I just don't get it

My concern is that in 2010, there was enough talent, coupled with a leauge that was down a little bit to avoid a "down cycle" and win 8 or 9 games. Same thing in 2011. However, the team underperformed, and now the "down cycle" is as low as it's been in awhile. I hope you're right, I hope things get better, but I fear that this down cycle might be the one KF can't recover from. Things change, and cycles are broken. We had a chance to break the cycle the last 2 years and didn't do it, now things are turning the wrong way.

Have you forgotten how many defensive starters Iowa has lost in the last 2 years. Iowa has been at the bottom of returning starters in the nation the last 2 years, couple that with attrition and new assistants there's going to be a down turn. Iowa isn't a traditional powerhouse that just reloads, never have, probably never will.
My concern is that in 2010, there was enough talent, coupled with a leauge that was down a little bit to avoid a "down cycle" and win 8 or 9 games. Same thing in 2011. However, the team underperformed, and now the "down cycle" is as low as it's been in awhile. I hope you're right, I hope things get better, but I fear that this down cycle might be the one KF can't recover from. Things change, and cycles are broken. We had a chance to break the cycle the last 2 years and didn't do it, now things are turning the wrong way.

The team did win 8 games in 2010.

But I seriously don't think people are clear about that 2010 team.

The D line was good, but the linebackers were dismal. Seriously, Iowa was starting a TRUE FRESHMAN at middle linebacker!

The team lost two close games, with one being a night game in Arizona, and a close loss to Wisky that included a converted fake punt.

Then they lose MacMillan and Gettis and end up starting a small walk-on 5th year senior who just got rolled for three straight games next to a small first year starter at center. And OH Yeah, they replaced 4 freaking fifths of the offensive line! Including 2 draft picks. And Tony Mo.

On top of that the RB situation had imploded.

Seriously, it was like 2005 all over again. People were fooled by preseason polls, but paid no attention to what was lost from the prior season.

Iowa beat #12 Missouri in the Insight Bowl in 2010 to finish 8-5.
Last year,they lost to #8 Oklahoma...and ended up at 7-6. A mediocre season,but still a winning year.
In 2009 they won the Orange Bowl and finished #7 in the country.
In 2008 they beat South Carolina in a bowl and finished 9-4.

Those seasons are not ancient history....they are the last 4 seasons. All bowl games...3 bowl wins in 4,including a BCS bowl win..the only one in Iowa football history..

It is hard to be patient,and to endure these less than stellar seasons,but bad seasons happen everywhere...michigan-who we have beaten 3 years in a row,used to never have losing seasons,then pushed Lloyd Carr out, only to really lose.

Fans do not like to hear this,but there is a reason that Iowa has rarely seriously competed for a national title since 1959....and it is not the coaches or fans...tiny talent base is a problem.
Fans like this would have had Hayden Fry fired in 1989,before we went to the Rose Bowl the next year.
I was never an NFL fan until these last few seasons of Iowa football. I just got so fed up with the acceptance program wide of average football, that I needed something else. It's almost like the program cares more about it's allegiance to Coach Ferentz and the guys he sends to the NFL than it does winning. After 14 seasons and such a huge contract, it's blows my mind that these kind of results are tolerated. I could care less what anyone thinks, if we want to win again, Kirk needs to go. To many bad seasons for this guy to be held in such high regard.

Going to have to put you and others who agree on suicide watch if Iowa has a losing season then. BAD? Maybe average, but not bad. Bad were his first 2 years with Iowa, did you want him fired then, too?
Going to have to put you and others who agree on suicide watch if Iowa has a losing season then. BAD? Maybe average, but not bad. Bad were his first 2 years with Iowa, did you want him fired then, too?

Big difference between your first two years and you 14th. Yowzaa you kirk fans are really reaching on any type of an excuse for him.
Big difference between your first two years and you 14th. Yowzaa you kirk fans are really reaching on any type of an excuse for him.

Yes, a big difference between being in your second year and being in your 14th year. But not in how you classify a season. Bad is < 6 wins, average is 6-8 wins, above average is > 8 wins. A good, average, bad season doesn't change with how many years you've been a coach. There have been bad games, but not seasons. And I'm not defending what has happened year to date, I'm just saying to could be much much worse than 6-8 wins seasons. Fans got spoiled with the run from 2002-2004 and then mid-2008 through 2009. Yes, those seasons would be nice to happen more often, but when has Iowa been able to consistently put up 10 win seasons and top 10 finishes. Now I don't like where this season is heading, but I'm not ready to throw in the towel on KF because of the coaching turnover and the youngness of the team. You can call me an apologist or kool-aid drinker, but that's your opinion and this is mine.
The team did win 8 games in 2010.

But I seriously don't think people are clear about that 2010 team.

The D line was good, but the linebackers were dismal. Seriously, Iowa was starting a TRUE FRESHMAN at middle linebacker!

The team lost two close games, with one being a night game in Arizona, and a close loss to Wisky that included a converted fake punt.

Then they lose MacMillan and Gettis and end up starting a small walk-on 5th year senior who just got rolled for three straight games next to a small first year starter at center. And OH Yeah, they replaced 4 freaking fifths of the offensive line! Including 2 draft picks. And Tony Mo.

On top of that the RB situation had imploded.

Seriously, it was like 2005 all over again. People were fooled by preseason polls, but paid no attention to what was lost from the prior season.


It was year 3 of the "up" cycle? Why would fans not expect a great year? Every previous 3rd year in an up cycle had brought a top 10 finish, why would that year be any different? 2005 was the first year of the down cycle, anyone trying to compare the two is just an idiot.
Going to have to put you and others who agree on suicide watch if Iowa has a losing season then. BAD? Maybe average, but not bad. Bad were his first 2 years with Iowa, did you want him fired then, too?

A little attrition after a losing season would be a benefit in my mind.
Bottom line is, enough is enough. Iowa fans have gotten so lazy. Stand up and demad better! We have had two dissapointing seasons in a row and heading for an even worse third. Handle it how you will, but I chose not to support my program being average as many on here do. If we can send so many guys to the NFL, why can't we win with them at the college level?????? Because in game of coaching! The bottom line is whether we win, not how many guys we send to the NFL. Congratulations Hawk fans, we have officially become completely irrelevant in the landscape of college football.
Real nice.. personal attack on where someone lives... now you are the real loser here.

He refuses to tolerate an average football team. He should start on the home front. Is Wayne, NE, his ideal place to live? If not, why does he tolerate a below average life?

I keep hearing "this is unacceptable!" Well, many people accept an unacceptable life but demand perfection in the 20 year olds they vicariously follow.
He refuses to tolerate an average football team. He should start on the home front. Is Wayne, NE, his ideal place to live? If not, why does he tolerate a below average life?

I keep hearing "this is unacceptable!" Well, many people accept an unacceptable life but demand perfection in the 20 year olds they vicariously follow.

Where he lives doesn't matter. Maybe he loves Wayne NE maybe he doesn't. It makes no difference. Your ignorance is insurmountable.
Yes, a big difference between being in your second year and being in your 14th year. But not in how you classify a season. Bad is < 6 wins, average is 6-8 wins, above average is > 8 wins. A good, average, bad season doesn't change with how many years you've been a coach. There have been bad games, but not seasons. And I'm not defending what has happened year to date, I'm just saying to could be much much worse than 6-8 wins seasons. Fans got spoiled with the run from 2002-2004 and then mid-2008 through 2009. Yes, those seasons would be nice to happen more often, but when has Iowa been able to consistently put up 10 win seasons and top 10 finishes. Now I don't like where this season is heading, but I'm not ready to throw in the towel on KF because of the coaching turnover and the youngness of the team. You can call me an apologist or kool-aid drinker, but that's your opinion and this is mine.

Thats fine if you dont want to hold KF responsible. You can play make believe. Also below average, average and good are different depending on the program. Hey next year you KF fans will prolly think 6 wins is amazing.
Where he lives doesn't matter. Maybe he loves Wayne NE maybe he doesn't. It makes no difference. Your ignorance is insurmountable.

Why not? He is the only who refuses to tolerate an average football team. I want to know if he demands excellence from himself.

If I'm ignorant, please educate me.
He refuses to tolerate an average football team. He should start on the home front. Is Wayne, NE, his ideal place to live? If not, why does he tolerate a below average life?

I keep hearing "this is unacceptable!" Well, many people accept an unacceptable life but demand perfection in the 20 year olds they vicariously follow.

How many times do you have to be told? Its not the players. Its Kirk.

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