I Can't Stand Bo Ryan


Active Member
Is there a more annoying coach in the BigTen than the vulture? Judging from his handshake with Fran, these two guys don't seem to like each other very much and are going to go at it for years to come.

And while I'm at it, what's with Wisky coaches (i.e. Ryan and Bielema) never giving the other team credit after their team performs poorly--those two guys are so frickin' defensive it's hilarious. Yeah, Wisky shot bad tonight, but maybe it's because we played pretty good D?

Anyway, I can't remember the last time I was this ****** about a bball loss . . . it feels good in a strange way.
When Fran was warned for being out of the coaches' box, he yelled "Warn him" at the official, referring to Bo. I'm pretty sure he heard it and wasn't happy, but it was hillarious.

Fran is a couple steps out of the box, as he's trying to communicate with his team during a dead ball (not howling at the refs), and they are at the opposite end of the court. The official comes over and warns him about it. Yet, Ryan is berating the officials all game long, and nary a warning comes his way. Go figure.
Any time a foul is whistled on one of his players or possession is awarded to the opponents, Ryan looks like he's just been kicked in the nuts.



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And Wisconsin players learn from their coach and whine after every call no matter how obvious the infraction. There were several instances I thought they might get T-ed up.
I think he is funny. Did anyone listen to his post game? When he said that someone must have opened the doors during that kids airball, then followed it up with "Time for a haircut". Funny stuff.
A couple of my buddies who use to be part of the Iowa team a couple years back said Bo Ryan is the nicest coach in the Big 10
He looks just like Jim Carrey in "Scrooge," Bo is a great guy ( high school coaches swear by him) and a fierce competitor, his teams are well coached and very disciplined, almost boring to a point, but he has done a brilliant job in Madison. I like our hire and our present staff, They have Bo we have Fran let the rivilary begin, Go Hawks
I dislike Bo for his mind numbing style of basketball. I grant you that he is very successful with this style, but it is boring as ________.
When it comes to Bo, I'm kinda torn.

On the one hand, the guy paid his dues and toiled in relative obscurity at Platville and Milwaukee. Once he got his chance, he's made the most of it. He's a heckuva teacher and takes guys relatively unknown and turns them into pretty good college basketball players.....not unlike KF. He's never had a lick of trouble with his players off the court and is clean as a whistle from an infractions standpoint. Basically, a guy that any father would want his kid to play for.

On the other hand, the guy is just a flat-out embarassment on the sidelines. His reactions to bad calls and his constant badgering of the officials are beyond bad. If I were him, I'd be absolutely embarassed to watch tape of myself acting like that.

But at the end of the day, what he's done with that program is extremely impressive.
When it comes to Bo, I'm kinda torn.

On the one hand, the guy paid his dues and toiled in relative obscurity at Platville and Milwaukee. Once he got his chance, he's made the most of it. He's a heckuva teacher and takes guys relatively unknown and turns them into pretty good college basketball players.....not unlike KF. He's never had a lick of trouble with his players off the court and is clean as a whistle from an infractions standpoint. Basically, a guy that any father would want his kid to play for.

On the other hand, the guy is just a flat-out embarassment on the sidelines. His reactions to bad calls and his constant badgering of the officials are beyond bad. If I were him, I'd be absolutely embarassed to watch tape of myself acting like that.

But at the end of the day, what he's done with that program is extremely impressive.

Sounds like another coach I know. One that roams the sidelines in Iowa City. Fran is always yelling at the officials too. 80% of the coaches at the DI level act like that.

If I were Bo I would have went balistic when Taylor got knocked off balance at the end and they were going to call a travel (yes it was a foul - albeit not a hard one) but he didn't. His face just showed disbelief and he dropped to one knee.

His reactions aren't any different than most other coaches.
Sounds like another coach I know. One that roams the sidelines in Iowa City. Fran is always yelling at the officials too. 80% of the coaches at the DI level act like that.

If I were Bo I would have went balistic when Taylor got knocked off balance at the end and they were going to call a travel (yes it was a foul - albeit not a hard one) but he didn't. His face just showed disbelief and he dropped to one knee.

His reactions aren't any different than most other coaches.

Actually, their reactions are very different. Bo is a drama queen who overreacts and acts like a little kid who just got told "NO". Fran on the other hand just has an Irish temper and gets red in the face and curses. He's much more animated in the huddle, for sure, but he does show the ref a little more respect than Bo does.
Actually, their reactions are very different. Bo is a drama queen who overreacts and acts like a little kid who just got told "NO". Fran on the other hand just has an Irish temper and gets red in the face and curses. He's much more animated in the huddle, for sure, but he does show the ref a little more respect than Bo does.

I agree they both do it differently, but their intent is the same, so really no difference.

You and I will have to disagree on this one.
To be honest, I find 80% of college basketball coaches annoying. I keep waiting for the stroke to happen right there courtside.
I have a feeling that not many coaches in the Big10 are going to get along with Fran. Something about winning and his fiery attitude....
Ryan combines the worst traits of several Big Ten coaches. He watches the game intently like a vulture and reacts with an almost instant, gratuitous immaturity to any perceived violation or foul by the other team, ala Tom Crean. (If you DVR'd it, note HIS immediate call of traveling early in the game on Basabe and madly clapping his hands when the baseline ref blew the whistle. Basabe was a few feet away with the ball; I'm not sure I would have been as willing to simply give it up to the official had I been in Mel's shoes and witnessed that; credit the freshman with composure.)

He's totally incredulous when a call goes against his team. He gets p*ssed and berates the officials worse than Izzo when he feels his team has been wronged, which is most of the time, and he is about as aggressive running to the scorer's table to protest. He wanders onto the court, yet manages to avoid the T, better than Crean. (Meanwhile, the new kid on the block -- McCaffery -- gets warned to stay back.)

He is about as classy as Bielema and willing to credit an opponent's good play as Biels, Crean and Webber combined. Notice how he so quickly swooped in to pick off what little meat he could find on the carcass of the Iowa BB program when Lickliter was fired.

I know some say he is a decent human being. Whether he is or not, it does not come across watching his behavior and demeanor on the sideline. (Is it true there are times he does not shake hands with the opposing coaches or players?)

I do not like Bo Ryan, Sam I Am.
Ryan combines the worst traits of several Big Ten coaches. He watches the game intently like a vulture and reacts with an almost instant, gratuitous immaturity to any perceived violation or foul by the other team, ala Tom Crean. (If you DVR'd it, note HIS immediate call of traveling early in the game on Basabe and madly clapping his hands when the baseline ref blew the whistle. Basabe was a few feet away with the ball; I'm not sure I would have been as willing to simply give it up to the official had I been in Mel's shoes and witnessed that; credit the freshman with composure.)

He's totally incredulous when a call goes against his team. He gets p*ssed and berates the officials worse than Izzo when he feels his team has been wronged, which is most of the time, and he is about as aggressive running to the scorer's table to protest. He wanders onto the court, yet manages to avoid the T, better than Crean. (Meanwhile, the new kid on the block -- McCaffery -- gets warned to stay back.)

He is about as classy as Bielema and willing to credit an opponent's good play as Biels, Crean and Webber combined. Notice how he so quickly swooped in to pick off what little meat he could find on the carcass of the Iowa BB program when Lickliter was fired.

I know some say he is a decent human being. Whether he is or not, it does not come across watching his behavior and demeanor on the sideline. (Is it true there are times he does not shake hands with the opposing coaches or players?)

I do not like Bo Ryan, Sam I Am.

I honestly don't pay attention to coaches at all really. I don't think there will ever be a bigger *** than Bobby Knight so I guess all other coaches tend to fly under my radar.

I tend to watch the talent on the floor and could care less what the coach is doing.

I know some on here seemed to care about Licks demenor. I could care less about his demenor, his issue was he had horrible talent on the court. He could have had a stroke out there yelling at refs but Iowa was still going to get **** pouned.

It's funny how people claim to hate coaches so much.
I honestly don't pay attention to coaches at all really.

Nor do I, but I've always had this irrational hatred of Izzo because he's either doing jumping jacks and cartwheels or looking at a ref like he just heard about 9/11 for the first time.

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