I thought Deace was out of line this morning

When they had Perrault on to give his take, Perrault made a good point in my opinion that it might be time to look at Pollard as a possible reason why the carousel of coaches continue in Ames.

Deace blew up at him and called his point "ridiculous" and got his blood pressure up quite a bit defending Pollard. It was obvious to anyone listening that Deace let his personal relationship with Pollard get in the way of what needed to be objective analysis. If it were any other school (especially Iowa) that was on it's 3rd head football coach, it's 3rd head basketball coach and had the face of it's wrestling program leave for a lateral move...all on the ADs watch, then Deace would be all over the AD in that case....and rightfully so.

I know Deace used Fennely as an example of someone who seems to be okay with Pollard, but that's a strawman argument in my opinion. If someone offers you a lifetime contract, you take it.....Fennely would be stupid not to, regardless of his feelings for the AD.

I just thought it came off as very unprofessional and one of those "turn the radio" moments that seem to be coming more and more lately with Deace. I think the guy is a heckuva broadcaster when he sticks to giving analysis and using his "steel-trap" brain to bring up historical data to support opinions. But the guy seems to be going off the deep-end more and more lately.

Edit: Meant for the B'ball forum.
It was kind entertaining. I do agree Deace showed his emotion on his sleeve but I do agree with Deace that Pollard has nothing to do with the ammount of players leaving the ISU program and has little to do with where the bball team is currently at. that is all on McDermott and Perault seemed a bit blind to it.
It was kind entertaining. I do agree Deace showed his emotion on his sleeve but I do agree with Deace that Pollard has nothing to do with the ammount of players leaving the ISU program and has little to do with where the bball team is currently at. that is all on McDermott and Perault seemed a bit blind to it.

I took Perault's comments as more of a "one time is an anomoly, but 3 times is a trend" sort of thing and that the one constant in all 3 of those instances is their boss (Pollard).
I took Perault's comments as more of a "one time is an anomoly, but 3 times is a trend" sort of thing and that the one constant in all 3 of those instances is their boss (Pollard).

true but you can't really say 3 times can you? He shoved Mac out the door but Chizik left because of who offered. had it been a Big East or a Pac 10 team I don't think he would have jumped ship (unless maybe USC). so I don't count Football.

I see the bball like Alford getting out before he didn't have a place to land. the coach wasn't living up to expectations. He was likely going to be canned next year. So he isn't leaving b/c of the AD but b/c of the expectation of the Fans.

as for wrestling. I don't have a clue. very well could have left because of Pollard.
Deace has been pretty open about his feelings for Pollard. On the other hand so has Perrault. I think they both had good points.

At least this time it was Matt that had a "flawed premise" rather than Jon. :)
I like deace, Just becasue he has an opnion towards something doesnt mean you have to agree. Deace makes the show intresting.
I like deace, Just becasue he has an opnion towards something doesnt mean you have to agree. Deace makes the show intresting.

I like Deace too, and no one is saying he can't have opinions.

What I was saying is that he needs to learn to separate his personal relationships from his job of providing quality analysis to his listeners.

Questioning why there has been a constant revolving door of coaches in all of the major revenue generating sports at ISU and asking the question that maybe it's the man in charge (who's been the one constant in all of this) isn't "ridiculous" as Deace suggests. He's way too smart to just dismiss that....except when you know how close he is with Pollard, then it begins to make sense.

But I guarantee you that if Barta had as many coaches leave under his watch as Pollard has, Deace'd take the whole 2 hour show to analyze and give his opinion about how far in over his head Barta is.
I had the same reaction when I heard Deace try to defend Pollard as not being a potential part of the problem of departures within the ISU coaching ranks. I don't care how well Deace knows Pollard, you cannot rule out the possibility that the AD in this case may be part of the departure trend taking place in Ames. Unless you're in on every discussion that Pollard and his coaches have at times how would you know with certainty.

Deace's response on this morning's show felt more like someone happened to touch a nerve. When you invite someone to take time out of their vacation to dial in as a guest of your show to offer their perspective on the rumored hire I think shouting at them is unprofessional.

As far as Pollard not being responsible for what's taking place in the BB progarm in Ames .......AD's are responsible for their hires and their results.
I had the same reaction when I heard Deace try to defend Pollard as not being a potential part of the problem of departures within the ISU coaching ranks. I don't care how well Deace knows Pollard, you cannot rule out the possibility that the AD in this case may be part of the departure trend taking place in Ames. Unless you're in on every discussion that Pollard and his coaches have at times how would you know with certainty.

Deace's response on this morning's show felt more like someone happened to touch a nerve. When you invite someone to take time out of their vacation to dial in as a guest of your show to offer their perspective on the rumored hire I think shouting at them is unprofessional.

As far as Pollard not being responsible for what's taking place in the BB progarm in Ames .......AD's are responsible for their hires and their results.

I have to say I felt the same way. Deace's voice and tone changed entirely like Matt had made a personal attack on him...
Maybe Deace likes Pollard while it's been proven multiple times that Matt is butthurt that Pollard won't go on his show.
Funny how Deace thinks that Barta better get this bball hire right or it's him that should be gone and somehow Pollard gets all of these free passes. Ironic, huh? FWIW, I happen to like listening to Deace as he is very knowledgeable in the college football arena and I think he makes a good partner for JM.
Deace is the Iowa State guy, and likes the ISU AD. This makes him defend Pollard.

Sportstalkmatt is the Creighton/Valley guy. This makes him bitter and obnoxious.

... There is nothing new here.
Matt P was trying to defend mac because he is his new coach

Last week Matt P would have been running Mac down

MAtt P cant have it both ways is what deace was trying to say
Mac leaving has NOTHING to do with Pollard. In fact, Mac staying this long is only because of Polllard and/or lack of funds to let him go. Matt's 3 times theory would hold water if it had been 3 times. The only one that you can remotely connect to Pollard would be rasslin' and that's debateable.
Mac leaving has NOTHING to do with Pollard. In fact, Mac staying this long is only because of Polllard and/or lack of funds to let him go. Matt's 3 times theory would hold water if it had been 3 times. The only one that you can remotely connect to Pollard would be rasslin' and that's debateable.

I have close friends that are die hard Cyclones. They do the same thing, make excuse after excuse for Pollard. Has he done some good things? Sure he has, but the highest profile part of his job is his head coaching hires. He has made some REALLY BAD ones. How many AD's get to hire 2 football coaches, and 2 Basketball coaches????

I know you won't get Cyclone fans to question Pollard. That is why I LOVE Miller's "The Godfather" nickname for him. When he does the Godfather Pollard voice, it cracks me up!
I think Pollard is an idiot. This might be the first time I've ever agreed with this Matt clown. I like Deace better than both of them and thats not saying much.
At least Deace has an informed and well thought out opinion on sports, when he gives it. Even if you dont agree with it.
Matt P was trying to defend mac because he is his new coach

Last week Matt P would have been running Mac down

MAtt P cant have it both ways is what deace was trying to say

WHAT? What's the use of being a sports radio host if you can't have it both ways?
Deace sounded like he had a burr on his saddle all morning.

I didn't hear the part of the show, but Perault is just trying to keep the fight with Pollard going. Pollard isn't the problem with coaches leaving.

The Chiz left for his dream job. Really? Is that Pollard's fault?

Mac headed out of town before the posse got rounded up in 2011. Is that Pollard's fault?

And Cal left to get out of the shadow of Hawkeye wrestling. Is that Pollard's fault?
I have close friends that are die hard Cyclones. They do the same thing, make excuse after excuse for Pollard. Has he done some good things? Sure he has, but the highest profile part of his job is his head coaching hires. He has made some REALLY BAD ones. How many AD's get to hire 2 football coaches, and 2 Basketball coaches????

I know you won't get Cyclone fans to question Pollard. That is why I LOVE Miller's "The Godfather" nickname for him. When he does the Godfather Pollard voice, it cracks me up!

That's "Pollardini" Mr. Deanvogs...and don'tchu ever forget that!

You couldn't hear it, but I did that whole sentence in my best Pollardini voice replication of Miller's Pollardini voice...now I need a lozenge...

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