I hope Brommer stays


For two reasons: First and foremost, he's showing some signs of life out there, and he might be a valuable player for the next two years.

Second, the fewer people we have leave from now on, hopefully the less likely we are to hear that our AD has declared some later year to be "year one" of the Lickliter era as far as he's concerned.
For two reasons: First and foremost, he's showing some signs of life out there, and he might be a valuable player for the next two years.

Second, the fewer people we have leave from now on, hopefully the less likely we are to hear that our AD has declared some later year to be "year one" of the Lickliter era as far as he's concerned.

that is freaking hilarious.
Have to agree with the first reason Freddy. He has shown improvement and may be one of those big guys, i.e.- Lohaus, that really shows improvement and ends up being a really good player the next couple years.

Also his improvement is significant toward what the coaching staff is accomplishing. I know it has been a slow and painful process but player improvement is occuring and starting to show.
Have to agree with the first reason Freddy. He has shown improvement and may be one of those big guys, i.e.- Lohaus, that really shows improvement and ends up being a really good player the next couple years.

Also his improvement is significant toward what the coaching staff is accomplishing. I know it has been a slow and painful process but player improvement is occuring and starting to show.

Yeah, we looked solid against NW. This 3-12 big 10 record is really starting to impress!
Have to agree with the first reason Freddy. He has shown improvement and may be one of those big guys, i.e.- Lohaus, that really shows improvement and ends up being a really good player the next couple years.

Also his improvement is significant toward what the coaching staff is accomplishing. I know it has been a slow and painful process but player improvement is occuring and starting to show.

It looks like two things are happening with Brommer. First, he has definitely done some work in the weight room and he appears both stronger and more athletic. Second, while he often seemed timid and uncertain in the few opportunities he's had to play in the past, he now seems to be playing very aggressively and this team needs that.

I'm not trying to make him out to be a potential all-conference type or even a starter--just pointing out how he has developed as a player from one who initially looked like he might be a wasted scholarship to one who looks like he can contribute meaningfully.

If Brennan Cougill, with his skills, can go through the transformation Brommer appears to be going through, he would be a special player.
If Cougill can get in the conditioning and strength as Brommer, he would be in a real good place, though I think Brommer may be more athletic than Cougill. I would expect Brommer, if he works hard in the off season, to contribute much more next year. I think he is showing signs of playing strong, physical, and unafraid, the more time on the floor he gets, the better he can become. I would like to see him work more on his post moves, be more patient in there, learn to complete. Cougill, with better strength, would be interesting in there too. Next would be clinics on passing to the post, and some inside out game.
I think Brommer is starting to really come on too. It just takes time for many big men to improve their game to the B10 level.

Brommer seems to be more agressive & confident these last few games. I think he makes even more significant contributions to the team his next two years.
Bra...MER Bra...MER Bra...MER Bra...MER Bra...MER Bra...MER Bra...MER Bra...MER Bra...MER Bra...MER Bra...MER Bra...MER Bra...MER Bra...MER Bra...MER
I think Brommer is starting to really come on too. It just takes time for many big men to improve their game to the B10 level.

Brommer seems to be more agressive & confident these last few games. I think he makes even more significant contributions to the team his next two years.

The large contingent of Iowa Hawkeye fans at CHA, tonight, were very appreciate of Andy Brommer's efforts tonight vs IU.
I really hate when hothead idiot fans post crap about players, but if I were one of those fans, I would have posted that about Brommer. I never saw much from him, but he did play a good game tonight.

I too, hope he wants to stay here and become a part of the transformation.
Looking at the box score, I see that Brommer fouled out in 10 minutes today. That is indeed impressive. No reason to **** around out there, just get it out of the way.
The foul problems for Brommer are at least partly a result of his inexperience. You have to be out there for a while to better understand what you can get away with and how not to make the physical contact obvious.
Like most players, more time on the floor usually does a lot for improvement. You dont get better sitting on the bench. The play wherw he denied the entry pass was a very nice play, plus the outlet pass was quite sweet too.
Like most players, more time on the floor usually does a lot for improvement. You dont get better sitting on the bench. The play wherw he denied the entry pass was a very nice play, plus the outlet pass was quite sweet too.

Truthfully his outlet pass after the denial was one of the few run outs I can remember all year. It was a pleasant surprise. May finished on the other end too!
I think you have to understand his role, too. He is not a starter. He does not have to save himself for the last five minutes. He is out there to bang and be physical with the opposing big man. He gets some ticky-tack stuff called on him, but I think he is mostly doing what his coach wants.
I hope he stays also. I think he has a chance to be a good role player for this team going foward and brings some defensive size/effort that this team desperately needs.

Good teams are not only made up of good players but also a cast of really good role players. This team is a long way from being good but a foundation has to start somewhere & sometime.

I actually lobbied early in the year on this board for Brommer to get some PT. What's the harm in playing many guys this year for experience and development purposes. We were going no-where. That way you know what you have coming into next year. You can't develop sitting on the pines. The Iowa program used to develop players several regimes ago not just write them off.

I'm glad he fouled out in 10 minutes. At least he's aggressive. Much better in my mind than having zero fouls, rebounds, points, assists for 10 minutes.
I hope he stays also. I think he has a chance to be a good role player for this team going foward and brings some defensive size/effort that this team desperately needs.

Good teams are not only made up of good players but also a cast of really good role players. This team is a long way from being good but a foundation has to start somewhere & sometime.

I actually lobbied early in the year on this board for Brommer to get some PT. What's the harm in playing many guys this year for experience and development purposes. We were going no-where. That way you know what you have coming into next year. You can't develop sitting on the pines. The Iowa program used to develop players several regimes ago not just write them off.

I'm glad he fouled out in 10 minutes. At least he's aggressive. Much better in my mind than having zero fouls, rebounds, points, assists for 10 minutes.

Seems like the very same reasoning that said that Archie should not have been redshirted, but play and get as much experience as possible for next year (was that you Freddy?).

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