I said 2 years and even with this, I will stand by it, but I think Fran should step down


Well-Known Member
And this is being really kind. I still think he has earned 2 years on merit, but I'm not sure it is worth it for him. See if he can't get to a mid-major school where his kids can have some success. It is to bad, because I really wanted Fran to succeed here. I just don't see it happening. He really has his work cut out for him with the time he has left here.

I don't think he should be fired. I don't think he should be forced out. But, I hope he has a talk with his family about other options.
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And this is being really kind. I still think he has earned 2 years on merit, but I'm not sure it is worth it for him. See if he can't get to a mid-major school where his kids can have some success. It is to bad, because I really wanted Fran to succeed here. I just don't see it happening. He really has his work cut out for him with the time he has left here.

I don't think he should be fired. I don't think he should be forced out. But, I hope he has a talk with his family about other options.

Fran IMO doesn't look happy and like he enjoys this anymore. A poster over on HR wrote not long ago of hearing rumblings that Fran wants out. Stepping aside would give both the boys options before they get very far in their college careers. It puts Connor in a tough spot because IMO he has joined a pretty good baseball program at Iowa and will get some good coaching to help put him on a path to a possible pro career. But he can get that elsewhere if Fran moves on. I agree that Fran would have a happier and more successful close to his career at another mid-major.

Fran taking the Iowa job after we fired Lickliter seemed the right place at the right time for both parties involved. Life takes some unexpected turns sometimes and this hasn't turned out like anybody expected although IMO things started going bad with Fran before this season.
Well, Fran is not going to walk away from 1.8 million contract for next 2 years Anybody on this forum willing to do that? With his record, nobody is going to match that money. So you have to fire him and pay off the contract to get rid of him.
Well, Fran is not going to walk away from 1.8 million contract for next 2 years Anybody on this forum willing to do that? With his record, nobody is going to match that money. So you have to fire him and pay off the contract to get rid of him.

You are likely right about the money part. However, I think Fran can either coach 1 to 2 more years at Iowa (before he gets fired, I think it could be likely then) and get 1.8 million both years, or go to a mid major and collect a nice 6 figure salary for a number of years and be much happier.

If I was his friend or a family member, that is the talk I'm having with him. Do you really want to go through this and is it worth the stress and potentially damaging your career trying to fix this mess?

As his boss, I would still give him 2 years, but I'm having a talk about expectations going forward at the end of this year.
Fran IMO doesn't look happy and like he enjoys this anymore. A poster over on HR wrote not long ago of hearing rumblings that Fran wants out. Stepping aside would give both the boys options before they get very far in their college careers. It puts Connor in a tough spot because IMO he has joined a pretty good baseball program at Iowa and will get some good coaching to help put him on a path to a possible pro career. But he can get that elsewhere if Fran moves on. I agree that Fran would have a happier and more successful close to his career at another mid-major.

Fran taking the Iowa job after we fired Lickliter seemed the right place at the right time for both parties involved. Life takes some unexpected turns sometimes and this hasn't turned out like anybody expected although IMO things started going bad with Fran before this season.

If Fran wanted out he knows where the door is. There is nothing keeping him here because he can find another gig for good money.. I find it hard to believe that he wants out, especially when you have kids involved that will be playing for him. I think that’s far fetched..
And, I want to clarify by my title in stepping down. I think he should step down to the mid-major level. Look at what jobs are open at the end of the year and jump on the most reasonable mid-major. He probably will still have the street creed to land a mid-major job (even a decent one). Two years from now, it won't look as good for him imho.
I wonder if Fran's wife likes living in Iowa City? That is why Lute Olsen left Iowa, his wife hated the winters here and why they ended up in Arizona.
The one time they flashed her on tv (not today, but a game or two back) she looked bored out of her mind.

Definitely not the fire and passion she had coming in, but could anyone watching that today not say WTF is that.. Margaret and Fran are both smart people and know things are heating up around them..
For sure, we do not want to do with Fran like we did with Mr. Davis. If/when he gets fired, he needs to be let go. No lame duck season.
Amen to that. Unless Fran can find a soft landing spot (Ala Alford and NM) I just doubt he'd leave. Let us not forget there's kids involved.. His youngest has one more year of HS left. I can't see Fran walking away on his own after this year I just can't. He'll make it be Bartas call and we all know the lack of a trigger finger he has.
Amen to that. Unless Fran can find a soft landing spot (Ala Alford and NM) I just doubt he'd leave. Let us not forget there's kids involved.. His youngest has one more year of HS left. I can't see Fran walking away on his own after this year I just can't. He'll make it be Bartas call and we all know the lack of a trigger finger he has.
Don't forget about Jack.

He'll make it be Bartas call and we all know the lack of a trigger finger he has.
Unless you're a lesbian.
Amen to that. Unless Fran can find a soft landing spot (Ala Alford and NM) I just doubt he'd leave. Let us not forget there's kids involved.. His youngest has one more year of HS left. I can't see Fran walking away on his own after this year I just can't. He'll make it be Bartas call and we all know the lack of a trigger finger he has.

Unfortunately, you are likely right. Fran will go down with this ship before stepping down, but I hope his wife/boys can convince him otherwise.
I say no extension to current contract. Let contract play, why waste money by buying him out. How did your last 3 coaching hires work out. No guarantee next hire is any better. Going to have find a coach that can recruit. I'm thinking young coach with lot of energy, No candidates in mind, take next 2 years and look hard.

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