I think this is the solution to the "divisons" problem facing the BIg 10

Yes, but looking at statistics...how many times would the loser of that game have then qualified to play again in the championship game?

-In 2003, Purdue beat OSU and also had a 6-2 conference record...so would have played in the championship game.
-In 1997 Penn State would have played MU in the championship.

So ultimately, MU and OSU would have met in a actual championship only 2 times over a 20 year span. And that was in an era where MU was far more dominant that it has been recently.
Mesaclone, a fair point, but like I said if if this scenario would only occur once ever 3 decades, Michigan and OSU would not agree to being in opposite divisions. You may not like that it is relatively illogical, but its just the way it is.
I have no idea what MU and OSU would do. Do you have a quote or something where they've stated they have to be in the same division? I know they've said they must play each other every year, which they would in my scenario, but I haven't seen either of them proclaim they must be in the same division. Have you?
Because, unlike most scenarios that pull PSU into a division with western teams, the states in the above scenario are contiguous and traditional rivals. Balance is also factor, along with some regional flavor. This scenario works for both. And no, this isn't some plot to make it harder for Iowa. It simply makes sense regionally, rivalry wise, and benefits two key schools in MU and OSU.

I disagree completely.

1. It doesn't make any more sense regionally than a true East/West like I've advocated.

2. Rivalry-wise, they key ones would be maintained within divisions in my scenario (Michigan-OSU, Michigan-MSU, PSU-OSU, MSU-PSU, Indiana-Purdue, Minny-Wisky, Minny-Iowa, Wisky-Iowa, NW-Ill), and Nebraska would get to formulate new rivalries with Iowa, Minny, and Wisky).

3. As for benefitting 2 key schools...this isn't the Big 12 where only Texas and OU get the benefits...the entire league will benefit.

Michigan and OSU will be in the same division. It's really that simple. Any scenario that splits them up is just not worth discussing.
Western Division
Michigan State

Eastern Division
Ohio State
Penn State

Guaranteed cross division rivalry games:
OSU v Michigan
Iowa v Illinois
Nebraska v Penn State
Minnesota v Indiana
Michigan State v Purdue
Wisconsin v Northwestern

This ensures VERY balanced regional divisions. Guarantees that OSU plays MU every year. Allows for the possibility of an OSU v MU championship game. It also maintains nearly all of the traditional "trophy" games and sets up a nice "out of division" rivalry for NU against Penn State. Finally, I think the potential for OSU meeting Michigan in a championship game outweighs any concerns about them playing each other twice in a season.

Michigan and Ohio State are not going to be split up.
I have no idea what MU and OSU would do. Do you have a quote or something where they've stated they have to be in the same division? I know they've said they must play each other every year, which they would in my scenario, but I haven't seen either of them proclaim they must be in the same division. Have you?

Gene Smith (OSU AD) has gone on the record as saying that any scenario that splits up the Michigan/OSU rivalry is a non-starter.
And look out for MesaClone in 3...2...1...

I don't really care what he says - they're going to be in the same division. The only wild card in this whole thing is where Penn State, and to a lesser extent, Wisconsin end up. Maybe MSU, although they're going to be fighting an uphill battle no matter where they end up.
I don't really care what he says - they're going to be in the same division. The only wild card in this whole thing is where Penn State, and to a lesser extent, Wisconsin end up. Maybe MSU, although they're going to be fighting an uphill battle no matter where they end up.

Agree about UM/OSU...they will be together, and MesaClone can take that to the bank. Penn State may be the wildcard, but I just don't see how they are anywhere but in the East with OSU/UM.
Agree about UM/OSU...they will be together, and MesaClone can take that to the bank. Penn State may be the wildcard, but I just don't see how they are anywhere but in the East with OSU/UM.

My reasoning is that the league might figure that it doesn't make a ton of sense to put three 800+ win teams in the same division. Granted, Michigan might stay down even though nobody expects them to, and an East divsion of with Iowa, Nebraska and Wisconsin would be pretty salty.
I guess we'll just agree to disagree...sort of.

I'm not arguing that my scenario will happen, just that it makes the most sense. I realize the politics of conference alignment very may trump common sense.
I guess we'll just agree to disagree...sort of.

I'm not arguing that my scenario will happen, just that it makes the most sense. I realize the politics of conference alignment very may trump common sense.

Common sense isnt really used in college football....evidenced by the BCS system
I guess we'll just agree to disagree...sort of.

I'm not arguing that my scenario will happen, just that it makes the most sense. I realize the politics of conference alignment very may trump common sense.

But it doesn't make sense. Michigan/OSU is one of the best rivalries in sports, at any level. The Big 10 is not going to do to that rivalry what the Big 12 did to Nebraska and Oklahoma. Even if there was a guaranteed cross-divisional game every year, it's very easy to see a scenario where both teams go into that game with their respective divisions wrapped up, and therefore would have a date in the Big 10 championship. The regular season game would be meaningless.

That's not to say that couldn't happen with them both in the same division, but say they're tied in the standings, or one is a game out, and a trip to the championship game is on the line, or one can knock the other out of the championship game.
I guess we'll just agree to disagree...sort of.

I'm not arguing that my scenario will happen, just that it makes the most sense. I realize the politics of conference alignment very may trump common sense.

I don't believe that your scenario makes sense at all. Any divisional grouping that splits Michigan and Ohio State falls flat. It's not going to happen, and there's no good reason for it to happen.
They play every year in my scenario. That seems to be THEIR criteria, from what I've read...do you know of some contradictory assertions from them.

Has anyone got any quotes or information from them asserting they must share a division together...even if guaranteed a matchup every season?
and all of this leads back to the only logical split being E/W

W = Iowa, Minn, Wisc, Neb, Ill, NW
Based on what...again...do you have ANYTHING from either school where they state they MUST be in the same division EVEN if they were to play each other every year?

Or is this just your intuition?