I love me some wrastlin posters but..

Biggest difference... they care about...

Who cares what other people think? When it comes to wrestling, Iowa is the cream of the crop. If you care about wrestling, it should matter to you (and it will matter to other people that care about wrestling too). If you don't care about wrestling, then it shouldn't matter to you (and that would be understandable...what wouldn't be understandable is why you are wasting your time on the wresting message board).

It's funny how you said that you were proud of Iowa wresting until you found out people don't care. If you have kids and are proud of them, does it make any difference to you if other people don't care? Would you no longer be proud of your kids if other people didn't care about them? Of course not. Bottom line is that if YOU care about something, it should matter to you regardless of what others care about.
Growing up in Iowa I was always very proud that Iowa was so great at wrestling until I got older and realized no other state gives a crap!

Yeah, thank god we've built such a dynasty in Basketball and our Football team has such a proud tradition of only losing games to teams they are supposed to beat.
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3 out of 61 people in the shop knew who Dan Gable was here in Minot ND. Out of the 3 who knew who Gable was 2 were from Iowa and 1 is a sports freak who knows everything trivial to include who invented the Terrible Towel that Pittsburgh fans wave. THREE out of 61.

BTW... this is an AF duty section and the people are from all over the US. Only a couple are from ND and they surely didn't know.

sounds like an episode of jaywalking, or watter's world. most people are clueless about the most basic things.
I asked 61 people if they knew where North Dakota was on a map. 3 people did. 2 were from North Dakota and one was just a geography freak. THREE out of 61.

My research took every bit of my available intellegence and time yet was proven pointless and mindlessly boring but I feel really good about myself now because I personally am not a fan of North Dakota.


don't feed the greghamer troll.....
Oh don't get me wrong here fellas. I know Dan Gable and have talked to him many times. When I was in HS he had a cabin right down the road that he would bring wrestlers to go fishing on the Mississippi River to include the Brands. They would always order fresh thick cut steaks from the local IGA.
Bottom Line: He don't remember me, I remember him... score one more for Gable.
BTW: North Dakota is North of South Dakota for those challenged friends of yours!
greg, you're an idiot. look at all the people on the hawkeye basketball forum on this site. hawkeye basketball has no relevance to the basketball community outside Iowa either, but we're hawk fans and its fun to follow.

I think you're missing the point. I'm not judging whether it's right or wrong, but basketball is culturally relevant in the US, and wrestling really isn't.

Hawkeye basketball might not be relevant to people outside the state of Iowa right now, but I can tell you that everyone in Madison noticed when Iowa basketball beat UW. Very few people would care at all if Iowa beat UW in wrestling. I'm stating reality.

I actually think Iowa wrestling is great, fwiw.
EXACTLY... When I lived in England my neighbor came out to greet me one day and said "you alright?" I said "sure mate... why wouldn't I be?" He said, "well, the football game!" I was wondering what he was talking about. I knew he was a kicker for the University of Miami in his younger days and was thinking maybe Miami beat a Big Ten team or something??? Then he said "oh don't act like you don't know that the US lost to England in football yesterday?" I laughed and said "ohhhh... you mean soccer? No... very few people care about soccer in the US and no I didn't know we were even playing England last night" and he didn't believe it.

Foreign people think American's are shook when we lose in soccer and that they actually accomplished something. They have NO IDEA we don't care enough about soccer to even know when they play.

Similar to Iowa Wrestling outside the state of Iowa.

FWIW: I like wrestling better than soccer!
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