How quick can a 7 year old girl become an IOWA football fan?

My neice's kid is too small to read but he's being raised correctly so of course he loves the Hawks.

He has a shirt that is black and gold, it's not an Iowa shirt, it actually says "Demolition Expert" on the front. But he thinks it's a Hawkeye shirt and he always wants to wear his "Hawkeye" shirt.
My boy is 4 and last year he really started figuring out touchdowns and scores. Needless to say, I yell a bit when the Hawks play. Well, he now knows what "game day" means. It means we wake up early, have a big breakfast, get our Gold gear on, make sure every article of Hawk parphenilia (spelling?) is out, yell at the TV, and absolutely NO distractions. He really gets into it and now asks, "Is it game day?". The sad thing is, he also knows how to be sad when they lose, which just doubles the pain. Hopefully there isn't any of that this year.
Just a quick update on this. Today we were going to paint a toy tow truck made of wood. I asked him what he wanted to color it and he says, "Black and Yellow". I know, I know, it's not Black and Gold, but we're working on it. The key is that he's thinking Hawkeye. :)