I think Kirk Wants to hire Tom Moore

I'll be downright ticked off if that is true. I'd rather promote from within than hire Greg Davis. He's terrible.

I have to admit I was intrigued and excited about the Moore hire. Davis? Could be great, I guess. But he also seems like the quintessential "retread" hire.

That's just MY feeling. Maybe that's not fair, but who knows.

I really thought the Moore hire was nearly a done deal. I was told he was offered, then later that he was in fact "on-board". Then all of a sudden Davis came in the picture.

I know with 100% certainty Moore was in town and working/meeting with players and staff. Part of me wonders if he didn't change his mind after a week and decide the rigors of full time coaching again were too much.

Who knows, but I'd be lying if I said I will not be disappointed if in fact he is not our OC.

I'm definitely on board with going outside the staff for the OC. Nobody on staff can do it effectively. I just don't get real excited about the potential Davis hire for one reason or another.
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I believe Davis won an award for the top assistant coach in the nation in 2005. If this were 2006, we would all be drooling over the possibility of him coming to Iowa. I'm guessing he didn't forget how to coach over the last 6 years. The fan base should give this guy a chance.
I believe Davis won an award for the top assistant coach in the nation in 2005. If this were 2006, we would all be drooling over the possibility of him coming to Iowa. I'm guessing he didn't forget how to coach over the last 6 years. The fan base should give this guy a chance.

It's a pretty distinguished list (broyles award winners). The award typically goes to the assistant of a team that either won or seriously contended for a BCS championship.

Does that mean they are a competent coach? Of course. But their is a lot that goes into being a successful coach.

To a large extent wins and losses are more a result of "the Jimmy's and the Joe's" than the X's and the O's. Being at Texas, Alabama, LSU, is different than being at Iowa.

That doesn't mean you can't coach. For all I know he is a genius and the best at what he does.

I guess where I do trust KF is that he would be a good fit for the program. That is important. I don't mean a conservative yes-man. Just the type of person that fits well in this environment, and with the rest of the staff. I trust that Kirk will get it right, just not as excited about he possibility of Davis whether it's 2006 or 2012.
I believe Davis won an award for the top assistant coach in the nation in 2005. If this were 2006, we would all be drooling over the possibility of him coming to Iowa. I'm guessing he didn't forget how to coach over the last 6 years. The fan base should give this guy a chance.

Hmm, who was it again that was named "2007 NABC coach of the year"? We gave him a chance, too.

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