I think it's Hubbard. Cast your vote

Maybe Miller has gotten his scores back (not likely, but who knows). FWIW, he's gone silent on Facebook since last night. He's a regular chatter box most of the time, so the silence is a little odd. Again, take that FWIW.

My bet would be Hubbard.
If we don't know by Friday then I think it is Hubbard just waiting to make it official. If it's not Hubbard then my wild *** guess is that it is Carter and he has asked Fran to hold off until he tells the other coaches he is not going with them. I am not sure but didn't we just have a BIG visit yesterday that is from the Wisconsin area? Fischer or something like that?
My theory is this. Fran feels good about a Hubbard commitment AND he has a silent/soft commit from a true PG. Thus he pulls Glover's offer. Fran does NOT feel good about where he stands with Katenda and Olaseni and needs the extra visit for another big. NO more guards will be visiting.

This is the most logical scenario given what we think we know....(which is not much....)
If we don't know by Friday then I think it is Hubbard just waiting to make it official. If it's not Hubbard then my wild *** guess is that it is Carter and he has asked Fran to hold off until he tells the other coaches he is not going with them. I am not sure but didn't we just have a BIG visit yesterday that is from the Wisconsin area? Fischer or something like that?

I dont get why people continue to throw out Carter's name? Until he visits I think its safe to say he wont be announcing Iowa
I said it was a wild asz guess. If it's not someone we have not been competing against other teams for then why don't we know who it is? With the communication tech we have nowadays this is usually out there in a matter of minutes and hours at most.
There is no shot its Hubbard Iowa would have taken Glover and Hubbard. Has to be someone else then Hubbard decides.
I said it was a wild asz guess. If it's not someone we have not been competing against other teams for then why don't we know who it is? With the communication tech we have nowadays this is usually out there in a matter of minutes and hours at most.

I'm pretty sure coach's can't comment unti LOI is in. So it would be up to the player. I think its a safe guess that the commit hasn't been to Iowa on an official visit.
There is no shot its Hubbard Iowa would have taken Glover and Hubbard. Has to be someone else then Hubbard decides.

I have no clue either way, but why do you think Iowa would have taken Glover over Hubbard? If that were true, IMO, they would not have scratched his visit, which was supposed to happen today. If memory serves, didn't Glover cancel one trip here for UCLA, only to cancel it when he didn't clear admissions?
My theory is this. Fran feels good about a Hubbard commitment AND he has a silent/soft commit from a true PG. Thus he pulls Glover's offer. Fran does NOT feel good about where he stands with Katenda and Olaseni and needs the extra visit for another big. NO more guards will be visiting.
I do not soft/silent commit had anything to do with it. I think its a commit that hasn't faxed the LOI to IC yet therefore the coaches don't want any"slipage" beforehand.
And the official visit situation makes your theory of the situation with big men very plausible.
Aren't the Hawks done to one or two officials left? The call to cancel the Glover visit might have been to save the official for the players that plan to commit if they haven't been to campus yet.
You can't get a diamond in the rough to committ if you tell everyone about him. Lets just see how this next month closes.
If we don't know by Friday then I think it is Hubbard just waiting to make it official. If it's not Hubbard then my wild *** guess is that it is Carter and he has asked Fran to hold off until he tells the other coaches he is not going with them. I am not sure but didn't we just have a BIG visit yesterday that is from the Wisconsin area? Fischer or something like that?

Fran is making it interesting, BigD. Very interesting indeed. Certainly keeps the ball rolling on the forums. As desperately as we need a point guard, to tell one, whom we more than likely could have signed, that we are no longer interested means, to me at least, some excellent news is waiting in the wings. There is no way Fran and staff can leak relevant news for the benefit of the faithful forumfolk. Other coaches know his talent for finding the diamond in the rough and will do whatever they can to mess things up. I firmly believe the other Big Ten coaches do not want to see Iowa coming back to challenge them for upper division status. We certainly got their attention with our play near the end of the season. No way we should have been competing with the best of the Big Ten as we did. IT IS COMING.
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Fran is making it interesting, BigD. Very interesting indeed. Certainly keeps the ball rolling on the forums. As desperately as we need a point guard, to tell one, whom we more than likely could have signed, that we are no longer interested means, to me at least, some excellent news is waiting in the wings. There is no way Fran and staff can leak relevant news for the benefit of the faithful forumfolk. Other coaches know his talent for finding the diamond in the rough and will do whatever they can to mess things up. I firmly believe the other Big Ten coaches do not want to see Iowa coming back to challenge them for upper division status. We certainly got their attention with our play near the end of the season. No way we should have been competing with the best of the Big Ten as we did. IT IS COMING.

side note, love your edit reason.

good post.

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