Huskers Suspend 2 More

Well Frost's logic is until he is convicted.
So I assume he thinks all criminals should not be jailed until convicted.
Unfortunately his excuse of letting the law play out doesn't hold water, because that's not how the law works.
Remember we are talking felony charges.
Court date was today, what happened? Also, the three marijuana cases with Husker players are now going to be "reviewed" since there is now a lab in Omaha that can do the necessary testing. Actually if you dig deeper I think it's also a case of prosecutors in Omaha are more willing to pursue charges than the pathetic yes men in Lincoln.
Court date was today, what happened? Also, the three marijuana cases with Husker players are now going to be "reviewed" since there is now a lab in Omaha that can do the necessary testing. Actually if you dig deeper I think it's also a case of prosecutors in Omaha are more willing to pursue charges than the pathetic yes men in Lincoln.
Washington’s hearing got delayed again until October.
Well of coarse it did. And don’t dare ask Scotty about pending legal issues. He’s not having any of that.

Dudes a dirtbag. I hope the media when Nebraska goes to road games asks him repeatedly why MW isn’t suspended from all team activities pending verdict like all schools do these days.

I hope they hit him with his standards Nebraska athletes will live up to introduction BS. I want to see that inbred squint and back out on his words. I hope he swallows that fat load of dip when when someone in the media sacks up to confront him on it.

You say it, own it. You cannot have it both and I don’t see why he gets a free pass and clearly win at all costs in that cesspool town.

Fingers crossed some MeToo movement gets involved and starts protesting outside the stadium, would be glorious.

Wonder what Scotty’s mommy will write this time to defend him? Class act and they deserve him over there.
Based on piecing together the things said in a thread on the Husker site - the guy was sent a video of his girlfriend and 2 of his friends back when he was in high school. He kept the video for many years and then when he was visiting home over the holidays this last year he tried to hook up with his ex. When she wouldn't, he sent her the video from back when she was 15. So he kept a video of a minor for several years (speculation to follow...) and then presumably used it to try to shame her into having sex with him?

Apparently the girl had filed sexual assault charges against the guys in the video and the Husker guy didn't know that so she took it as a threat and that was not the way he meant it. This is the part where it gets murky on how serious the legal ramifications are since it is he said/she said and potential misunderstanding (bad decision making regardless).

He certainly would have known how old she was when said video was made.
Damn why can't we be playing Nebraska this Saturday in Kinnick instead of Rutgers. Load up the fans in the first 10 rows or so behind their bench with some alcohol pregame and let 'em rip.
Nebraska is an absolute joke, as a school and as a football program. I don't care how many national championships they have won. Playing Washington simply shows how truly desperate they are to win football games.
Similar to Penn State, this is indicative of past history going back decades and should not be a surprise to anyone. We all knew how this would turn out.

Here's a difference. Unlike Nebraska, on the east coast there's plenty of media, admin, police, prosecutors, etc. that don't give two f's about supporting the football team. Frost wouldn't be able to hide under his rock and play a player charged with felony child porn. I suspect if Sandusky happened in Nebraska no one would have found out about it.
My whole problem is this. If it was a minor charge where he could just plead guilty and pay a fine, than whatever.
But by Frost's logic if someone robbed his house, kicked his wife and raped his dog, they should not serve one day in jail and have no consequences until it all plays out in the court. Innocent until proven guilty in court, it's what he, the school and the fan base is screaming. What makes this situation worse is they have gone a step further in this logic and line of thinking, because what they are hoping for is a plea bargain out of the felony charges. It's what they are actively pursuing.
That way nothing anyone has done looks as bad, including letting someone charged with a felony play.
I'm not saying yank his scholarship or even not let him practice. But we all know that scholarship is gone if he isn't playing.
I wonder if Frost was accused of the crime would he be put on leave? Or allowed to coach until it all played out,? A professor?
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My whole problem is this. If it was a minor charge where he could just plead guilty and pay a fine, than whatever.
But by Frost's logic if someone robbed his house, kicked his dog and raped his dog, they should not serve one day in jail and have no consequences until it all plays out in the court. What makes this situation worse is they have gone a step further in this logic and line of thinking, because what they are hoping for is a plea bargain out of the felony charges. It's what they are actively pursuing.
That way nothing anyone has done looks as bad, including letting someone charged with a felony play.
I'm not saying yank his scholarship or even not let him practice. But we all know that scholarship is gone if he isn't playing.
I wonder if Frost was accused of the crime would he be put on leave? Or allowed to coach until it all played out,? A professor?

Oh I'm guessing Frost would be gone, probably even at Nebraska but maybe not.

Here's what one poster wrote that I thought was pretty spot on. Mistakes are alcohol, vandalism, maybe marijuana, and general college stupidity. More than mistakes are sexual assaults, dragging girls down stairs and beating them, violent crimes, revenge porn, felonies etc. If you make a mistake you should be suspended, if you commit more than a mistake, you're gone.
Oh I'm guessing Frost would be gone, probably even at Nebraska but maybe not.

Here's what one poster wrote that I thought was pretty spot on. Mistakes are alcohol, vandalism, maybe marijuana, and general college stupidity. More than mistakes are sexual assaults, dragging girls down stairs and beating them, violent crimes, revenge porn, felonies etc. If you make a mistake you should be suspended, if you commit more than a mistake, you're gone.
I agree.
I'm just saying, what they are doing is definitely a question of morals, but maybe more importantly it is setting a precedence at the school. Because how can anyone be put on leave, or restricted from student activities for any crime? Not only a minor or misdemeanor crime but a felony as well.
Because the only question then becomes is one felony worse or better than the other. So a professor can get caught with 200 pounds of meth and not be suspended pending the outcome of the charge? Surly a professor's word and integrity is held in higher esteem is it not?
You get a half game suspension for a felony charge, then what do you get for a misdemeanor? A cookie?
Like I said it's a slippery slope and unfortunately it is slippery in several ways because of the slippery slope they made in the morality department. Once you start to slide, it's hard to stop.
I expect the NCAA is all over this like stink on shit. Because there is some bs going on in this situation and everyone knows it.
Maybe what they really need in Nebraska is a stronger philosophy and ethics department. But you could probably say that about several schools.
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