You guys remember Columbia House? They'd send junk mail to your house with this big sheet of stamps, there were ones for VHS tapes and music cassettes. All you had to do was fill out the form, tape a penny to the card, and pick out like 12 cassettes or VHS tapes and they'd send them to you and start billing you monthly after that. You even had to lick all the stamps to put em on the card. Good thing there wasn't any COV.....nevermind...
I had one of those Eddie Haskell friends that everyone has, who told the rest of us that if we filled it out and sent it in our parents wouldn't have to pay because we were underage. Because they couldn't enforce a contract with a minor. I probably did that 6 or 8 times. They'd send bills and my mom would just throw them away, and they'd quit trying after a couple threats. It was the perfect scam, no credit cards on file to charge back in the day, no computer systems to flag my address, and there was no way they'd waste the money going after a 12 year old over some Michael Jackson and Pearl Jam tapes.
I also remember ordering Metallica and AC/DC shirts out of the back of Metal Edge magazine. That was on the up and mom sent a check.
Oh, and there was one of those Columbia house type things for sunglasses too. I think you ordered three pairs free and had to promise to buy three in the next year at regular price. Let's just say I didn't order three at regular price. I'm sure my free ones looked awesome with my spiked top mullet.
Did any of your moms ever order your school clothes out of the JC Penney catalog? I got the warm fuzzies when that big ass book would show up because I knew in 6-8 weeks I'd have a new winter jacket and a few duds. I remember picking jeans and some shirts out, and then my mom having like a 90 minute phone call with some operator telling her all the item numbers.