How quick can a 7 year old girl become an IOWA football fan?


Well-Known Member
2009 tOSU game (game details a bit foggy… )

I’m at home watching the game, tOSU scores to go up 14 (I believe)… I’m beyond ******, kids and wife are waiting to go out to eat… so I figure it’s time to leave before I spend the rest of the night in the fetal position sucking my thumb.

We load up and head to the Wig and Pen in Ankeny. We walk in, and what do you know… there is a Hawkeye game-watch going on… and the place is going CRAZY! Seems IOWA returned a kick for a TD (DAM IT!... I missed it live).

So the waitress seats us in a booth right next to a table of 20+ fired up, inebriated, loud hawk fans. My wife and I look at each other and kind of chuckle. Both my girls’ eyes are as big a plates… “what’s going on Dad?â€, “Why is everyone yelling?â€, “they said a bad word†LOL!!! …etc…

So we sit down and I explain everything as best I can to a 9 and 7 year old. These are Hawkeye fans watching the Iowa football game with friends, they’re excited and having a good time… etc etc…

You all know how the game went from there… lots of excitement.

At one point, midst all the excitement, my 7 year old (Gabrielle) taps me on the shoulder… and says in the sweetest little voice and with the biggest smile on her face.

“Dad, I want to be an Hawkeye fan. Can I go to school there?â€

True story…

That lil girl is just plain AWESOME! Now get the 9 year old taken care of before she falls into the hands of "The Dark Side" and starts rooting for "Iowa State" because she saw them beat UCLA on tv one time!
2009 tOSU game (game details a bit foggy… )

I’m at home watching the game, tOSU scores to go up 14 (I believe)… I’m beyond ******, kids and wife are waiting to go out to eat… so I figure it’s time to leave before I spend the rest of the night in the fetal position sucking my thumb.

We load up and head to the Wig and Pen in Ankeny. We walk in, and what do you know… there is a Hawkeye game-watch going on… and the place is going CRAZY! Seems IOWA returned a kick for a TD (DAM IT!... I missed it live).

So the waitress seats us in a booth right next to a table of 20+ fired up, inebriated, loud hawk fans. My wife and I look at each other and kind of chuckle. Both my girls’ eyes are as big a plates… “what’s going on Dad?â€, “Why is everyone yelling?â€, “they said a bad word†LOL!!! …etc…

So we sit down and I explain everything as best I can to a 9 and 7 year old. These are Hawkeye fans watching the Iowa football game with friends, they’re excited and having a good time… etc etc…

You all know how the game went from there… lots of excitement.

At one point, midst all the excitement, my 7 year old (Gabrielle) taps me on the shoulder… and says in the sweetest little voice and with the biggest smile on her face.

“Dad, I want to be an Hawkeye fan. Can I go to school there?â€

True story…


Bless her little heart...Just wait until you and the wife go out and are seated next to a table of Hawk fans (one of them will be your daughter this time)...I think all you and your wife will do is chuckle, just like you did in your story....warms the cockles of my heart. Well, at least you and your wife can rest easy knowing she'll be going to a great university and a direct line for tickets :D
During the school year, I merchandise for Pepsi on the weekends. Needless to say, I bring my little transistor (they do still exist) in with me, and snake the earpiece up through my shirt. I remember when McNutt caught the touchdown to tie it at 10 apiece I let out a big "**** YEAH!"

Over the last few minutes of that game I was so nervous my mouth went dry. After Iowa lost, I just put the headphones away and stewed for a few minutes, instead of listening to some of the post game like usual. I didn't even listen to Hlas, I was so ******.
Perfect! You should type that story up and give it to her with her first Hawk jersey for Christmas.


Only problem is that she took some of her own money and bought an IOWA jersey shortly after that.

Uncle Mark took her to Walmart for a bit of a shopping spree and she came home with a the jersey.

The gal knows what she wants!
I'll jump in with a story.

I was with my wife and three year old son after the Dam to Dam this year. We were lounging around waiting for the kids run when my son notices Cy walking by. He loves mascots and says "It's the Cyclone!", and runs over to him. He says something to Cy, but Cy can't hear him so he bends over to get a little closer. My three year old yells something in his ear, then,Cy promptly stands up and pounds his fist into his hand. My wife was standing much closer, so I asked her what my son said. She says, "He asked him if he knows where Herky's at?"

I was pleased.

I need to get home to hear what I can learn from my 3 cherubs...

Thanks guys for sharing the great stories.
It's a warm feeling when you have converted someone to Hawkdom. I have recently become engaged into a family of Vandy Commodores/Ole Miss Rebels. I catch a lot of crap. Needless to say, my fiancee is now a rabid Hawk fan. But you can't expect her to not be since she is marrying a former Herky afterall. However, she has a little cousin who is just turned four. I taught him to say "Go Hawks!" at age 3 and taught him the fight song. He always starts singing it when I am around and the whole family is ****** that I have "tainted" their son with my version of the black and gold. Eventhough Vandy shares the same colors, it's good to know that he knows who the REAL black and gold is!
Terrific story! Give that little girl a big hug! I have to admit that your story made me tear up a little.
2009 tOSU game (game details a bit foggy… )

I’m at home watching the game, tOSU scores to go up 14 (I believe)… I’m beyond ******, kids and wife are waiting to go out to eat… so I figure it’s time to leave before I spend the rest of the night in the fetal position sucking my thumb.


Cool story...but I have to ask why you would plan to go out to eat in the middle of a hawkeye game (against tOSU with the Rose Bowl on the line no less) not even knowing if you will get a good seat or even be able to view the game.

I'm not questioning your devotion to other things in life...just your devotion to the hawkeyes.
Cool story...but I have to ask why you would plan to go out to eat in the middle of a hawkeye game (against tOSU with the Rose Bowl on the line no less) not even knowing if you will get a good seat or even be able to view the game.

I'm not questioning your devotion to other things in life...just your devotion to the hawkeyes.

Plan was to go out after the game. When they got down by 14 I was ****** and figured we'd leave early.

My normal routine is to record the games and only watch it if they win. As I'm normaly doing other things durring the game. Happen to be watching the OSU game.

Is that so bad?... ;)

**edit... it hurts to watch a loss... this is why if I've recoreded the game I only watch the wins... why go through the pain.

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When my daughter, who is now grown and an avid Hawk fan, was four or five, I bought her one of those Lil'Tykes basketball hoops and set it up in the basement. I handed her the ball and held her up so she could make a few slam dunks. When I set her down, she looked at me with a big smile and said, "Let's play a game! You be BJ and I'll be the Marble."
Here's a great one.

My brother-in-law and his family live in Ames. He sells cars for the dealership that supplies all the clone coaches, George White.

They hosted Thanksgiving at their house a few years ago and their son (a cute little shi** about 5) is just full of energy. Most of us are Hawk fans so I teach him to shout "Go Hawks!". Well, every time he does...he gets a big reaction from all the adults. So all day long it's "Go Hawks!" ...YEAYYYYY! from little Adam. He's just basking in the attention.

A month goes by and at Christmas his Mom (who's a cyclone fan) comes up to me and says, "Hey, Thanks a alot!". WHAT? What's wrong I say.

Apparently at the annual George White Christmas party, attended by a number of ISU folks, Adam was running around to everyone shouting "GO HAWKS!" and pumping his fist in the air. I tried to say sorry, but instead we all just died laughing.

By next Christmas they had him brain-washed and he was also saying (labored-though-it-was) "Go Cy-ca-lones!"
Plan was to go out after the game. When they got down by 14 I was ****** and figured we'd leave early.

My normal routine is to record the games and only watch it if they win. As I'm normaly doing other things durring the game. Happen to be watching the OSU game.

Is that so bad?... ;)

**edit... it hurts to watch a loss... this is why if I've recoreded the game I only watch the wins... why go through the pain.


Jehovah, I keep forgetting about Tivo and DVR's. Years ago, I recorded games when I had to work. It was imperative that I not hear the score. This was quite hard to do as everybody keeps updating everyone else here in Iowa when the hawks play. I even put in
earplugs a few times.

Losses do indeed hurt. It takes me a couple days after a loss to recover emotionally.
What a wonderful story she sounds like such a little cutie. Okay Dad time to start teaching your girls about football. I was able to throw a football from the time I could walk. By the time I was your girls ages I could recite player statistics for both football and basketball. Today I constantly impress my husband with my knowledge and strategy of both games. Plus it is fun to share that with your girls. Just love this story
The first multi-syllable word uttered with pristine clarity out of my two yr old daughter's mouth was "Hawkeye."

And she LOVES the tigerhawk. She makes me hang up the big black tigerhawk flag every day. Inside if it's raining. She even unrolls it herself to make sure I do it.

Great story. I got a 4 year old son who loves to watch the Hawks on youtube. The other weekend we were at a tent sale and he grabs an outfit off a table and says to me " i want this". To keep him tame I said ok and carried it along with me for a bit and then put it back where he got it. Not even a minute later he notuces that I didn't have it anymore and darn near breaks into tears. So I head back to grab the damn thing, was on sale for $35 and purchased it. On the way home he has to hold it in his lap and talks about putting it on when we get home. I tell him that it is to hot for him to be wearing it, it's basicly looks like a basketball warm up suit and has to be hot. Well we get home and within 15 minutes he is rocking his new Hawkeye gear. He is wearing the damn thing every other day and is always playing football when he has it on. He is one prod 4 year old and looks damn good in the black and gold............on as side note my son also knows the Hawkeye fight song, got the kid on the right track at least.

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