I love Brad Rogers' style!


Well-Known Member
It seemed to me like he just ran over the tackler, without even trying to juke. I love it! That could be a great compliment to ARob because it wears down the defense. There were a few plays where it looked like Brad was tackling the defender. When ARob comes back in the safety will be seeing stars.
Coker was similar, but obviously with more razzle dazzle.
Just wondered what others thought about it.
I agree with you somewhat. However you should remember a few things. BSU's defense was already worn out by the time Rogers was in there. Much easier for him to run over tired arm tacklers from the MAC than beefed up linebackers from tOSU. A good compliment to Robinson, maybe. Robinson actually doesn't have much "lightning" to his game. He's extremely patient and runs hard. He's starting to show some glimpses of Shon Greene in him.

IMO I guess the compliment part you are referring to wouldn't be "thunder and lightning" concept, but more of a methodical runner who finds the lanes (Robinson) and a power runner who makes one cut and then just levels everybody else in the secondary (Rogers). I like Rogers for a third down back, say 3rd and 2. He's your man. Much more likely to fall forward.
Well, a caveat you need to add is that it was Ball State. It'll be interesting to see if he can do it to some actual defenses down the road, where it'll be needed.

My concerns for both Rogers and Coker (or even Johnson) isn't as much their ability to run, necessarily, but their readiness with the offensive scheme. Do they know their roles? Can they fill into a pass protection mode, and help pick up blitzes? Etc.

My other concern is ball security. Other than either Rogers or Coker having that fumble that went out of bounds, they seemed to do well. However, again, we'll be facing better defenses. Ball security will be extremely important. It really doesn't matter if you're gashing through the defense if you keep fumbling the ball away.
Well, a caveat you need to add is that it was Ball State. It'll be interesting to see if he can do it to some actual defenses down the road, where it'll be needed.

My concerns for both Rogers and Coker (or even Johnson) isn't as much their ability to run, necessarily, but their readiness with the offensive scheme. Do they know their roles? Can they fill into a pass protection mode, and help pick up blitzes? Etc.

My other concern is ball security. Other than either Rogers or Coker having that fumble that went out of bounds, they seemed to do well. However, again, we'll be facing better defenses. Ball security will be extremely important. It really doesn't matter if you're gashing through the defense if you keep fumbling the ball away.

Agreed. i.e. Adrian Petersen
Although he's been better this year thus far.
post game interview with Brad:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIulc93Xs3U]YouTube - Ball State postgame -- RB Brad Rogers[/ame]
I agree with you somewhat. However you should remember a few things. BSU's defense was already worn out by the time Rogers was in there. Much easier for him to run over tired arm tacklers from the MAC than beefed up linebackers from tOSU. A good compliment to Robinson, maybe. Robinson actually doesn't have much "lightning" to his game. He's extremely patient and runs hard. He's starting to show some glimpses of Shon Greene in him.

IMO I guess the compliment part you are referring to wouldn't be "thunder and lightning" concept, but more of a methodical runner who finds the lanes (Robinson) and a power runner who makes one cut and then just levels everybody else in the secondary (Rogers). I like Rogers for a third down back, say 3rd and 2. He's your man. Much more likely to fall forward.

I don't really see the Greene comparison for A-Rob. Greene was faster, stronger. A-Rob is more like a Fred Russell without the top-end speed than he is a Shonn Greene. A-Rob is slippery as hell, and doesn't go down easily. But he doesn't break tackles by bowling people over like Greene did. Put it this way: A-Rob would never have had that TD run against Wisky that Greene had. Nor would he have had the spin move TD against Purdue.
Neither Rogers or Coker had any moves whatsoever. they both just ran forward and couldnt move side to side.that wont get it done in the Big ten and we all know it. neither of them had any speed either. i am extremely concerned in arob goes down
The buzzword or catchphrase in football when talking about runningbacks these days is 'downhill runner' how you exactly define that is beyond me.

It's a term that picked up a lot steam with Broncos in the late 90's with T. Davis and o-line guru Alex Gibb and his zone blocking scheme. Imo, a-rob doesn't necessarily fit that style, F. Russell didn't fit it either, yet both guys were highly productive. Its about the intangibles in the Iowa system: blitz pick-up, pass catching ability, trust of the coaching staff. You don't have to be the 'next' Shonn Greene to be successful in the Iowa running game.

However, gun to KF's head he would prefer Greene's style preferable to a Russell or A-rob style. Coker/Rogers style are more like Greene's than A-rob's is.
He needs to run with better body lean, get his shoulders over his toes instead of over his heels. That being said, his instincts are perfect for a guy with his build. No need trying to be Reggie Bush when you're built like Jerome Bettis. Imagine him after 3 more years in the Doyle System.
Both Rogers and Coker are deserving of our patience given how young they are. Who knows how they'll develop? I'm hoping phenomenally.

This said, I did not come away overly impressed with either. A-Rob needs to stay healthy for this team to reach its potential.
I don't really see the Greene comparison for A-Rob. Greene was faster, stronger. A-Rob is more like a Fred Russell without the top-end speed than he is a Shonn Greene. A-Rob is slippery as hell, and doesn't go down easily. But he doesn't break tackles by bowling people over like Greene did. Put it this way: A-Rob would never have had that TD run against Wisky that Greene had. Nor would he have had the spin move TD against Purdue.

Agreed. I have read it often too - the Greene comparison. I just don't see it either. There were several TDs v. Wisconsin that I don't see Arob making - the toss sweep is the first to come to mind.

Shonn Greene had really the entire package. Thunder and Lightning, so to speak.
This said, I did not come away overly impressed with either. A-Rob needs to stay healthy for this team to reach its potential.
I don't understand this conclusion.

I did come away pretty impressed. Here is why:

AROB had 22 carries for 115 yds (5.2 avg) long of 17
Rogers had 9 carries for 67 yds (6.7 avg) long of 18
Coker had 10 carries for 60 yds (6.0 avg) long of 21

Notice Rogers and Coker both put up better stats. Granted BS's defense was worn down and the game was over so they probably weren't going 100%, but still it counts for something.
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AROB is no Shonn Greene. Greene has speed. If I remember correctly he returned kicks when he was younger at Iowa.
AROB is no Shonn Greene. Greene has speed. If I remember correctly he returned kicks when he was younger at Iowa.

They discussed using ARob to return punts and kicks a couple weeks ago after Hampton went down. I don't think he'd be great at it, but I could see him returning if we didn't have better options in DJK, KD, Sandeman, etc.
Granted BS's defense was worn down and the game was over so they probably weren't going 100%, but still it counts for something.

Stats lie for this very reason.

I want you to be right, I really do. I think the "something" deserved is patience offered as I alluded to earlier in this thread.
Stats lie for this very reason.

I want you to be right, I really do. I think the "something" deserved is patience offered as I alluded to earlier in this thread.

Even against a beaten-up D, this was a freshman who was making his first appearance, and it was in a torrential downpour. If he was struggling, getting maybe 2.5-3 YPC, I'd be worried. But considering he's not supposed to be a home run hitter and he won't be getting the ball 20 times a game, I was impressed with his effort. Stats do *kinda* lie, but I figure in a short-yardage situation or in a goal line set, he could be deadly.
Rogers and Coker were both impressive in their debuts. The contrasting styles and changes of pace that Arob, Coke, and Mr Rogers each offer will be difficult for defenders through the course of a game.

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