hubbard left for personal reasons

I'm glad we have someone like you to tell us all the correct way to handle things going on in our lives.

Since I don't advocate the puss*fication of America then maybe some of you should listen a little more and speak a little less.

Its called honoring your commitment. Placing personal gain secondary to the overall group. Growing up and not expecting things to be given to you at every turn and quit feeling sorry for yourself because others have been through events that make yours pale in comparison.
Since I don't advocate the puss*fication of America then maybe some of you should listen a little more and speak a little less.

Its called honoring your commitment. Placing personal gain secondary to the overall group. Growing up and not expecting things to be given to you at every turn and quit feeling sorry for yourself because others have been through events that make yours pale in comparison.
And you live by this philosophy?
Is it your choice to make?
What right do you have to judge?
Since I don't advocate the puss*fication of America then maybe some of you should listen a little more and speak a little less.

Its called honoring your commitment. Placing personal gain secondary to the overall group. Growing up and not expecting things to be given to you at every turn and quit feeling sorry for yourself because others have been through events that make yours pale in comparison.

And you live by this philosophy?
Is it your choice to make?
What right do you have to judge?

I'd like to think I do otherwise I'd be a hypocrite. I've never given my word to anyone and backed out. I've passed up opportunities that could have earned me a lot of money but would have stretched my moral code so I've passed. I've been paid back ten-fold too. I'm a big believer in Karma.

You're right, its not my choice to make. People make decisions everyday that affect their lives. They have to live with those decisions and unfortunately so do the people that are around them. Kids like Hubbard seem to be making poor decisions based on either mis-information, lack of information or the people that surround them. You would think that at his age he would have figured out a way to make better decisions.

Leaving Iowa may be the right move for him, who really knows, but what has changed in the past month? Look, you don't just get released from a scholarship because you are homesick or whatever excuse the Iowa Ath Dept wants to float out there. This whole thing stinks.

I don't dislike Hubbard and I don't wish him any ill will.
Karma? Really? Because your first diatribe is about as far from Buddhist philosophy as you can get. I think what you believe in throwing around a bunch of talk-radio philosophy to make up for a lack of true knowledge.
Karma? Really? Because your first diatribe is about as far from Buddhist philosophy as you can get. I think what you believe in throwing around a bunch of talk-radio philosophy to make up for a lack of true knowledge.

HELL YEAH! How dare that SOB have a different opinion than yours. You showed him.
I'd like to think I do otherwise I'd be a hypocrite. I've never given my word to anyone and backed out. I've passed up opportunities that could have earned me a lot of money but would have stretched my moral code so I've passed. I've been paid back ten-fold too. I'm a big believer in Karma.

You're right, its not my choice to make. People make decisions everyday that affect their lives. They have to live with those decisions and unfortunately so do the people that are around them. Kids like Hubbard seem to be making poor decisions based on either mis-information, lack of information or the people that surround them. You would think that at his age he would have figured out a way to make better decisions.

Leaving Iowa may be the right move for him, who really knows, but what has changed in the past month? Look, you don't just get released from a scholarship because you are homesick or whatever excuse the Iowa Ath Dept wants to float out there. This whole thing stinks.

I don't dislike Hubbard and I don't wish him any ill will.
Karma is kind of funny from my perspective, because by your posts it appears your karma is likely to have some rough spots coming up.
I respect your apparent will to live up to your word. I live by much the same philosophy. However my many years of experience have taught me that no one is perfect and we all make exceptions, its human nature. There is no positive to be gained by bashing someone and frankly no one really knows what is going on.
But if that is what you have to do to deal with it then so be it.
Actually, it isn't opinion, it is fact. He started with a rant about the "pussification of America" and then backed it up by talking about Karma, which is a concept from a particular religion that is based on tenants directly opposed to his original comment. For example, because of reincarnation, Buddhist do not believe in even killing an ant. Their saying is, "that ant could be my mother." something makes me think that would qualify under his "pussification" category.

I am not a Buddhist, but I have taken the time to learn about it at the most basic levels, and this is one of them.
Who cares. He is gone, not with the program anymore. Forget it. What else can you do? It was a risk by Fran and it didn't pay off. Let's move on. It is a bump in the road on our way to the Final Four.;)
Since I don't advocate the puss*fication of America then maybe some of you should listen a little more and speak a little less.

Its called honoring your commitment. Placing personal gain secondary to the overall group. Growing up and not expecting things to be given to you at every turn and quit feeling sorry for yourself because others have been through events that make yours pale in comparison.

I like the honoring your commitment, not expecting things to be given to you part. But the bolded text is what has lead to the "puss*fication of America", and is contrary to the other points in your post.
At this point what's done is done, but a dude with Hubbard's past can't afford to leave a program under a cloud of suspicion without reason. If it is something legit, then man up and own it, don't hide behind social media. If he wanted to be here 1/10 as bad as McCaffrey wanted him here, he wouldn't have bailed. This was his chance at redemption, second shot at a new life, and all that other BS he spewed for the past few months.

I can't imagine the U not coming forward and saying "because of a personal matter, etc., Hubbard is leaving" vs. dealing with all the rumors and scrutiny. These personal reasons always get cleared up in time to sign with a new school and be eligible to play ball.
Actually, it isn't opinion, it is fact. He started with a rant about the "pussification of America" and then backed it up by talking about Karma, which is a concept from a particular religion that is based on tenants directly opposed to his original comment. For example, because of reincarnation, Buddhist do not believe in even killing an ant. Their saying is, "that ant could be my mother." something makes me think that would qualify under his "pussification" category.

I am not a Buddhist, but I have taken the time to learn about it at the most basic levels, and this is one of them.

So.. everyone that believes in God must also believe everything about Christianity, right? Solid logic.
A sick grandmother doesn't require one to drop out of college.

Anyone that has worked with troubled youth can tell you one thing...they know how to work the system and manipulate people into feeling sorry for them when its their actions that are the problem.
If it truly is a family problem, then I don't see an issue with his decision. Family is more important than playing basketball at a particular university. Maybe to some people it isn't I don't know. But if family is more important to him then who is anyone else to judge him for that or say that he is a wimp.
If what he says is true and he's leaving for family reasons then I don't hold it against him. Whether we like it or not basketball is a game, in his case a game that was putting him through school but still a game. Maybe at his age, he's realized that there may be things more important then sports in his life and it was an easy decision. IMO if his heart is somewhere else and he doesn't want to be here then both parties are better off.
So.. everyone that believes in God must also believe everything about Christianity, right? Solid logic.

Actually, No. We are talking about a certain family of religious beliefs that involve reincarnation. Karma is not about what you do in the current life affecting your later life. Karma is about what you have done in your past lives influencing your status in the current life. Now, what you do in this life will affect later lives, but that is not how he used Karma.

However, to answer your comment, you have gone about your reasoning in the wrong manner. Belief in God is a tenant of many religions. Hence, it would not be appropriate to tie that belief to Christianity. Rather, belief in factors like the divinity of Christ, the immaculate conception, and the resurrection would be appropriate comparisons. For instance, people who follow Judaism believe in God, but not these other factors.

Just like those aspects of Christian based religions, Karma is an aspect of Indian theologies most clearly expressed in Buddhism, and it is just as fundamental as the three factors of Christianity I identified. Additionally, it also requires a belief in reincarnation.

What I think he was really saying is that he believes that, "we reap what we sow." That is a Christian concept that associates present actions with consequences later in the present life, but more importantly in the Christian belief of a singular afterlife.
Hubbard tried to reach out to Nebraska after he left Iowa. He did not leave for family reasons or to be closer to home. He left because he did something that made Iowa ask him to move on with his life. This much seems obvious right now.
Hubbard tried to reach out to Nebraska after he left Iowa. He did not leave for family reasons or to be closer to home. He left because he did something that made Iowa ask him to move on with his life. This much seems obvious right now.

Man, wouldn't it be nice to know so we could stop wondering?

Are you serious? Nebraska has no interest in the kid but the kid has interest in them. Both pieces of information have been made public. You don't need much more to figure out that the kid didn't leave on his own nor did he desire to be closer to home.

My only concern is why the Iowa Ath Dept decided to put out incorrect information when they had to know that eventually the truth would come out.

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