens to be in a wheelchair?

"like that" interesting language.
You have a different perspective than a diabled person.

I have met quite a few disabled people in my day by matter of profession and I have never met a single one of them deny that their disability wasn't part of their unique identity. Our uniqueness no matter its makeup is a gift.

You sir, have no idea who my GOd is. My God does not create defective human beings no matter what they are like. My God tells me that all of our traits are part of the human condition. The human condition is what makes us all unique in our own ways.

I have no idea what your experience with Judeo Christian religion is but it seems to be very far removed from the concept of theodicy. (google it if you have to)
I invite you exercise your Knowledge base beyond the "it seems to me" mentality. Broaden your horizons..( I suggest starting with aristotle who obviously pre-dates Christianity)

P.S. the " God is evil" argument is 6th grade level agnostic apologetics.

You are extremely misguided and it saddens me. In your mind you equate success with gifts and talents and thus you suggest that anyone who is disabled should be mad at their creator for not making them like an athlete? God does not place value on our abilities, the value is placed on what we do with the abilities we are given.

"Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people."

This is why many professional athletes speak to the respect and humility gained in working with 'disabled' individuals who, despite their circumstances, still find a way to smile and be happy and to know they are blessed. Where does that will/desire/ability to maintain a relationship with their creator come from? Because according to this world that person would have every reason to be angry with their circumstances, but why aren't they? Because they see the big picture that most of us don't.

I see disabled individuals live happy, fulfilling and love inspired lives and I see athletes with all the talent and money in the world struggle to find any sort of happiness or contentment with their lives. This is the difference between an individual who is in a relationship with their loving creator and someone who is seeking meaning through worldly pursuits.

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