Howe: It’s Brian Ferentz’s Time to Be Iowa’s Offensive Coordinator

If that is the pervading belief, it will dampened the number of qualified men applying for the spot, i.e., why bother to apply if it's going to end up being Brian?
Do you think the son can get through to the father and let him open up the offense? We need to become unpredictable, hopefully Brian can accomplish that.
If it is "his turn" reeks of entitlement, a coronation...

I would like a dynamic, minority, OC...who will threaten KF...with success...creativity...a love of recruiting...
If it is "his turn" reeks of entitlement, a coronation...

I would like a dynamic, minority, OC...who will threaten KF...with success...creativity...a love of recruiting...

Do you believe someone will come in and change KF's basic offensive philosophy? also said Kirk was gone after this season. You also said CJ and other "big name" players were transferring after his RS Fr. and RS So. season.

I made a thread for you. You're not real smart so you probably won't grasp it.

I told the board GD was getting a diminished role if he was to stay. IF he was to stay.

This was yesterday or two days ago, and you're still stuck on two things that all it really takes is the SMALLEST bit of common sense to figure out, but you clearly don't have that
I mentioned the nepotism backlash in the column. As I wrote, in this case, I don't think it's an issue just like when he was hired as O-Line Coach.
Brian is the best fit for Kirk and stands the best chance to tweak the head coach's philosophy. KF is here for the foreseeable future. You run the risk of another GD situation if you go that route.

Have no problem with it. The only offense that worked this year was the run and we still won 8 games with one hand tied behind our back thanks to the run game. Would agree that he has earned the opportunity.

As the dominos fall with the Davis departure I hope we see some staff talent brought in to bolster our recruiting efforts. Some names thrown out by Marc M. and Scott D on Iowa Podcast.........David Raith as OC, Darrell Hazell (WR's) and Chad Greenway on D (likely to retire soon), and others.
I don't know I am not sure someone will come in and change his basic philosophy...

I would like it, I feel as if it is needed, but perhaps it is simply a wish.


I think the whole program needs a complete
Brian is the best fit for Kirk and stands the best chance to tweak the head coach's philosophy. KF is here for the foreseeable future. You run the risk of another GD situation if you go that route.
Bingo... I don't think it could be more of a no brainer either. Bringing Philbin in or someone like that to playcate to Kirk would very likely be Greg Davis 2.0 Brian can stand up to his Dad in ways outsiders can't or at least wouldn't. Brian clearly is opinionated, aggressive and wants to do well. He doesn't want to have the 120 something worse passing offense. He'll be aggressive in recruiting and everything. He'd be the jolt the program needs
Also...and even more importantly...we need more talent at the skill OC and new people who love to recruit and can recruit would be top on my wish list.
Brian is the best fit for Kirk because he won't rock the boat and will run the offense as Kirk always has. No offensive coordinator is going to come in under this head coach and make any changes whatsoever in offensive philosophy.

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