LOL. Roth believed in the Bullies of the Big Ten. He wouldn't even recognize Captain Stretch-Play in his current incarnation. And he would follow Willies and Spearman out the door before letting himself be part of this deconstruction project.
LOL....would Roth recognize these Bullies of the Big Ten, or the current coach or running game?
Roth shouldn't even be mentioned in the same breathe as that quitter Willies.
LOL. Roth believed in the Bullies of the Big Ten. He wouldn't even recognize Captain Stretch-Play in his current incarnation. And he would follow Willies and Spearman out the door before letting himself be part of this deconstruction project.
So you were saying Roth would've gottn canned at Illinois State, too? Or just left Iowa with Spearman and Willies?
When i opened this thread and read the original post I didn't see the date. I thought someone was saying this now and I thought we just had a brand new post of the century.
2 possible reasons.
1) He leaves of his own choice (after making some calls to test a different landing pad)
2) If he doesn't leave Weigers or someone else will start ahead of him.
Now, I didn't type that because I think CJB isn't talented enough to be the starter. In fact I think he is. But after 16 yrs we all know Kirk. He has an iron-trap memory and a stubborn streak. That maneuvering by the Beathards in the media WILL be remembered. Kirk will not let that slide. There is nothing Kirk hates more than someone manipulating his decisions.
This has got to be one of the most idiotic posts I have ever seen.
This has got to be one of the most idiotic posts I have ever seen.
I still think Rudock was the better quarterback. CJB just got lucky and had some bounces go his away.
I get 100% of the credit for CJB becoming the starter. Which means this 9-0 season is completely on me. All of you know that KF had no intention of making BeatHard the starter until after he saw my thread and realized the common sense within it. Everyone on this board owes me a beer.
You're an idiot if you think Kirk made changes because he read your posts. He made changes because he read mine.
2 possible reasons.
1) He leaves of his own choice (after making some calls to test a different landing pad)
2) If he doesn't leave Weigers or someone else will start ahead of him.
Now, I didn't type that because I think CJB isn't talented enough to be the starter. In fact I think he is. But after 16 yrs we all know Kirk. He has an iron-trap memory and a stubborn streak. That maneuvering by the Beathards in the media WILL be remembered. Kirk will not let that slide. There is nothing Kirk hates more than someone manipulating his decisions.