Husker fans enjoy Iowa loss

Can't wait to beat that big red *** next year. They have been getting fat on Iowa State and Kansas for so long the Big Ten will knock them on there butts quick.

Oh and if you ever see a Husker fan talking to a Notre DAme fan see how quickly they quit living in the past and focus on this season. Suddenly their 5 NCs dont matter as much when somebody has more.
Im curious as to what you find a qualty win. Is it beating a top 25 team that stays in the top 25 the whole year. And as far as lighting up the football world. Pretty sure we had a heisman winner in 2001 and played for the NC that year also. We got our butts kicked in that game though.
Can't wait to beat that big red *** next year. They have been getting fat on Iowa State and Kansas for so long the Big Ten will knock them on there butts quick.

Oh and if you ever see a Husker fan talking to a Notre DAme fan see how quickly they quit living in the past and focus on this season. Suddenly their 5 NCs dont matter as much when somebody has more.

Yep they dont matter one bit.
Im curious as to what you find a qualty win. Is it beating a top 25 team that stays in the top 25 the whole year. And as far as lighting up the football world. Pretty sure we had a heisman winner in 2001 and played for the NC that year also. We got our butts kicked in that game though.
2001 that is the past guys don't get it...that is actually a decade ago. Bo is your saving grace...and he is yet to beat a rated team...fact.
Hey im just going buy your rules dude. You said 10 years, that was 9. And on that note, can you really be giving me crap about playing in a NC game 9 years ago and having a Heisman winner 9 years ago. Our coach hasnt had his signature win, but he has turned one of the worse defenses around with another coaches recrutes. I think he has done a pretty good job. I suppose showing you top 25 teams we did beat last year wouldnt count because they didnt finish in the top 25 at the end of the year.

Ok last year.
Missouri ranked 24
Oklahoma ranked 20
Arizona ranked 22

You are right, with the exception of last year i would say we havent had a signature win since 2001 agains #2 oklahoma
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Hey im just going buy your rules dude. You said 10 years, that was 9. And on that note, can you really be giving me crap about playing in a NC game 9 years ago and having a Heisman winner 9 years ago. Our coach hasnt had his signature win, but he has turned one of the worse defenses around with another coaches recrutes. I think he has done a pretty good job. I suppose showing you top 25 teams we did beat last year wouldnt count because they didnt finish in the top 25 at the end of the year.

Ok last year.
Missouri ranked 24
Oklahoma ranked 20
Arizona ranked 22

You are right, with the exception of last year i would say we havent had a signature win since 2001 agains #2 oklahoma
Then go back to the husker or cyclone board whichever and figure out how you are going to beat SDSU and ISU in the same will be tough.
Then go back to the husker or cyclone board whichever and figure out how you are going to beat SDSU and ISU in the same will be tough.

So........... i take it you dont like the huskers. Isnt there a tread about iowa fans getting harassed buy arizona fans. You asked me to show you proof of some kind and i have. You cant bring up loseing to Iowa State last year because thats the past and the past doesnt matter right. Honestly if your going to bring up a loss then why not Texas Tech. There the only team that kicked our butts thouroughly last year. Iowa State we just shot ourselves in the foot.
Best winning percentages over the last 50 years (min. 500 games)

1. Nebraska-0.775 462-132-6
2. Ohio St-0.757 426-133-11
3. Penn St-0.743 434-149-3
4. Texas-0.741 430-148-8
5. Alabama-0.733 433-155-9
6. Oklahoma-0.729 423-154-10
7. Michigan-0.727 414-152-10
8. Southern Cal-0.722 416-155-16
9. Tennessee-0.693 399-172-17
10. Georgia-0.690 395-173-15

Well it just seems freaking ridiculous to me. I come on here to say good things about Iowa's football team and get nothing but static, and a bunch of BS at that.

Just saying: Respect. Nebraska. Football. No other program has won more football games in the modern era. Stop with the hate! on both sides...although i've not heard any Nebraska fans complain about Iowa's recent success.

I personally think Iowa's been doing some nice things and I like the coaching staff, seems like they have a good plan and are executing it well the last couple seasons.

But all this Iowa vs. Nebraska BS just needs to stop, there is no reason for it. Nebraska is not on the Iowa schedule till NEXT YEAR. Until that contest, I'll be pulling for them, just like every other big 10 team.
Nobody said they don't respect Nebraska football. Nobody. Stop putting words into our mouths. As far as stopping the hate- what do you expect on message boards? I've seen the same arrogance and talking down to Hawks numerous times on Husker boards. Get over it.

Oh- and one of you two gave me a negative rep. Thanks alot for that. Why don't you just send me a message if there's something that you don't like that I said? I don't give negative reps to you guys for what you're saying.... please do the same in return.

Well it just seems freaking ridiculous to me. I come on here to say good things about Iowa's football team and get nothing but static, and a bunch of BS at that.

Just saying: Respect. Nebraska. Football. No other program has won more football games in the modern era. Stop with the hate! on both sides...although i've not heard any Nebraska fans complain about Iowa's recent success.

I personally think Iowa's been doing some nice things and I like the coaching staff, seems like they have a good plan and are executing it well the last couple seasons.

But all this Iowa vs. Nebraska BS just needs to stop, there is no reason for it. Nebraska is not on the Iowa schedule till NEXT YEAR. Until that contest, I'll be pulling for them, just like every other big 10 team.

Not all on here are like that. It just goes with the territory of being an oposing team on another teams message board.
let me extend a friendly welcome to the Big 10, Can't wait for the new art work on conference logo that has a 12 in it.
Iowa City should be easy. I believe you have to got to a few tougher places next year, places that might require body armor! I remember the early 80's games and they were mainly civil. good luck! I look forward to a Thanksgiving weekend in the future that means something in conference
Nobody said they don't respect Nebraska football. Nobody. Stop putting words into our mouths. As far as stopping the hate- what do you expect on message boards? I've seen the same arrogance and talking down to Hawks numerous times on Husker boards. Get over it.

Oh- and one of you two gave me a negative rep. Thanks alot for that. Why don't you just send me a message if there's something that you don't like that I said? I don't give negative reps to you guys for what you're saying.... please do the same in return.
They are probably just retaliating for negative rep they received since they decided to get in on the mud slinging. Anyone who challenges the supremacy of Iowa athletics will get negative rep like crazy on this blog. It is quite insane.

Well it just seems freaking ridiculous to me. I come on here to say good things about Iowa's football team and get nothing but static, and a bunch of BS at that.

Just saying: Respect. Nebraska. Football. No other program has won more football games in the modern era. Stop with the hate! on both sides...although i've not heard any Nebraska fans complain about Iowa's recent success.

I personally think Iowa's been doing some nice things and I like the coaching staff, seems like they have a good plan and are executing it well the last couple seasons.

But all this Iowa vs. Nebraska BS just needs to stop, there is no reason for it. Nebraska is not on the Iowa schedule till NEXT YEAR. Until that contest, I'll be pulling for them, just like every other big 10 team.

If you don't like it then go to a neb board. Why everyfan in the midwest feels to need to post on Hawkeye boards is beyond me.
This is why you got crap given to don't want to talk the past but bring up last years GT game, your win last year vs Arz....and trend us downward....go HOME

GBR That being said, Iowa is falling apart a bit injury-wise....something awful that Nebraska had to deal with last season, in spades. That's tough for any fan-base to deal with, especially given lofty pre-season expectations....even though most of the luster has come off Iowa's defeat of G.T. (via the mighty Kansas Jayhawks)... and considering how last year's Huskers stomped a very similar AZ team, physically overmatching them for 60 minutes.

I'm currently re-evaluating the Iowa prospects for the season given the rash of injuries, and how AZ mashed them in the trenches...Hawks now trending downward.
Best winning percentages over the last 50 years (min. 500 games)

1. Nebraska-0.775 462-132-6
2. Ohio St-0.757 426-133-11
3. Penn St-0.743 434-149-3
4. Texas-0.741 430-148-8
5. Alabama-0.733 433-155-9
6. Oklahoma-0.729 423-154-10
7. Michigan-0.727 414-152-10
8. Southern Cal-0.722 416-155-16
9. Tennessee-0.693 399-172-17
10. Georgia-0.690 395-173-15

Watch out on October 16th, not only does Nebraska want payback for last years Big 12 title game but I hear Texas is still ****** about losing 14-13 to Nebraska in 1960 and they are looking for payback as well.

Did you have to go back the last 50 years to make Nebraska look this good? I went back 5 years and they were 30th and climbed up to 20th in the last 10 years and then stopped.
Watch out on October 16th, not only does Nebraska want payback for last years Big 12 title game but I hear Texas is still ****** about losing 14-13 to Nebraska in 1960 and they are looking for payback as well.

Did you have to go back the last 50 years to make Nebraska look this good? I went back 5 years and they were 30th and climbed up to 20th in the last 10 years and then stopped.

I think he went back 50 years because that is considered the modern era of college football. Something else you could take from both of your selective studies is that this decade is an anomaly in the history of NU football.
I am currently sitting in Omaha, Nebraska at work, in the heart of Husker country and I will say the same thing to all the Hawk fans as I do the Huskers.... I will care in 2011, until then I don't care. I will talk about them, listen to their crappy radio/tv etc, but I don't care if you go 12-0 or 7-5.

Unless of course they meet in the BCS, which is possible (Fiesta anyone?). I don't get the chest bumping by Husker fans over here as much as I don't care for the whining message board Iowa fans who cry everytime that someone is mean to our fans or doesn't pick Iowa to win the National title or they predict who will be starting by midseason because they looked big on a moped. All I care about is Iowa Hawkeyes football.. if it doesn't impact Iowa football then what's the point of it?
blah blah blah Tom Osborn blah blah Frazier blah blah National Champs blah blah overweight women blah

Yea we get it, you guys are awesome and overload on the carbs. Enjoy this all changes next year.

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