I hate to admit it but Serious Hawk fans are the real problem.....

He's right in the sense that you do get your hopes up for the season only to see it all washed away. I didn't know what to expect from this season, until I started coming here more often and everybody made it seem like everything would be OK. Last time I listen to you guys.

Things you should expect for next season (so you don't get your hopes up):
-Giving up 3rd down conversions @ 60% or so.
-Coker will lead the B1G in rushing thanks to teams who can't compete against our O-line (teams not known for good defense) .
-Special Teams mediocrity (at best) and allowing fake punts to be converted. Expect Iowa to be unprepared for any onside kick when leading in the 4th quarter.
-Losing to the likes of Minnesota and/or Iowa State (bonus for UNI).

I'm probably forgetting tons of stuff, but just keep these things in mind at the start of next season.
Has it really gotten to the point that we go 7-5 with our worst team in nearly five years and we are calling for Kirk's head? How much of this has to do with the failed expectations of last year?

The games we lost this year are enough reason. 7-5 in a down year would be acceptable, until you watch the games we lost this year....to who and how we lost them. ISU and Minny are both bad teams that we should have never allowed to be in the game with us, even with the team we had this year. Those two games alone make it a 9-3 season. FWIW, we had double digit leads in both those games too.
Has it really gotten to the point that we go 7-5 with our worst team in nearly five years and we are calling for Kirk's head? How much of this has to do with the failed expectations of last year?
The games we lost this year are enough reason. 7-5 in a down year would be acceptable, until you watch the games we lost this year....to who and how we lost them. ISU and Minny are both bad teams that we should have never allowed to be in the game with us, even with the team we had this year. Those two games alone make it a 9-3 season. FWIW, we had double digit leads in both those games too.


We also needed a miracle comeback to beat pitt.

People who think we didn't underachieve this year are not looking at our schedule and the teams we played and HOW we played against them.
Has it really gotten to the point that we go 7-5 with our worst team in nearly five years and we are calling for Kirk's head? How much of this has to do with the failed expectations of last year?
So this team is worse then the 6-6 2007 team tha lost to Iowa St., Indiana, Purdue and Western Michigan?
Here are my expectationsfor next year....5 wins....among the losses are ISU and Minnesota. No higher than 9 in the Big Ten in rushing. No road wins. Next to last in Big Ten in total offense. A poor recruiting year (afterall we are just Iowa). Security won't have any problems with fans rushing the field after a big win.
"We as a fanbase..." are no different than any other fanbase in college football. Most fans expect excellence or at least hard work...Iowa fans are getting neither from this staff. I have been listening and watching Iowa sports for more than 50 years. Some staffs Iowa has had were just awful...this staff could have great potential but refuses to use it so they can stay with ultra conservatism and playing not to lose...

I know Iowa has no sizzle...but there can be no sizzle when the fire is not burning and that goes for the coaches and players. There is no sizzle to be had...

This team and (or) the coaches gave up against NE or never started, it was hard to tell. Both were just going through the motions.
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Last time I checked the fans fill Kinnick every Saturday and travel well to road games to support a program that embraces mediocrity. The only plan we have every Saturday is to hope the other team self destructs. If that doesn't happen, we lose in most cases because we have the worst offensive scheme since Lickliter coached the bball team.
Last time I checked the fans fill Kinnick every Saturday and travel well to road games to support a program that embraces mediocrity. The only plan we have every Saturday is to hope the other team self destructs. If that doesn't happen, we lose in most cases because we have the worst offensive scheme since Lickliter coached the bball team.

Right on.
Same vanilla plan, same result. Players unenthuesed, bored and the Hawks drop another one.

Iowa: great place to play if you like vanilla. But never, ever ask for rocky road! Just paint the whole stadium white. Paint the pink locker rooms white. Get rid of the black helmets. No more black out games..Just white out.
The real problem is money.

Since 2002 this program has changed. The cost of attending games has increased dramatically. The BTN is forcing everybody to pay a B1G tax. Anybody supporting this team is spending a lot more to be a fan. With that added expense comes the expectation of a return on the investment.

A 7 win season was a real accomplishment 10 years ago...when we were playing a 10 game schedule. In today's version of college football a 7 win season means you're slightly above 500. That doesn't mean much when half those wins are coming against 2 or 3 early season gimme's.
We expect too much.We blow all types of smoke for 9 months .We bring out the best from our opposites because of the way we act and talk.
We..as a fanbase ,need a serious reality check.

Just sayin'....
YOu're a clown.....just saying.
You know what, if we weren't paying this Dipsh*t top 5 money IN THE NATION maybe we would temper our expectations a bit.That being said, we are paying WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to much for simply being mediocre year in and year out.

you are paying him??
Same vanilla plan, same result. Players unenthuesed, bored and the Hawks drop another one.

Iowa: great place to play if you like vanilla. But never, ever ask for rocky road! Just paint the whole stadium white. Paint the pink locker rooms white. Get rid of the black helmets. No more black out games..Just white out.
Jeez..let's not get irrational or anything:eek:
I just dont understand why we dont win the rose bowl every year. Frustrating!

I would be happy with 1 rose bowl appearance. Oh wait, Ferentz has never been to any Rose Bowls after 13 years but Hayden went to 3 during the same time frame.
I would be happy with 1 rose bowl appearance. Oh wait, Ferentz has never been to any Rose Bowls after 13 years but Hayden went to 3 during the same time frame.
Trying my best as of late not to knock on posters....but get a clue. Rose bowls as we know it are not what they were when Fry was coaching. Track BCS appearances and that's a better comparison...if you do that then KF is right on track.
The fans support this program as well as any in the conuntry - this post doesn't make any sense.

People can complain all they want but the fans fill the coffers...

So no idea wtf this has to do with reality.
The premise of this thread is ridiculous.

If you can't blame the coaches for the players' inability to execute, you sure as h@ll can't blame the fans.

You do realize that the fan base is the reason why Iowa gets invited to good bowls, right? Iowa has some of the best fans in the country, despite what the OP wants to believe.

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