I think Kirk will be at Iowa 5 more years

We all know that KOK and Ferentz run a plain jane offense that hasn't looked great since 2002. Despite the fact that we've had many players drafted since then from the offense.

The only thing Great about Ferentz's team has been the defense and sometimes special teams. Offense has been for the most part less than good most years.
Nat, I think you know the answers to your questions. Kap'n Vanilla will do everything in his (considerable) power to feather his family's nest, including working to ensure that his kids have lucrative/powerful gigs at Iowa. And GarBar will do exactly what Kap'n StuckInThe70s tells him.
What this means for the future of the Iowa football program...well, you know the answer to that, too. :(

Ferentz showed up in the 80's and was groomed under and learned how to win under Hayden Fry.

In the meantime he's done OK on his own. Ferentz has flaws, as we all do, and if he meets these flaws (weaknesses) head on... along with some luck... we will applaud and cheer on some big time championships and BCS Bowl victories in the next few years.

If he doesn't.... Iowa goes out under his watch as done solid, a winning program that does it the right way.. the Iowa way.

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