How to refer to what has happened here at HN

Ah, makes COMPLETE sense now! :)

Dang... I read Jon's post after making that post- and actually felt remorse about dishing on you after what had to be a truly crappy day. I went to delete it--- but your omnipresence beat me to it.

While you will always be my favorite sac de d0uche, know that I do feel empathy for your situation today.
How is that Jon's problem? That's all on the hosting company. That's what you pay them money for. How would Jon backup data that not on-site for him to touch? Is he supposed to drive to wherever the server farm is and back it up every week?

I guess the lesson wasn't learned then, eh?
I know as consumers we take companies such as simple helix for granted, but that is our luxury and their responsibility. I would think they would have some redundancy (in their protocal and system) built in, or at least a "poka yoke" to keep this from happening. What is your recourse here, I mean I know the data is lost, but there would have to be some sort of recourse, I would not be satisfied with I am sorry.
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I'm pretty sure this is what happened: Some dork in a windowless room stacked too many lord of the rings figurines on a shelf and it collapsed knocking over a 5 week old half-full bottle of mountain dew that spilled onto a server shorting it out and erasing all data. Approximately.

Don't forget this happened while said dork was playing world of warcraft @ 3am after having watched some porn on his computer!

BTW.......EPIC POST- LMAO!!!!!
I wish we could go back to November 3rd we were 9-0 on the cover of sports illustrated and NC thoughts in our head. It really was a good time, quick somebody tell KOK not to call the naked bootleg or someone tell Reisner to hold that block a little longer.

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