I may have two extra tickets

I am very interested and will pay the most.
I really like this post the most. Someone wants to enrich themselves . . . and someone wants a deal. Market economics = win/win. It's a tragedy how many post-18-yr-old children can't fathom that.
No I wouldn't do that to a Hawkeye Fan.Thinking around $700 for both and that still wouldn't cover one of my tickets.

If you are willing to do this, that is very honorable of you - my only questions is - how do you decide which one of us lucky people get it? :)
U of I gave us a nice "Hey thanks for the support for 4 decades; and having anywhere between 4-6 tickets along with donations." Here are TWO TICKETS to the Rose Bowl. Sorry guys, I thought almost 500 priority points was worth something.
Uggh. Our plans changed and we can no longer make the game. I have 2 tickets available - they are $700 for the pair. Must be a Hawkeye fan. Message if you want them. On Iowa.
I have two tickets I will not be using. They would be end zone or end zone corner area. I just know I have two coming and they did not state in the e-mail exactly where they are. I think they get mailed out to us by the 21st.
I have two tickets...looking for around $425 each. Must be hawkeye fan and around IC/CR as I will not have in hand until around middle of next week.