I have to Vent

Again for the 20th time Cibula. Players make mistakes, but the coaching staff is in place to put the players in the best position. KF has shown on numerous occasions that he might not be up to par in the last minute of the game. I love him as the coach and dont want another, but you acting like the coaching staff was flawless and placing all the blame on the players is bull ****. Im done explaining this to your dumb ***.
Again for the 20th time Cibula. Players make mistakes, but the coaching staff is in place to put the players in the best position. KF has shown on numerous occasions that he might not be up to par in the last minute of the game. I love him as the coach and dont want another, but you acting like the coaching staff was flawless and placing all the blame on the players is bull ****. Im done explaining this to your dumb ***.

How did KF NOT put us in the right positions. IF Iowa executes properly on 2 plays this game is won by a touchdown. The game was lost well before the last minute of that game.
Again.....how did KF botch the snap, miss the Xpt., etc....Can you tell me that?

No one said he did. I'm not saying that none of the players made mistakes... because that would be completely ridiculous and ignorant and I'm sure the players that messed those plays up are taking responsibility and have acknowledged that they messed up... and I'm sure Ferentz wrote their names down on his little notepad as well... but I also believe he needs to put himself and the rest of the coaching staff on that notepad as well, because it wasn't just the players fault we lost that game.

You can't expect players to take responsibility for their actions when the coach doesn't set that example.

Ferentz is still a GREAT coach, but even great coaches make mistakes and all I'm saying is that I think he should take responsibility for them.
Also - one more vent.... The fake punt with 5:50 left. No way should we have even cared about the return on that punt. The fact that we didn't even appear to be suspisious of a fake was very concerning to me.

I loved the balls by Beilema though. That's what you call playing to win on the road.

Maybe in some sick way this fake punt will help our program learn to be more aggressive in their play calling when on the road late in the game. Just try to find some things to feel good about.
The worst part of these coaching mistakes is that KF isnt admitted making the wrong call on the spike or the punt fake. He did the same damn thing in the OSU game last year and it took him 5 months to admit he was wrong.
Keep on crying you guys. I'm sure both of you would be more than willing to admit mistakes that you didn't make right after a tough loss. Give me a break.
No one said he did. I'm not saying that none of the players made mistakes... because that would be completely ridiculous and ignorant and I'm sure the players that messed those plays up are taking responsibility and have acknowledged that they messed up... and I'm sure Ferentz wrote their names down on his little notepad as well... but I also believe he needs to put himself and the rest of the coaching staff on that notepad as well, because it wasn't just the players fault we lost that game.

You can't expect players to take responsibility for their actions when the coach doesn't set that example.

Ferentz is still a GREAT coach, but even great coaches make mistakes and all I'm saying is that I think he should take responsibility for them.

Well said sir... Well said.
I have to vent too.

I love the Hawkeyes to death.

It really breaks my heart when we lose now. To the people that say "it is just a game" you are right. It is just a football game in the grand scheme of things.

However, to some people, including myself... Iowa games are more than that. When things aren't going the way you want them to in life and there isn't much you can do to change your luck... you look forward to saturday when Iowa plays, because it really is a chance to make your week a good one. When Iowa wins... I feel like it was a good week, even if monday-friday was a pain in the ***. I go to college in Wisconsin and I am openly a Hawkeye fan and I get tons of crap for it as it it... After today's game I have already received texts and messages from people trying to rub it in... which is expected, but I am not looking forward to my return to school on monday.

The most frustrating part about today's game is that we SHOULD have won it. We left 4 points out on the field off of what should have been routine special team plays.

I am also disappointed in Ferentz for saying that the timeout had no factor in the loss... I love Ferentz and I would not want ANY other coach, but I feel like he should take responsibility for that mistake. Great players and captains are expected to take responsibility for their mistakes and they often do... I am proud of Stanzi because he does a good job of taking responsibility... I am sad that Ferentz didn't do the same. I don't know how he could honestly believe he(as well as the rest of the coaching staff) did a good job today in their decision making.

One thing you cannot do is let the players believe they are the ones completely at fault in this game. That will only bring down their confidence for games in the future.

What Ferentz should have done is just acknowledged the fact that the coaching staff made mistakes that cost the game.

On the fake punt... There was NO need to be concerned about blocking for the kick return. The most important thing at that time was to get the ball back. Hell... If it were me I wouldn't have even put a returner back there. Let them switch the field on us... at least we could have had possession and kept the game in our hands, wasted time off the clock, and at worst punt the ball away making the comeback much more difficult.

The loss is extremely frustrating. The game was ours to lose and we were the better team... and our coaches did a damn good job of handing the game to them. The clock management and play calling at the end of the game was horrific and I just wish that Ferentz would take some responsibility... and maybe he has since the end of the game (I have not even looked at a TV since then.)

I'm still really upset about the loss, but am finally calming down. I am just tired of the badger fans coming on here and trolling... when they could be celebrating their victory like teams that are used to/expecting to win do.

Losing to classless teams is that much more upsetting.

P.S. It really sucks losing to a coach that is a total tool and to a team that was taking cheap shots at our best player... that could have ended his career.

Excellent post, but I have a hard time feeling sorry for your getting crap from your classmates, you are the one that made the bad choice to go to school there in the first place...sorry man, but I call it as I see it...
Keep on crying you guys. I'm sure both of you would be more than willing to admit mistakes that you didn't make right after a tough loss. Give me a break.

Who is crying? Who said they would be "more than willing" to admit to a mistake after a tough loss?

No one.

I was an athlete/player/captain/coach before... It isn't easy, but it is what leaders are expected to do.

Do you disagree? I'm not ripping on Ferentz... Like I said, I love Ferentz. All I said was that he made mistakes and I am disappointed that he didn't take responsibility.
Dude, hes an apologist. I love the staff, but expect them to man up to their mistakes, and they typically don't
Excellent post, but I have a hard time feeling sorry for your getting crap from your classmates, you are the one that made the bad choice to go to school there in the first place...sorry man, but I call it as I see it...

Haha I live in Minnesota, but I go to school in Wisconsin(due to reciprocity making it cheap.)

I don't go to Madison so give me some credit!
Again.....how did KF botch the snap, miss the Xpt., etc....Can you tell me that?

By that same logic, does he get none of the credit for our offensive output today then? After all, KF didn't throw 3 TD's, or break any tackles...much in the same way they get credit after wins, they will take their fair share of criticism after losses.
90% of the people on here knows a spike was in order so get off my dick **** wad.

I think the point is that with a senior at QB, in that situation he shouldn't even have to look at the sideline for the call. Spiking the ball when the coach wanted a time out makes a helluva a lot more sense than staring at the sideline like a deer in headlights waiting for a call.

With that said, we didn't look great anywhere on the field today. Team loss. I think our offense left a lot on the field, our defense obviously did the same, and special teams were what they have been most of the season. We were pretty fortunate that it was a neck & neck game, and while it sucks to lose a game like this we woulda stole it had we won it.
Do you think any Texas fans give a **** about that tonight?

You asked what they're getting paid for, I answered: they've won NC's, regardless of talent.

I'm sure Texas fans are having an even larger meltdown than we are (at least Wisconsin is a good team). But if you don't like the answer, don't ask a stupid question.
Also - one more vent.... The fake punt with 5:50 left. No way should we have even cared about the return on that punt. The fact that we didn't even appear to be suspisious of a fake was very concerning to me.

I loved the balls by Beilema though. That's what you call playing to win on the road.

I told my kid prior to the snap they were going to fake it.

Its not rocket science.

when you are an underdog on the road, you have to take a chance once in a while. Kirk didnt learn it after the OSU game last year, perhaps he learned it today.
Let's call a spade a spade. Iowa overpays KF because they think he is a God. HE isn't. He is good at coaching up average players but that is about it. The loss of Norm Parker really highlights this. He is a terrible X's and O's guy.
Against Wisconsin, everyone with a brain in his head saw the fake punt coming. With the way Iowa's offense was driving the ball and the amount of time left, there was no way Bielema was going to point the ball back to the Hawks with less than 5 minutes remaining. Obvious.
The botched failure to spike the ball and to waste the last time out was pure stupidity and KF is a coward for not admitting to it.
Face it, KF is just an average coach who is lucky to live in a state without any other big-time sports. That is why he gets paid so much with so little to show for it. I don't think Pete Carroll made that kind of money in So. Cal. after all he accomplished (all cheating aside)
If we are lucky, the next time the NFL calls, KF will answer it.

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