I got us at 10-2

Have you seen our schedule? Besides OSU it's a joke. This team will be good. The Oline will protect Rudock and we will run all over teams, controlling the clock.

My sarcasm reader is still powering up this morning, but I hope you were kidding. IF serious, I would love to hear your idea of a "tough" schedule.
the only ones that were clearly troll worthy were michigan and northwestern. i'd like you to explain why you think michigan will be terrible this year. and beating NW by 21 is just not going to happen. we MAY win(doubtful) but there's absolutely no way its by 21 or more
I am a Hawk fan all the way. But I can't buy 10-2. Wisconsin may have a new coach, but he has a lot of talent at his disposal. Same thing for Michigan. Even more talent than Wisconsin. Nebraska lot of talent, more than Iowa. Experienced QB. I predict 6-6 but I can see a possibility of 8-4. The only 10-2 the Hawks will see is when they drive their cars.
My sarcasm reader is still powering up this morning, but I hope you were kidding. IF serious, I would love to hear your idea of a "tough" schedule.

One that doesn't rank below average in terms of what a normal BCS level team plays. According to Phil Steele our SOS ranks 44 this year out of 66 BCS teams. That's below average. It's not a hard schedule at all and there are wins to be had. 10-2 is very plausible.
the only ones that were clearly troll worthy were michigan and northwestern. i'd like you to explain why you think michigan will be terrible this year. and beating NW by 21 is just not going to happen. we MAY win(doubtful) but there's absolutely no way its by 21 or more

Hoke had a very lucky year his first year and they struggled last year. They've had injuries to their WR core and I don't think Gardner can pass on us enough for us to respect him. I think Michigan is a 7 win team this year.

The Northwestern game is my wild card. I'll admit that. Let's just go with gut feeling.
I see us at 7-5. We will go 4-0 in non-conference. We will win three games against either Minnesota, Michigan State, Northwestern, Purdue, Michigan, and Wisconsin. All of these games will be close but we will get blown-out by Nebraska and Ohio State
Nice read here is how Iowa can win all of them:

Northern Illinois: Smash that QBs face the entire game don't let him move outside of someone helping him off the ground. Run lots of new stuff on O and confuse their inexperienced D.
Missouri State: Be aggressive shove the ball down their throats then go over the top with flea flickers.
The Cyclowns: Expose their inexperienced D in their pitiful excuse for a stadium. Misdirection combine speed and power. Make the a Fry type day.
Western Michigan: Be ready to punish these punks for 07. Make them regret ever playing Iowa for the rest of their lives. Go all out do whatever it takes. Fry would not have put up with that either. Anyone remember what happened to Talsa in 97? I was at that game. How about another Iowa rb does the same thing this year?
Minnesota: It is time to make their fancy stadium Kinnick north again. Make at a party stomping and take their goal posts out to the parking lot for the party.
MSU: Stong D and ball control will be the name of the game. Also expose this team and the next team with big returns and special team points.

The cheaters: make them know that just because they cheat their way to the top does not make them untouchable. Administrator the justice they deserve by smashing their inexperienced front 7 and using some of the new extra line backer formations to get to and punish their ultimate cheat at qb.
Northwestern: run a lot of the same D against them. However expose their pass D where they are weak
.Wisconsin: Showcase the improvements on special teams, punish them for 2010 and really sloberknocker them. The team will be hitting it's stride but their is no time for a let down.
Purdue: These guys need to be punished just as much as the others for last years fluke. Really run it up on them with a balanced attack.
Michigan: Strong passing game and new defensive formations will be key here. What happened last year must not go unpunished.
Nebraska: By this time the team will be pros at stopping mobile QBs. If there are any plays left in the playback use then all here and punish Neb for their disrespect.

On to preparing for a big post season!
Northern Illinois - They are a bit worse, we are much better. Throw in the fact that this game is at Kinnick and we win by 14+
Missouri State - Easy win
@ Iowa State - They are going to be awful this year
Western Michigan - Easy win
@ Minnesota - I think we run all over them
Michigan State - Match up well with them and home game leads to win
@ Ohio State- They will score a lot on us. Loss
Northwestern - I actually think we win this one by 21
Wisconsin - New coach makes me feel good going into this one
@ Purdue - Rudock throws for 300 yds and we roll out with a double digit win
Michigan - I think they are going to be awful this year
@ Nebraska -We are better than them but it's tough to win in Lincoln

Our schedule sets up well and with all the talent this team has it will lead to a great year!!

yep read that on hightimes.com

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