I agree with the Clown's coach on this...

"a young kid"

The pussification of America continues. Anyway, I do find it interesting that Matt Thomas was attacked on twitter, I wonder if the idiots like Hlas that cover the cyclones pushed it to the point it became a semi-national story.

Just a reminder, Pitino cheated on his wife in the back of an Italian restaurant before paying her to get an abortion.

Not to get political, but I think most of us can agree regardless of what you think of abortion, most wouldn't want it to be used as a get out of jail free card for millionaires committing adultery.

So, I don't really care what he thinks about twitter.
Twitter is what it is. College players should not be on Twitter if they can't handle the trolls. It's not as bad as shoving a fan in the stands, but to tell a fan base to suck a fat one is pretty terrible on Zach's part. Social media is becoming a cancer, I think the only answer is forcing all users to use their real names and places of employment, and having it somehow strictly enforced. Similar to LinkedIn but stricter. When you say something to Zach McCabe and he can show up at your front door, or if your boss/parents can see you posting hateful nasty stuff on the internet, then you become accountable for your actions. Animosity breeds losers.

Completely off topic, but it will be pretty funny in 20 years when the President of the United States used to go on profanity laced rants on Twitter and Facebook and all these pictures of him/her surface from decades old instagrams. I can only imagine what Bill Clinton or GW Bush's facebook pages would've contained
“I think that social media is going to be the end of us. I really do."

Drama Queen

He's right.. Social media is taking away the ability of humans to talk face to face. It has taken bullying to a new level. People could be sitting 10 feet from each other and they choose to text instead of talk.

Kind of sad really.

And with reference to Hoiberg's twitter, since most of the kids you now recruit have one, if a coach doesn't you are already playing catch up.
He's right.. Social media is taking away the ability of humans to talk face to face. It has taken bullying to a new level. People could be sitting 10 feet from each other and they choose to text instead of talk.

Kind of sad really.

I'd much rather get e-bullied than the real thing. We are becoming a nation of Nancies.
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I'd much rather get e-bullied than the real thing. Why are becoming a nation of Nancies.

yeah because being an e-bully SCREAMS toughguy. hold on, i'm too weak to say something to your face, but i will rip you apart from behind a cell phone or keyboard.

yeah, real tough
I prefer the other way.. I had a bully when I was young, finally got fed up punched him in the nose he went down. Problems solved.

Cyber a-hole's get to hide behind their anonymous names.

Why don't these guys who were tweeting McCabe go to Iowa City, find him and tell them what they think to his face?
yeah because being an e-bully SCREAMS toughguy. hold on, i'm too weak to say something to your face, but i will rip you apart from behind a cell phone or keyboard.

yeah, real tough

I think you missed his point. How much of a pu$$ must you be if you can't handle those internet "tough" guys?
I prefer the other way.. I had a bully when I was young, finally got fed up punched him in the nose he went down. Problems solved.

Cyber a-hole's get to hide behind their anonymous names.

Why don't these guys who were tweeting McCabe go to Iowa City, find him and tell them what they think to his face?

Do you think McCabe would assault them?
Just a reminder, Pitino cheated on his wife in the back of an Italian restaurant before paying her to get an abortion.

Not to get political, but I think most of us can agree regardless of what you think of abortion, most wouldn't want it to be used as a get out of jail free card for millionaires committing adultery.

So, I don't really care what he thinks about twitter.

Didn't he also nail some Denny's waitress after hours? I always heard they sold good pie..

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