I don't understand the complaining...

Why is hard alcohol not allowed!?!?

If it's on private property and I'm of age then why does the government have a say?

Just because they're the rules, doesn't make them right.

um, because the people that own the property, the U of I make the rules and their law enforcement carry out the law.
Well, I took my 7 year old son to the game yesterday and we had by far and away our best Hawkeye football experience ever. We rode the train as always, walked down Melrose choosing our food, without a bunch of drunk guys spilling beer all over us! We then enjoyed the game without a number of drunk fans cursing after every play. It was great and I finally had the opportunity to just enjoy the experience with my son.

Over the last few years, the drinking had become over the top. I came very close to not renewing my season tickets because of how inappropriate so many acted. I've had many friends who have canceled tickets over the years for the same reason.

I would guess that as many people who are upset by the new drinking rules and won't renew season tickets will be easily replaced by families who will now be able to enjoy the Hawkeye football experience once again.
The goal is to curb underage drinking and drunkeness....So, obviously they need to ticket all 60 year olds for crossing the road with their beer. This will definitely address the issue they set out to improve!!! I get tired of all the old drunk farts ruining it for me. (sarcasm) Ha! That makes sense. Good grief.

Here's an idea, how about you seek out the drunks and under age drinkers and arrest any/all of them. Aggressively go after the problem, don't be a nuisance to the 90% of us who just want to relax and have a good time.

If you are going to set a standard, makes sure all the "Clavins" you put in charge to inforce it are consistent, period.
Well, I took my 7 year old son to the game yesterday and we had by far and away our best Hawkeye football experience ever. We rode the train as always, walked down Melrose choosing our food, without a bunch of drunk guys spilling beer all over us! We then enjoyed the game without a number of drunk fans cursing after every play. It was great and I finally had the opportunity to just enjoy the experience with my son.

Over the last few years, the drinking had become over the top. I came very close to not renewing my season tickets because of how inappropriate so many acted. I've had many friends who have canceled tickets over the years for the same reason.

I would guess that as many people who are upset by the new drinking rules and won't renew season tickets will be easily replaced by families who will now be able to enjoy the Hawkeye football experience once again.

I totally agree with you for once we were able to walk down Melrose without having to kick a bunch of beer cans out of the way. Being worried about beer spilling all over us or stepping in beer. We even came up by Myrtle ave which after a incident last year I said I would never go by there again. It was fine hardly anything going on I loved it.

Every one goes and on and on about their right to drink wherever and whatever they want. What about my right to walk to the stadium without having to push by a bunch drunks spilling their beer all over us? What about my right to enjoy the game without some drunk cursing next me?

I hope they continue to enforce the existing laws.
I totally agree with you for once we were able to walk down Melrose without having to kick a bunch of beer cans out of the way. Being worried about beer spilling all over us or stepping in beer. We even came up by Myrtle ave which after a incident last year I said I would never go by there again. It was fine hardly anything going on I loved it.

Every one goes and on and on about their right to drink wherever and whatever they want. What about my right to walk to the stadium without having to push by a bunch drunks spilling their beer all over us? What about my right to enjoy the game without some drunk cursing next me?

I hope they continue to enforce the existing laws.

That seems to be the plan.
I'm not sure where you all tailgate, but I had absolute ZERO problem Saturday. I don't tailgate on U of I property which is a big difference. I believe the Universities new policies apply ONLY on their property which they are at right to control or enforce.

I tailgate on private property and there was no issue all all. We had both beer and hard liquor, there was very loud music playing next to us, none of it was a problem. From my perspective, I saw absolutely nothing that indicated anything different than usual and also from my point of view, everyone was having a great time and enjoying the day.

If you think fans are going to abandon Kinnick on Saturdays, we'll see how many continue to show up again this Saturday and all of the remaining Saturday's thereafter. You won't see any drop of in participation at all.
Everyone needs to calm down! My experience on Saturday was no different than its ever been. The hard liqour rule is nothing new! I've been putting hard liquor in a soda bottle for years. It's only common sense - not having a "bar" set-up at your tail-gate. You get it out of your cooler, quickly pour some in a cup and put it back in your cooler. I always thought it didn't make much sense seeing people walk down Melrose carrying open beers. As the police drove by our tailgate, we gave them a little wave and they waved back. Not a big deal!

As far as the music being too loud. I love music (I was going to be a rock star!!) but I love my music - not your music. I'm not a big fan of country so it never fails when I get my tailgate all set-up some yahoo in a twelve foot tall pick-up pulls up next to me puts some six foot high speakers in the back and cranks up some Tim McGraw or some other such stuff. I don't think its too much to ask people to keep their music at a more tolerable level. As it gets closer to gametime, I like putting on the pregame show to hear what the buzz is. That's impossible when you have Hank screaming in your ear.

Everything will be back to normal - just calm down (and be mature!!).
Over-react much?

If you think there will be a mass (or even small) exodus by the "strong" supporters you are greatly mistaken. People will continue to come. The only ones who won't will be those who rely on alcohol to control their lives.

Call the policy "asinine" all you want...but it is really that hard to operate within the guidelines? Is it too much trouble to be extra careful about something you KNEW about well in advance?

I walked thru several lots yesterday. I saw the same atmosphere I see every game day: people having fun...people enjoying their beer...people enjoying the game day experience. Some of you are going WAY over the top.

It is not rocket science.

Keep thinking that it's all going to be ok in your world. I still have not seen a link, post, etc showing what is ok and what is not, if you actually read my post and were not assuming you were Jesus, the point is the police are not even sure what the rule is.

Is that you Sally?? If it is, just buy an ad in the paper with all your money and leave the Hawk fans alone.
Well, I took my 7 year old son to the game yesterday and we had by far and away our best Hawkeye football experience ever. We rode the train as always, walked down Melrose choosing our food, without a bunch of drunk guys spilling beer all over us! We then enjoyed the game without a number of drunk fans cursing after every play. It was great and I finally had the opportunity to just enjoy the experience with my son.

Over the last few years, the drinking had become over the top. I came very close to not renewing my season tickets because of how inappropriate so many acted. I've had many friends who have canceled tickets over the years for the same reason.

I would guess that as many people who are upset by the new drinking rules and won't renew season tickets will be easily replaced by families who will now be able to enjoy the Hawkeye football experience once again.

Very, very well put.

For year now I have been lamenting that Iowa football games are becoming less of a family event and more of an alcohol-induced drunk fest. I have nothing against tailgating or responsible drinking. I *am* against those that think they should be able to do whatever they want, wherever they want, whenever they want.....and screw anyone who doesn't like it.

I both laugh and shake my head at those whining (yes...whining) about the new policies because it seems they cannot have "fun" without alcohol. I saw thousands upon thousands of people having a GREAT time Saturday. I saw ZERO drop in the game day "atmosphere". These people WILL be back next game...next year...the year after, etc. Those that want to be crybabies and go away....like 2boys said....there will be PLENTY of people lined up to take their place....possibly people/families who were previously driven away by the obnoxious over-the-top crowd.

It is supposed to be about the football, people. You can get drunk and act stupid at home. You can still have fun within the rules and enjoy game days in Iowa City. Is it really that hard? Or are some of you just too stubborn?
Fro those that somehow managed to be totally in the dark, here is the U of I press release with the details:

UI announces ‘Think Before You Drink’ initiative for football season

An actual link, thanks 101. Now can someone forward this to the 30 different police depts that patrol the area so they can see the same thing that we now all know? (did not see that there was a reference to the decibel level for radios?)

I am friends / grew up with many guys and women that are police in eastern Iowa and they are good people and staunch Iowa supporters. The university and their best intentions get all messed up when even the police who are helping keep everyone safe on game day cannot tell you what is ok and what is not. As with all people (yes- people on this board who I hate to say are Hawk fans) even they have a few over zealous in their ranks that want to show you they have power and that are now under their jurisdiction. Might be you the next time and I'll bet you won't be so high and mighty paying that fine after you just dogged people on here for complaining about the exact thing you were supporting.
I both laugh and shake my head at those whining (yes...whining) about the new policies because it seems they cannot have "fun" without alcohol.

And it's not even that you can't have alcohol. There's very little that's changing with this. And very few people getting tickets.
Well, I took my 7 year old son to the game yesterday and we had by far and away our best Hawkeye football experience ever. We rode the train as always, walked down Melrose choosing our food, without a bunch of drunk guys spilling beer all over us! We then enjoyed the game without a number of drunk fans cursing after every play. It was great and I finally had the opportunity to just enjoy the experience with my son.

Over the last few years, the drinking had become over the top. I came very close to not renewing my season tickets because of how inappropriate so many acted. I've had many friends who have canceled tickets over the years for the same reason.

I would guess that as many people who are upset by the new drinking rules and won't renew season tickets will be easily replaced by families who will now be able to enjoy the Hawkeye football experience once again.

Exactly, the game should be about the game. I will continue to go to the games and support my team regardless of whether or not I'm allowed to drink myself into a coma on my walk to the game.

Besides, all of you who are saying this is the beginning of the end are being a bunch a chicken littles. They will never outlaw tailgating. There is way to much money at stake.

I have no problem with people drinking - I do it myself sometimes. but why do people have to take it so far? Last year I had a guy dry heaving into a popcorn bucket in front of me.
There is a law for public intox and underage drinking. Why not just crack down on that and not change policy (really enforcement) of the open container law in and around Kinnick stadium. Hello, people can still drink themselves into a stooper without having the ability to carry an open container to Kinnick. Do you really think this will stop this behavior of college students?

I find it hard to believe the hard core drinker fan (of which there are many in Hawkeye land) are going to be less hammered by not having the beer on the way to the game. It's changed nothing.

And for the fans saying the atmosphere was more friendly without all the drunk people bumping into me and barfing around me. Right...it was Eastern Illinois. Wait for ISU this week.

I'm not a heavy drinker at all, I'm not supporting that behavior, but it pisses me off when changes are made to effect everyone's experience (and the decision process on how to enforce is left to Chuck Norris types) when the simple thing to do was to crack down on public intox, and underage drinking. If they did that this week, maybe people would think twice about their behavior.

You didn't have to create the crappy ticket/fine process and enforcement issues.
There is a law for public intox and underage drinking. Why not just crack down on that and not change policy (really enforcement) of the open container law in and around Kinnick stadium. Hello, people can still drink themselves into a stooper without having the ability to carry an open container to Kinnick. Do you really think this will stop this behavior of college students?

I find it hard to believe the hard core drinker fan (of which there are many in Hawkeye land) are going to be less hammered by not having the beer on the way to the game. It's changed nothing.

And for the fans saying the atmosphere was more friendly without all the drunk people bumping into me and barfing around me. Right...it was Eastern Illinois. Wait for ISU this week.

I'm not a heavy drinker at all, I'm not supporting that behavior, but it pisses me off when changes are made to effect everyone's experience (and the decision process on how to enforce is left to Chuck Norris types) when the simple thing to do was to crack down on public intox, and underage drinking. If they did that this week, maybe people would think twice about their behavior.

You didn't have to create the crappy ticket/fine process and enforcement issues.

There's also a law for open containers on the streets/sidewalks. How do you decide to enforce some laws but not others?
There's also a law for open containers on the streets/sidewalks. How do you decide to enforce some laws but not others?

I'm not sure how many times we can go over this...the areas around Kinnick are not normal streets...it's an event. Dwayne...look around your neighborhood this morning...then go to Kinnick Stadium on Saturday. Let me know if you notice anything different. If you don't, continue taking the medication. However, do not drink and walk on the sidewalks with the open container, in your neighborhood...that has ALWAYS been against the law.

Obviously the University viewed Kinnick differently UNTIL this year. There was never an open container enforcement UNTIL this year.
I love the exaggeration on how bad things were. To be honest I have only seen a handful of incidents that were all that bad in the tailgating lots (including Myrtle) over the last 6 years. But to listen to some you got people puking,dropping F bombs around 7 year olds, starting fights and doing whatever they can to **** you off every thirty feet. While inside the stadium I have seen maybe 2 or 3 incidents and they were taken care of by talking to the people and in one case getting security. It's not that hard. Maybe I am lucky or can overlook small things.

I have said it before there are some lots that are not for everyone. That is what makes Kinnick tailgating great there is some form of tailgating for everyone from non alcoholic to rowdy. If you don't like it rowdy stay out of Myrtle (probably the most rowdy). Heck there is a fun but more family friendly tailgate right across the street at the Mennonite church.

As far as the ever popular cry of give up your seats then there will be someone to take them. That is true THIS year. But when Iowa has a 6 or 7 win season there will not be that line of people wanting your tickets. Heck even next year with the home schedule going from the best we ever had back to decent a lot of those extra season tickets bought will go away. There were many who bought ST's this year to turn a profit. Remember during our 6-7 and 6-6 teams 3 packs were sold the next year. They didn't sell those because of the never ending demand of people wanting to get into Kinnick. Those were sold to fill it up.

As a personal note I had fun and will probably have a decent time the rest of the year. To be honest the new rules had a small effect on me. I just have not liked the way tailgating has been going on slippery slope for the last few years. Especially last year and this year. Not going to give my tix up this year or probably next year but where and when I park may be effected.
I'm not sure how many times we can go over this...the areas around Kinnick are not normal streets...it's an event. Dwayne...look around your neighborhood this morning...then go to Kinnick Stadium on Saturday. Let me know if you notice anything different. If you don't, continue taking the medication. However, do not drink and walk on the sidewalks with the open container, in your neighborhood...that has ALWAYS been against the law.

Obviously the University viewed Kinnick differently UNTIL this year. There was never an open container enforcement UNTIL this year.

You're twisting it all around. Just because you *want* it to be legal doesn't make it so.

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